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Florida State University - Wikipedia

Florida State University
 Florida State University seal.svg
Motto Vires, Artes, Mores

Motto in Englisch

Stärke, Geschicklichkeit, Charakter (lateinisch)
] Staatliche Universität
Universität für Raumförderung
Gegründet 1851 [note 1]

Akademische Verbindungen

Stiftung  Erhöhen Sie "src =" "decoding =" async "title =" Zunahme " = "11" height = "11" srcset = "// 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia. org / wikipedia / commons / thumb / b / b0 / Increase2.svg / 22px-Increase2.svg.png 2x "data-file-width =" 300 "data-file-height =" 300 "/> 742 Mio. $ (2018) <sup id= [5]
Haushalt 1,7 Mrd. USD (2017)
Vorsitzender Ed Burr
Präsident [19659008] John E. Thrasher
Provost Sally McRorie

Akademischer Stab

5.966 [6]
[19650000] ] [7]
Studenten 41.900 (Herbst 2017) [8]
Studenten 32,812
[2] [2] 19659008] 9,088 [8]

Vereinigte Staaten

30 ° 26′31 ″ N 84 ° 17′53 ″ W / 19659037] 30,442 ° N 84,298 ° W / 30,442; -84.298 Koordinaten: 30 ° 26'31 "N 84 ° 17'53" W / 30.442 ° N 84.298 ° W / 30.442; -84.298
Campus 1.428,6 Hektar (5.781 km 2 )
Gesamt: 1.650,1 Hektar (6.678 km 2 ] [9]
Farben Granat und Gold [10]
Sportliche Verbindungen

NCAA Division I - ACC
Website www .fsu .edu
 Florida State University logo.svg

Florida State University ( Florida State oder FSU ) ist eine Forschungsuniversität für öffentliche Raum- und Seeförderer in Tallahassee, Florida. Es ist ein hochrangiges Mitglied des State University Systems von Florida. Sie wurde 1851 gegründet und befindet sich auf dem ältesten zusammenhängenden Hochschulstandort im Bundesstaat Florida. [2] [4]

Die Universität wird von der University of Michigan als Forschungsuniversität eingestuft Carnegie-Stiftung zur Förderung der Lehre. [11] Die Universität besteht aus 16 verschiedenen Hochschulen und mehr als 110 Zentren, Einrichtungen, Laboren und Instituten, die mehr als 360 Studiengänge anbieten, einschließlich professioneller Schulprogramme. [12] Die Universität verfügt über ein jährliches Budget von über 1,7 Milliarden US-Dollar und einen jährlichen wirtschaftlichen Einfluss von über 10 Milliarden US-Dollar. [13] [14] Im Bundesstaat Florida befindet sich das einzige nationale Laboratorium Floridas, das National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, und der Geburtsort des kommerziell nutzbaren Krebsmedikaments Taxol. Die Florida State University betreibt auch das John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, das State Art Museum in Florida und einen der größten Museums- und Universitätskomplexe der Nation. [15] Die Universität ist von der Southern Association of Colleges und Schools (SACS) akkreditiert.

Für 2019 US. News & World Report rangierte Florida State als 26. beste öffentliche Universität in den Vereinigten Staaten in der Kategorie der nationalen Universitäten. [16] Die Florida State University ist eine von Floridas drei Bundesstaaten, die als "herausragende Universitäten" bezeichnet werden.

Die intercollegiate-Sportmannschaften der FSU, allgemein bekannt unter ihrem Spitznamen "Florida State Seminoles", treten in der National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Division I, und der Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) an. In ihrer 113-jährigen Geschichte haben die US-amerikanischen Sportwettkämpfe von Florida State 20 nationale Leichtathletikmeisterschaften gewonnen, und Seminole-Athleten haben 78 einzelne nationale NCAA-Meisterschaften gewonnen. [17]


Haupteingang zu Dodd Hall, eingebaut 1925. In Dodd Hall befand sich bis 1956 die Bibliothek des Staates Florida State. In Blattgold wiedergegeben, heißt es: "Die Hälfte des Wissens besteht darin, zu wissen, wo man Wissen findet."

1819 wurde das Florida Territory an die Vereinigten Staaten abgetreten von Spanien als Bestandteil des Vertrags von Adams-Onis. [18] Das Territorium wurde konventionell von der Appalachicola oder später den Suwannee-Flüssen in Ost- und Westgebiete aufgeteilt. Die Florida State University ist auf einen Plan des US-Kongresses von 1823 zur Schaffung eines Hochschulsystems zurückzuführen. [19] Die Verfassung von Florida von 1838 kodifizierte das grundlegende System, indem es Land für die Schulen zur Verfügung stellte. [20] Im Jahr 1845 wurde Florida der 27. Staat der Vereinigten Staaten, der die Umsetzung der Ressourcen und Absichten des Kongresses von 1823 in Bezug auf die Ausbildung in Florida erlaubte.

Die Gesetzgebung des Staates Florida sah in einem Gesetzgebungsgesetz vom 24. Januar 1851 die Errichtung der beiden Lerneinrichtungen auf den gegenüberliegenden Seiten des Suwannee River vor. Die Legislative erklärte den Zweck dieser Institutionen, "die Unterweisung von sowohl männlichen als auch weiblichen Personen in der Kunst, alle verschiedenen Zweige, die eine gute gemeinsame Schulbildung betreffen, zu unterrichten, und als nächstes den Unterricht in den mechanischen Künsten in Landwirtschaft, in der Agrarchemie, in den Grundgesetzen und in Bezug auf die Rechte und Pflichten der Bürger. " [21] Bis 1854 hatte die Stadt Tallahassee eine Schule für Jungen mit dem Namen Florida Institute eingerichtet, in der Hoffnung, dass der Staat dazu gebracht werden könnte, sie als eines der Seminare zu übernehmen. Im Jahr 1856 bot der Bürgermeister von Tallahassee, Francis W. Eppes, das Land und das Gebäude des Instituts erneut der Legislative an. Die Gesetzesvorlage zum Auffinden des Seminars in Tallahassee passierte beide Häuser und wurde am 1. Januar 1857 vom Gouverneur unterzeichnet. Am 7. Februar 1857 fand die erste Sitzung des Board of Education des Staatlichen Seminars westlich des Suwannee River statt Die Einrichtung bot männlichen Studenten Nachschulunterricht an. Francis Eppes war acht Jahre lang Präsident des Board of Education des Priesterseminars. [21] 1858 übernahm das Seminar die Tallahassee Female Academy, die 1843 gegründet wurde, und wurde koedukativ. [22]

Das West Florida Seminary befand sich auf dem ehemaligen Grundstück des Florida Institute, einem Hügel, auf dem sich das historische Westcott Building befindet. Der Standort ist der älteste kontinuierlich genutzte Ort in Florida. Das Gebiet, etwas westlich des Kapitols, war früher und ominös als Gallows Hill bekannt, ein Ort für öffentliche Hinrichtungen im frühen Tallahassee. [23]

Bürgerkrieg und Wiederaufbau

In der Legislaturperiode von 1860 bis 1861 begann eine formelle militärische Ausbildung an der Schule mit einem Gesetz zur Änderung der ursprünglichen Satzung von 1851. [24] Während des Bürgerkriegs wurde das Seminar zum Florida Military and Collegiate Institute. Die Zahl der Schüler an der Schule erhöhte sich auf rund 250 Schüler, wobei sich die Schule als vielleicht größte und angesehenste Bildungseinrichtung des Staates etablierte. [24] Kadetten der Schule besiegten die Streitkräfte der Union bei der Schlacht um die Naturbrücke im Jahr 1865 und ließen Tallahassee als einzige Hauptstadt der Konföderation östlich des Mississippi-Flusses nicht in Unionsmacht fallen. [25] [26] Die Studenten wurden von Valentine Mason Johnson, einem Absolvent des Virginia Military Institute, ausgebildet, der ein Professor für Mathematik und Chefadministrator der Hochschule war. [27] Nach dem Fall der Konföderation wurden die Campusgebäude der Union ungefähr vier Monate lang von den Streitkräften der Union besetzt, und das West Florida Seminary wurde wieder zu seinem früheren akademischen Zweck. [28]
In Anerkennung der Kadetten und ihrer entscheidenden Rolle in der Schlacht zeigt das ROTC-Kadettenkorps der Florida State University Army einen Kampf-Streamer mit der Aufschrift "NATURAL BRIDGE 1865" mit der Flagge. Die FSU Army ROTC ist eine von nur vier militärischen Einheiten der Colleges in den Vereinigten Staaten mit der Erlaubnis, einen solchen Wimpel auszustellen. [29]

Erste staatliche Universität

Chemielabor im damaligen Zeitalter Das West Florida Seminary

Im Jahr 1883 wurde die Institution, die seit langem offiziell als West Florida Seminary bekannt ist, vom Board of Education als The Literary College der University of Florida organisiert. Der Gesetzentwurf von 1885, der der Institution den Titel der University of Florida verlieh, wurde nie aufgehoben. [21] Im Rahmen der neuen Hochschulcharta wurde das Seminar zur Literarischen Hochschule der Institution und sollte mehrere "Schulen" oder Abteilungen in verschiedenen Disziplinen enthalten. [30] Im neuen Universitätsverband wurde jedoch die "separate Charta und Sonderorganisation" des Seminars beibehalten. [31] An der Florida University wurde auch das Tallahassee College of Medicine and Surgery gegründet, und drei weitere Colleges wurden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt gegründet. [30] Die Gesetzgebung von Florida anerkannte die Universität unter dem Titel " University of Florida " im Frühjahr 1885, verpflichtete jedoch keine zusätzliche Finanzierung oder Unterstützung. [21] [32] Ohne gesetzliche Unterstützung kämpfte das Universitätsprojekt. Die Institution nahm nie den Titel "Universität" an, [32] und der Verein wurde aufgelöst, als die medizinische Hochschule später in diesem Jahr nach Jacksonville zog. [30]

wie es noch allgemein genannt wurde, expandierte und gedieh weiter. Es verlagerte seinen Fokus in Richtung postsekundärer Bildung im modernen Stil und verlieh 1884 [21] seine ersten Diplome, seine ersten Diplome, und wurde 1897 Floridas erste Kunstgewerbeschule. [21] und 1891 hatte das Institut begonnen, sich auf die moderne postsekundäre Bildung zu konzentrieren; In diesem Jahr wurden sieben Bachelor of Arts-Abschlüsse verliehen. [21]

Im Jahr 1901 wurde es Florida State College, eine vierjährige Einrichtung, die in vier Abteilungen organisiert ist: das College, die School of Teachers, die School of Music, und der College Academy. Das Florida State College wurde ermächtigt, den Master of Arts zu vergeben, und der erste Master-Abschluss wurde 1902 angeboten. In diesem Jahr zählte die Studentenschaft 252 Männer und Frauen, und es standen Abschlüsse für klassische, literarische und wissenschaftliche Studien zur Verfügung. 1903 wurde die erste Universitätsbibliothek gegründet. [21]

Buckman Act

Florida State College for Women, c. 1930

Die Gesetzgebung von Florida im Jahr 1905 verabschiedete den Buckman Act, der das Florida College-System in eine Schule für weiße Männer (Universität des Staates Florida) umstrukturierte, eine Schule für weiße Frauen (19459050), Florida Female College später geändert in Florida State College für Frauen ) und eine Schule für Afroamerikaner (State Normal and Industrial College für farbige Studenten). [33] Das Buckman Act war umstritten, da es den Charakter einer historischen koedukativen staatlichen Schule in eine Frauenschule verwandelte. James Westcott III (1839–1887), ein früher und bedeutender Wohltäter der Schule, hat der Schule beträchtliche Gelder zur Verfügung gestellt, um den weiteren Betrieb zu unterstützen. Im Jahr 1911 verklagte sein Nachlass die staatliche Bildungsbehörde, mit der Behauptung, dass der Nachlass keine gleichgeschlechtliche Schule unterstützen sollte. Der Oberste Gerichtshof von Florida entschied, dass die Frage zugunsten des Staates Florida lautete, dass der Charakterwechsel (von 1905 bis 1947 existierend) in den Willen des Westcott fiel. [34] Bis 1933 war das Florida State College für Frauen das drittgrößte Frauenhochschule in den Vereinigten Staaten geworden und war die erste staatliche Frauenhochschule im Süden, die ein Kapitel von Phi Beta Kappa erhielt, sowie die erste Universität in Florida geehrt. [35] [36] Florida State war bis 1919 die größte der beiden ursprünglichen Universitäten in Florida. 19459111 [37]

"Florida State University"

Rückführung von Soldaten mit dem G.I. Bill nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg betonte das staatliche Universitätssystem bis zu dem Punkt, dass auf dem Campus des Florida State College für Frauen eine Niederlassung in Tallahassee der University of Florida (TBUF) eröffnet wurde. Die Männer waren in einer Baracke im nahe gelegenen Dale Mabry Field untergebracht. [21] 1947 kehrte der Gesetzgeber von Florida den FSCW in den Koedukationsstatus zurück und bezeichnete ihn als Florida State University . [38] Das Gelände und die Kasernen der FSU West Campus sowie andere Bereiche, die kontinuierlich als Flughafen genutzt wurden, wurden später zum Sitz des Tallahassee Community College. Die Nachkriegsjahre brachten der Universität beträchtliches Wachstum und Entwicklung, da viele Abteilungen und Hochschulen hinzugefügt wurden, darunter Wirtschaft, Journalismus (1959 eingestellt), Bibliothekswissenschaft, Krankenpflege und soziale Wohlfahrt. [39] Zu dieser Zeit wurden auch die Strozier Library, das Tully Gymnasium und die ursprünglichen Teile des Business-Gebäudes errichtet.

Studentenaktivismus und rassische Integration

Studentenprotest in Tallahassee - 1970

In den 1960er und 1970er Jahren wurde die Florida State University zu einem Zentrum für studentischen Aktivismus, insbesondere in den Bereichen Rassenintegration, Frauenrechte und Widerstand gegen den Vietnamkrieg . In dieser Zeit erhielt die Schule den Spitznamen "Berkeley of the South" [40] was auf ähnliche studentische Aktivitäten an der University of California in Berkeley hinweist. Es wird behauptet, dass die Schule auch in den 70er Jahren des "Streifens" entstanden ist, das erstmals bei Landis Green beobachtet wurde. [41] [42]

Nach vielen Jahren als getrennte Universität in 1962 wurde Maxwell Courtney der erste afroamerikanische Student, der in den Staat Florida aufgenommen wurde. [43] 1968 wurde Calvin Patterson der erste afroamerikanische Spieler für die Fußballmannschaft der Florida State University. [44] Der Staat Florida hat heute die höchste Abschlussquote für afroamerikanische Studenten aller Universitäten in Florida. [45]

Am 4. März 1969 suchte das FSU-Kapitel der Students for a Democratic Society, einer nicht registrierten Studentenorganisation, eine Registrierung Nutzen Sie die Universitätseinrichtungen für Meetings. Die Regierung der FSU beschloss daraufhin unter Präsident Stanley Marshall, dem SDS die Verwendung von Universitätsbesitz zu untersagen, und erließ eine gerichtliche Verfügung, um die Gruppe zu sperren. Das Ergebnis war ein Protest und eine Massenverhaftung von rund 58 Studenten am Bajonettpunkt in einem Vorfall, der später als die Nacht der Bajonette bezeichnet wurde. [46] Der Senat der Fakultät der Universität kritisierte später die Reaktion der Regierung als provozierende Art einer künstlichen Krise. [47] Ein anderes bemerkenswertes Ereignis ereignete sich, als Studenten der FSU aus Protest gegen Studentensterben an der Kent State University protestierten, was dazu führte, dass der Unterricht abgesagt wurde. [48] Etwa 1000 Studenten marschierten in das ROTC-Gebäude, wo sie von mit Schrotflinten und Karabiner bewaffneten Polizisten konfrontiert wurden. Gouverneur Claude Kirk trat der Nachtwache bei und erschien unerwartet mit einem Korbsessel. Er verbrachte Stunden mit wenig Begleitung oder Fanfare, um Landis Green zu diskutieren, in dem er mit protestierenden Studenten die Politik diskutierte. [48]

Rallye in Westcott, 13. Februar , 2008

Der LGBTQ-Aktivismus an der FSU ist insofern ungewöhnlich, als es tatsächlich ein Kampf gegen die Schule selbst war. Die Pride Student Union (PSU), ursprünglich LGBSU, wurde 1969 gegründet, um LGBTQ-Studenten zu vertreten. [49] [50] 1980 gewann ein schwuler Mann namens William Wade den Titel "Homecoming Princess" unter dem Pseudonym "Billy Dahling" und sorgte für Kontroversen. [51] [52] [53] Im Jahr 2006 fügte der Gewerkschaftsrat der Nichtdiskriminierungspolitik die sexuelle Ausrichtung hinzu, was dazu führte, dass mehrere Studentenorganisationen wegen Nichteinhaltung null finanziert wurden. Die Christian Legal Society ließ den Studentensenat das Einfrieren rückgängig machen, nachdem er eine Klage [54] [55] angedroht hatte, was zur Gründung der Koalition für eine gerechte Gemeinschaft (CFEC) führte, die sich für eine inklusive Nichtdiskriminierung einsetzte Politik. [56] [57] Im Jahr 2008 erhob die CFEC Klage beim FSU Student Supreme Court gegen den Union Board, weil er die Politik nicht eingehalten hatte, obwohl sie entschied, dass sie nach Anhörung der Rechtsprechung nicht zuständig sei. [58] Im November 2009 hat das CFEC ein Editorial in das FSView aufgenommen, um einen Ausblick auf das Thema zu geben. [59] Im Juni 2010 verabschiedete das Kuratorium der Universität eine Resolution zum Schutz der Studierenden auf der Grundlage der sexuellen Orientierung, der Geschlechtsidentität und des Geschlechtsausdrucks. [60]

Im März 2002 stellten FSU-Studenten 114 Tage lang "Tent City" auf Landis Green die Universität zu zwingen, dem jungen Worker Rights Consortium (WRC) beizutreten. [61] Das Worker Rights Consortium (WRC) ist eine unabhängige Überwachungsgruppe, die die Arbeitsrechte weltweit überwacht. Zu dieser Zeit verdiente die FSU mit Merchandising-Rechten jährlich 2 Millionen Dollar. Die Regierung der FSU weigerte sich ursprünglich, sich mit der WRC zu treffen, angeblich aus Angst, ihre Beziehung zu Nike zu beschädigen. [61] Zu Beginn des Protestes wurden 12 AktivistInnen festgenommen, weil sie ihre Zelte außerhalb der "freien Sprechzone" aufgestellt hatten. Die Protestkundgebung endete im Juli, als die Regierung den Forderungen der Studenten entsprach und mit der WRC zusammentraf. [61]

21. Jahrhundert

Florida State University College of Medicine

Die Florida State University College of Medicine wurde in gegründet Juni 2000. [62] Es wurde am 17. Oktober 2002 vom Verbindungsausschuss für medizinische Ausbildung vorläufig akkreditiert und am 3. Februar 2005 vollständig akkreditiert. Das King Life Sciences Building, das sich neben dem College of Medicine befindet, wurde im Juni 2008 fertiggestellt biowissenschaftliche Abteilungen unter einem Dach.

Nach der Schaffung von Leistungsstandards durch die Gesetzgebung von Florida im Jahr 2013 haben der Gouverneur von Florida, Rick Scott, und das Florida Board of Governors die Florida State University und die University of Florida zu den beiden "herausragenden Universitäten" unter den zwölf Universitäten der State University ernannt System of Florida. [63] [64] Der neue herausragende Status des US-Bundesstaates Florida verlangt von 2013–2018 eine Erhöhung der staatlichen Zusagen in Höhe von 75 Millionen US-Dollar, aufgeteilt in 15 Millionen US-Dollar. [65]



Landis Green befindet sich in der Mitte des Bundesstaates Florida Hauptcampus

Der Hauptcampus umfasst 489 Morgen (2,0 km 2 ) Land einschließlich Heritage Grove und umfasst über 14.800.000 Quadratfuß (1.375.000 m 2 ) Gebäude. Die Florida State University besitzt mehr als 6 km². Der Campus grenzt an den Stadium Drive im Westen, die Tennessee Street (US Route 90) im Norden, die Macomb Street im Osten und die Gaines Street im Süden. Das Westcott-Gebäude liegt an der Kreuzung der College Avenue und der S. Copeland Street und ist vielleicht das bekannteste Gebäude der Schule. Der Westcott-Standort ist der älteste Hochschulort in Florida [66] und ist die Heimat des Ruby Diamond Auditorium, das als Veranstaltungsort der Universität dient. [67] [194560101] Dodd Hall, die ursprüngliche Bibliothek des Campus, wurde auf der AIA-Florida-Kapitelliste von Florida Architecture: 10. als 100. Platz eingestuft. 100 Places [68]

Zu den historischen Wohnheimen für Studentenwohnheime gehören Broward, Bryan, Cawthon, Gilchrist, Jennie Murphree, Landis und Reynolds. Sie befinden sich in der östlichen Hälfte des Campus. Es gibt drei neue Wohnheimkomplexe, Ragans und Wildwood, die sich in der Nähe des sportlichen Quadranten befinden. und DeGraff Hall in der Tennessee Street. Der Campus der Florida State University ist ein bedeutender Universitätscampus und beherbergt auch Heritage Grove, die griechische Gemeinde des Bundesstaates Florida, die nur einen kurzen Spaziergang den St. Marks Trail hinaufführt.

Auf und um den Campus der Florida State University befinden sich sieben Bibliotheken; Dirac-Wissenschaftsbibliothek, benannt nach dem Nobelpreisträger und Paul Dirac, Professor an der Florida State University, Strozier-Bibliothek, Maguire-Bibliothek, Rechtsbibliothek, Bibliothek für Ingenieurwissenschaften, Allen Music Library und der Goldstein-Informationsbibliothek. Strozier Library ist die Hauptbibliothek des Campus und die einzige Bibliothek in Florida, die im Herbst- und Frühlingsemester von Sonntag bis Donnerstag 24 Stunden geöffnet ist. [69]

Eine Grünfläche in der Nähe von Landis und Gilchrist-Wohnheimen. auf dem hauptcampus. Diese Eichen wurden 1932 von Studenten

gepflanzt. Direkt neben dem Donald L. Tucker Center befindet sich das College of Law zwischen Jefferson Street und Pensacola Street. Das College of Business befindet sich im Herzen des Campus in der Nähe der Oglesby Student Union und gegenüber dem neuen Huge Classroom Building (HCB). Das Wissenschafts- und Forschungsvier befindet sich im nordwestlichen Quadranten des Campus. Das College of Medicine, die King Life Science-Gebäude (Biologie) sowie die Abteilung für Psychologie befinden sich am westlichen Ende des Campus auf der Call Street und dem Stadium Drive.

Am Stadium Drive im Südwesten liegt das Doak Campbell Stadium, das das Bobby Bowden Field umschließt. Die Arena bietet Platz für rund 84.000 Zuschauer, die University Center Buildings, das Dick Howser Stadium und andere sportliche Gebäude. Das Doak Campbell Stadium, die University Center Buildings, das Dick Howser Stadium sowie andere athletische Gebäude und Felder befinden sich am Stadium Drive im Südwesten des Quadranten. Das Doak Campbell Stadium ist ein einzigartiger Austragungsort in der Leichtathletik. Es befindet sich in den Ziegelfassadenwänden des University Centers, der größten durchgehenden Ziegelkonstruktion der Welt. Der weitläufige Komplex beherbergt die Büros der Universität, den Standesbeamten, die Dedman School of Hospitality und andere Büros und Klassenzimmer.

Das Mary B. Coburn Health and Wellness Center

Neben dem Hauptcampus umfasst der FSU Southwest Campus weitere 850 Hektar Land (3,4 km 2 ) Land vor dem Orange Drive. Der Campus im Südwesten beherbergt derzeit das Florida State University College of Engineering, das in einer gemeinsamen Anlage mit der Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University untergebracht ist. Neben dem College of Engineering befinden sich hier der Don Veller Seminole Golfplatz und Club sowie das Morcorm Aquatics Center. Die Gebäude der FSU Research Foundation sowie das National High Magnetic Field Laboratory befinden sich im Innovation Park und das Alumni Village. Studentenwohnheime für Familien befinden sich in der Nähe von Levy. Die Flastacowo Road führt zum Florida State University Reservation, einem Studentenresidenz am Lake Bradford.

Im August wurde ein neuer RecSports Plex mit einer Fläche von 104 Hektar (0,4 km 2 ) an der Tyson Road eröffnet. Dieser intramurale Sportkomplex wird mit zwölf Fußballfeldern, fünf Softballfeldern, vier Fußballfeldern sowie Basketball- und Volleyballfeldern der größte in der College-Welt. Durch die Hinzufügung des südwestlichen Tallahassee-Campus in den letzten Jahren wurde der Campus auf über 1.100 Hektar (4 km 2 ) erweitert.

Die Florida State University hat seit dem Amtsantritt von T. K. Wetherell im Jahr 2003 beträchtliche Erweiterungen und Bauarbeiten erlebt. Zahlreiche Renovierungsarbeiten sowie Neubauten wurden abgeschlossen oder befinden sich derzeit in der Fertigstellung. Zu diesen Projekten gehören sportliche Schülerplätze, Studentenwohnheime, neue Klassenräume sowie Forschungsräume. Gegenwärtig erlebt der Campus eine Wiederbelebung und Verschönerung der wichtigsten Räume des Campus.

Panama City

Das Zentrum des Campus. Überall auf dem Campus sind lebende Eichen mit hängendem spanischen Moos zu finden

Die Florida State University in Panama City liegt 160 km vom Hauptcampus entfernt. Ab Anfang der 1980er Jahre. Seitdem ist der Campus auf fast 1.500 Studenten angewachsen, die von 15 Bachelor- und 19 Graduiertenprogrammen unterstützt werden.

FSU Panama City bietet seit Herbst 2000 ganztägige Tagesprogramme an. Diese Planung, gekoppelt mit abends angebotenen Programmen, dient dazu, den Bedürfnissen der vielfältigen Studentenschaft gerecht zu werden. Über 30 Resident Dozenten wurden eingestellt, um die Programme zu unterstützen. Der Campus der Florida State University in Panama City liegt inmitten von Eichen an den Gewässern der North Bay und nur drei Meilen vom Golf von Mexiko entfernt. Hier finden Sie Kurse für Studenten der Oberklasse sowie einige Graduierten- und Fachstudiengänge.

Seit der Eröffnung im Jahr 1982 haben über 4.000 Studenten an der FSU Panama City ihr Studium mit einem Abschluss von der Grundschulbildung bis zum Ingenieurswesen abgeschlossen. Alle Kurse werden von Fakultätsmitgliedern des Campus der FSU unterrichtet. Die Satelliteninstitution hat derzeit ein Verhältnis von 25 Studenten zu jedem Fakultätsmitglied. [70]

Organisation und Verwaltung

Als Teil des State University Systems von Florida fällt die Florida State University in den Zuständigkeitsbereich der Verwaltungsrat von Florida. Ein 13-köpfiges Kuratorium verfügt jedoch über "die Befugnis, die Florida State University zu regeln und festzulegen, soweit dies erforderlich ist, um eine ordnungsgemäße Verwaltung und Verbesserung der Universität gemäß den Gesetzen und Regeln des Florida Board of Governors zu gewährleisten". [71]

Sally McRorie wurde im November 2015 zum Vorsteher der FSU ernannt und ist für den laufenden Betrieb und die Verwaltung der Universität verantwortlich. [72]

Die Florida State University ist unterteilt in 16 Colleges und mehr als 110 Zentren, Einrichtungen, Labore und Institute mit mehr als 300 Studiengängen. [73] Die Florida State University bietet Associate-, Bachelor-, Master-, Specialist-, Doktoranden- und Professional-Studiengänge an. Die populärsten Colleges nach Einschreibung sind Kunst und Wissenschaften, Wirtschaft, Sozialwissenschaften, Bildung und Humanwissenschaften. [74]

Das Florida State University College of Medicine betreibt eine diversifizierte klinische Ausbildung in Krankenhäusern und auf kommunaler Ebene für Medizinstudenten. Das Florida State University College of Medicine wurde im Rahmen der Mission gegründet, um medizinisch unterversorgten Bevölkerungsgruppen medizinische Versorgung zu bieten. Die ersten zwei Jahre absolvierten die Schüler auf dem Campus der FSU in Tallahassee. Anschließend wurden sie für eine klinische Ausbildung im dritten und vierten Jahr an einem der regionalen medizinischen Schulgelände eingesetzt. Drehungen können an einem der sechs regionalen Standorte in Daytona Beach, Fort Pierce, Orlando, Pensacola, Sarasota durchgeführt werden oder in Tallahassee bleiben, wenn sie dies wünschen. [75]


Stand: 2018 die finanzielle Ausstattung der FSU (der "University Endowment Fund") wurde auf 742 Millionen US-Dollar geschätzt. [76] Das Stiftungsvermögen wird in erster Linie nach den Wünschen der Spender verwendet, zu denen auch die Unterstützung von Lehre und Forschung gehört.

Florida State University Foundation

Die Florida State University erhält neben staatlichen Mitteln auch finanzielle Unterstützung von der Florida State University Foundation, einer Organisation, die ausschließlich zur Verwaltung von Spenden und Spenden an die Universität besteht. [77] Die Stiftung verwaltet das Stiftungsvermögen der Universität in Höhe von derzeit gut einer halben Milliarde Dollar. [78] Die Stiftung unterstützt Studenten dabei, Stipendien [79] zu gewähren, langfristige Universitätsziele und andere spezifische Zwecke zu unterstützen, die von den verschiedenen Gebern festgelegt werden. [77]

Seminole Boosters

Seminole Boosters, Inc. wird als direkte Unterstützungsorganisation für die Leichtathletik der Florida State University bezeichnet. [80] Heute ist Seminole Boosters, Inc. eine der führenden Spendenorganisationen für Hochschulsportler in Amerika. Auf beitragende Beiträge entfallen mehr als 14 Millionen US-Dollar pro Jahr und mindestens 15 Millionen US-Dollar pro Jahr für Kapitalgeschenke. Das Seminole Boosters Scholarship Endowment verwaltet fast 66 Millionen US-Dollar. Die Booster sind in eine Vielzahl von Unternehmen involviert, darunter Affinitätsprogramme, Logos und Lizenzen, Spieltagsparken, Konzessionen, der University Center Club, Skybox-Management und der Bau von Sportanlagen [81]


Die Student Government Association der Florida State University ist das Leitungsgremium von Studenten, die die Florida State University besuchen, und vertritt die fast 43.000 Studenten, Absolventen und Professoren der Universität. Die Studentenregierung der Universität arbeitet derzeit mit einem jährlichen Budget von 12,86 Millionen US-Dollar, einem der größten staatlichen Regierungsbudgets der Vereinigten Staaten, und das Geld wird vom Finanzausschuss der Legislativabteilung zugeteilt. [82]

Der Student Die Regierung wurde 1935 gegründet und besteht aus Exekutiv-, Justiz- und Legislative. [83] Die Exekutive der Studentenregierung wird vom Präsidenten der Studentenschaft geleitet und umfasst den Vizepräsidenten der Studentenschaft, den Schatzmeister der Studentenschaft, sechs Agenturen, sieben Büros und Exekutivsekretäre im Exekutivbüro des Präsidenten.

Der Studentensenat ist der gesetzgebende Zweig und besteht aus 80 Senatoren, die eine einjährige Amtszeit haben. Die Studentenschaft wählt die erste Hälfte während des Frühjahrssemesters und die verbleibende Hälfte während des Herbstsemesters. The senators elect a Senate President and Senate President Pro Tempore once a year, after the fall election, to lead the Student Senate.[84]

The student government judicial branch has two major components: the Supreme Court of the Student Body (headed by a Chief Justice) and all elections related officials such as the Supervisor of Elections and the Elections Commission. The Supreme Court consists of seven second or third-year students at the FSU College of Law nominated by the Student Body President and confirmed by the Student Senate.[85] Each justice serves a "life-time" term, which extends through the individual justice's graduation and insulates the court from the politics of student government. The Chief Justice may appoint a marshal and clerk. The election commission is also composed of Florida State University College of Law students and it adjudicates all student government election complaints. The commission has five members, one of whom also serves as the commission chairman.


Florida State University aspires to become a top twenty-five public research university with at least one-third of its PhD programs ranked in the top 15 nationally.[86] The university owns more than 1,600 acres (6.4 km²) and is the home of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory among other advanced research facilities. The university continues to develop in its capacity as a leader in Florida graduate research. Other milestones at the university include the first ETA10-G/8 supercomputer,[87] capable of 10.8 GFLOPS in 1989, remarkable for the time in that it exceeded the existing speed record of the Cray-2/8, located at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory by a substantial leap and the development of the anti-cancer drug Taxol.

Florida State University is divided into 16 colleges and schools including the Colleges of Applied Studies, Arts & Sciences, Business, Communication & Information, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Human Sciences, Law, Medicine, Motion Picture Arts, Music, Nursing, Social Sciences & Public Policy, and Social Work, plus the Graduate School, Dedman School of Hospitality, and the Jim Moran School of Entrepreneurship. Florida State offers 104 baccalaureate degree programs, 112 master's degree programs, an advanced master’s degree program, 12 specialist degree programs, 70 doctorate degree programs, and 3 professional degree programs.[88] The most popular Colleges by enrollment are Arts and Sciences, Business, Social Sciences, Education, and Human Science.[74]

A number of undergraduate academic programs at Florida State University are termed "Limited Access Programs". Limited Access Programs are programs where student demand exceeds available resources. Admission is thus restricted and sometimes extremely competitive. Examples of limited access programs include The Florida State University Film School, the College of Communication and Information, the College of Nursing, Computer Science, most of the majors in the College of Education, several majors in the College of Visual Arts, Theatre and Dance and all majors in the College of Business.[89]


For the 2018–2019 academic year, tuition costs were:


$215.55 per credit hour for in-state students, and $721.10 per credit hour for out-of-state students.[90]Total tuition/fees :$5,616 for in-state and $18,746 for out of state.[91]


$479.32 per credit hour for in-state students, and $1,110.72 per credit hour for out-of-state students.[90]Total tuition/fees :$9,580 for in-state and $22,220 for out of state.[91]

Law School 

$688.11 per credit hour for in-state students, and $1,355.18 per credit hour for out-of-state students.[90]Total tuition/fees :$20,644 for in-state and $40,656 for out of state.[92]

Medical School 

$479.32 per credit hour for in-state students, and $1,110.72 per credit hour for out-of-state students.[90]Total tuition/fees per term :$8,536.86 (Cohort 1), $12,805.30 (Cohort 2), $8,492.86 (Cohort 3 & 4) for in-state students and $20,053.93 (Cohort 1), $30,080.90 (Cohort 2), $19,987.93 (Cohort 3 & 4) for out-of-state students.[93]


Fall Admission Statistics
Admit rate
SAT range
ACT range

The middle 50% of the Fall 2018 incoming freshmen class had a GPA range from 4.1 – 4.5; a SAT total range from 1290 to 1400 and an ACT range from 28 – 32.[99] The acceptance rate for admission in 2018 was 36.77% for the over 50,000 freshman applicants, making admission to the university a highly competitive process each year.[100] FSU's freshman retention rate is 93.5%.[101] In 2018 the university achieved a four-year graduation rate of 68.4%, the highest rate in the State University System of Florida.[102] The university has over an 80.0% six-year graduation rate compared to the national average six-year graduation rate of 59%.[103]


Florida State University students, numbering 41,900 in Fall 2017, come from more than 130 countries, and all 50 states. The ratio of women to men is 55:45, and 22 percent are graduate and professional students. Professional degree programs include Law, Medicine, Business Administration, Social Work, and Nursing.

Minorities number 14,314 and constitute 34.31% of the student body. Of this number, 7,833(54.72%) were Hispanic and Latino Americans, 3,655(25.53%) were African Americans, 1,513(10.57%) were Multiracial Americans, 1,112(7.76%) were Asian Americans, 83(0.57%) were Native Americans, and 52(0.36%) were Pacific Islands Americans.[107]

In 2017, 7.1% of FSU students were international students. Of those, the most popular countries of origin were: China (20%), Panama 10.5%, India (6%), South Korea (5.4%), Colombia (5.1%), and Brazil (3.7%). In total, 2,974 international students enrolled at Florida State University.[108]

Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Hillsborough, and Leon County make up the largest Florida counties for in-state students. The Miami metropolitan area accounts for the largest geographic origin of students and makes up 23.41% of the student body. Students from Georgia, Virginia, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Maryland make up the largest states for out-of-state students.[109]


USNWR graduate school rankings[117]

Business: Part-time MBA
Environmental Law
Medicine: Primary Care
Medicine: Research
Nursing: Doctorate
Nursing: Master's

USNWR departmental rankings[117]

Biological Sciences
Clinical Psychology
Computer Science
Earth Sciences
Fine Arts
Library and Information Studies
Political Science
Public Affairs
Social Work
Speech-Language Pathology

For 2019, U.S. News & World Report ranked Florida State University as the 26th best public university in the United States, and 70th overall among all national universities, public and private.[118]

Many of Florida State University's graduate schools have received top-50 rankings from U.S. News & World Report. In 2018, U.S. News ranked the College of Education 36th.

For 2019, the FSU College of Business was ranked 27th undergraduate program among all public universities and 44th among all national universities.[119]

For 2019, the FSU College of Law is ranked 47th by U.S.News.[120]

Florida State is ranked the 16th best doctorate-granting university in the US for the highest amount of African American doctorate recipients by the National Science Foundation.[121]

The FSU College of Medicine has been ranked among the nation's top 10 for Hispanic and Latino American students. In 2014, Hispanic Business ranked the med school eighth, the same as last year. The college was ranked seventh in 2012, seventh in 2009 and ninth in 2007. The magazine annually ranks colleges of business, engineering, law and medicine. (The Florida State University College of Law was ranked No. 2 by U.S.News in 2018.[122]) Rankings are based on percentage of Hispanic student enrollment; percentage of Hispanic faculty members; percentage of degrees conferred upon Hispanics; and progressive programs aimed at increasing enrollment of Hispanic students.[123]

For 2019, Florida State's graduate programs ranked by U.S. News & World Report in the nation's top 100 were services for criminology 5th, children and youth 7th, digital librarianship 11th, library and information studies 13th, city management and urban policy 8th, public affairs 19th, public management administration 17th, public policy analysis 21st, public finance and budgeting 23rd, speech-language pathology 28th, clinical psychology 36th, social work 38th, statistics 39th, sociology 39th, political science 40th, physics 44th, chemistry 49th, psychology 60th, economics 64th, fine arts 69th, math 73rd, earth sciences 77th, computer science 82nd, English 82nd, history 92nd, and biological sciences 93rd.

Florida State University is currently ranked the No. 2 most efficient high-quality university in the country by U.S. News & World Report 2015. The university was also named the nation's most efficient in 2013 and 2014 by U.S. News & World Report.

In 2012, the Princeton Review and USA Today ranked Florida State the 4th "Best Value" public university in the nation. In 2012, Florida State was ranked among universities as having the most financial resources per student.[124] Florida State is ranked the 29th top college in the United States by Payscale and CollegeNet's Social Mobility Index college rankings(2014).[125]

In 2010, Florida State University was named a "Budget Ivy" university by a list prepared by the Fiske Guide to Getting into the Right College.[126] In addition U.S. News in 2009 ranked Florida State as 32nd overall amongst the most popular colleges in the United States, this ranking is determined by institutions with the highest yield rates.[127]

Florida State University leads the state of Florida in four of eight areas of external funding for the STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Leads in Rhodes Scholars, claiming all three of the Rhodes Scholars from public universities in Florida since 2006. Highest percentage of alumni giving back than any university in Florida. Highest amount of National Science Foundation research and development expenditures in the state.[128]

Honors Program

Landis Hall dormitory, the traditional home of honors students since 1955.

Florida State University has a nationally recognized honors program.[129] The University Honors Office supports the university's long tradition of academic excellence by offering two programs, the University Honors Program and the Honors in the Major Program, which highlight the institution's strengths in teaching, research, and community service. The Honors Program also offers special scholarships, internships, research, and study abroad opportunities.

Admission into the University Honors Program is by invitation only. The average academic profile of students that were offered honors invitations in 2015 was as follows: 4.2 weighted GPA; 32 ACT composite; 2080 SAT total. For the Honors in the Major Program students, the University Honors Office requires that prospective students have at least sixty semester hours and at least a 3.2 cumulative FSU GPA.[130] The Honors program offers students housing in Landis Hall and Gilchrist Hall. Landis Hall is the traditional home of Honors students since 1955, which is situated on Landis Green at the heart of FSU's main campus. Gilchrist Hall also houses Honors students and is located adjacent to Landis Hall.

Honors scholarships

The Presidential Scholars Program is the premier undergraduate scholarship program at Florida State University. The program provides four years of support and is open to high school seniors who are admitted into Florida State University's Honors Program. The total award package for Presidential Scholars is $31,200, plus an out-of-state tuition waiver. This includes the $9,600 Presidential Scholarship distributed over four years and a $9,600 Admissions Scholarship distributed over four years. It also includes $12,000 for educational enrichment opportunities including international experiences such as Study Abroad and Global Scholars, research and creative projects, service learning projects or public service, internships, and entrepreneurial development. Support and guidance is offered through the Honors Program, Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement and the Office of National Fellows.[131]

International Programs

Florida State University's International Programs (FSU IP) is ranked 11th in the nation among university study abroad programs. Every year Florida State consistently sends over 2,379 students across the world to study in multiple locations.[132][133] As a student of IP, students are able to take classes that meet their major and/or minor requirements, study with experts in their field, and earn FSU credit.

Florida State has four permanent study centers providing residential and academic facilities in London; Florence, Italy; Valencia, Spain; and Panama City, Panama.[134]

Florida State University is well known for its undergraduate and graduate study abroad options: according to Uni in the USA"the large numbers of students that study abroad nicely compliment the students that study here from abroad."[135]

Career placement

The Dunlap Student Success Center at Florida State University

The Florida State University Career Center is located in the Dunlap Success Center. Its mission is to provide comprehensive career services to students, alumni, employers, faculty/staff and other members of the FSU community. These services involve on and off-campus job interviews, career planning, assistance in applying to graduate and professional schools, internships, fellowships, co-op placements, research, and career portfolio resources.[136] The Career Center offers workshops, information sessions, and career fairs. Staff at the FSU Career Center advise students and alumni regarding resumes and portfolios, tactics for job interviews, cover letters, job strategies and other potential leads for finding employment in the corporate, academic, and government sectors.

The ProfessioNole program offers students the chance to reach out to professionals throughout the community, country, and world and learn more about their field's industry demands, career expectations, job outlook, and employment opportunities. Both alumni and friends of the university participate in ProfessioNole, making themselves available for student inquiries.[137] SeminoleLink is The Career Center's registration system linking students and alumni directly with employers. SeminoleLink is part of the NACElink Network, the largest network of career services and recruiting professionals in the world.[138]

Center for Academic Retention & Enhancement

The FSU Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement (CARE) is a multifaceted center that provides preparation, orientation, and academic support programming for first-generation college students who are disadvantaged by economical and educational circumstances. CARE provides academic support services such as a dedicated tutoring and computer lab as well as advising and life coaching. It was created in 2000 after combining various minority academic programs, services, and scholarships into one entity which has enrolled over 5,500 students as of 2017.[139]

As of 2017, CARE had a first-year retention rate of 97 percent and had an 81 percent six-year graduation rate.[140] The average first term college GPA of CARE students throughout the inception of the program is 3.1.

The Summer Bridge Program (SBP) is an alternative admission program for disadvantaged first generation students.[141] The seven-week program helps students transition from high school by providing an early move-in date for easier acclimation, along with group activities managed by peer ambassadors who have already gone through the program.

The Unconquered Scholars Program provides additional support services for students who previously classified and experienced foster care, homelessness, relative care, or ward status.

Florida State University Libraries

The Florida State University Libraries house one of the largest collections of documents in the state of Florida. The Libraries' collections include over 3.75 million volumes, with a website offering access to more than 400 databases, 200,000 e-journals, and over 1.9 million e-books.[142] In total, Florida State has thirteen libraries and millions of books and journals to choose from. The collection covers virtually all disciplines and includes a wide array of formats – from books and journals to manuscripts, maps, and recorded music. Increasingly collections are digital and are accessible on the Internet via the library web page or the library catalog. The FSU Library System also maintains subscriptions to a vast number of online databases which can be accessed from any student account on or off campus.[143] The current dean of the Library System is Gale Etschmaier, who oversees a $19.9 million annual budget recorded in 2017.[142]


The Robert M. Strozier Library is Florida State's main library. It is located in the historic central area of the campus adjacent to Landis Green and occupies seven floors. Strozier's collections focus on Humanities, Social Sciences, Business, and Education. The facility has been renovated several times. When opened,[when?] it consisted off three floors; an expansion[when?] added five floors plus two subground floors to the rear of the original building. In 2008, the lower floor reopened as the graduate- and faculty-focused Scholars Commons. In 2010, the main floor was transformed into an undergraduate-focused Learning Commons. The most recent renovation added smart study rooms, an enlarged computer area, new circulation areas, a tutoring center, and the nation's first double-sided Starbucks.[144] Strozier also houses the Special Collections and Archives division and Heritage Protocol. Strozier Library is open 24-hours on weekdays during the fall and spring semesters. The library closes early on Friday and Saturday nights and maintains decreased hours during the summer semester.[145]

The newer[when?]Paul A. M. Dirac Science Library is the main science library for Florida State University and houses over 500,000 books. Located on FSU's Legacy Walk farther west on campus, Dirac Library is smaller than Strozier at three stories. Dirac offers nearly 800 seats and provides 80 desktop computers (PC and Mac) and 80 laptop computers(PC and Mac) for use by students.[146] Dirac also offers 8 wireless Air Media Displays and 2 innovative MondoPad displays. There are over 35 individual and group study rooms that can be reserved online.[146] The library building is also home to the FSU School of Computational Science and Information Technology.[147] The library also houses a collection of materials principally related to Dirac's times at FSU and Cambridge University.[148] Dirac has been renovated in 2015 with new and improved amenities, technology, and seating.[146]

The Claude Pepper Center on campus is home to a think tank devoted to intercultural dialogue and the Mildred and Claude Pepper Library. It is located in what was originally the Florida State College for Women Library, which served as studios for WFSU-TV prior to construction of its current facility. The library contains a wide collection of documents, books, photographs, and recordings formerly belonging to Claude Pepper which are available to researchers. The Center is also home to a collection[clarification needed] of former Florida Governor Rubin Askew.[149] The Center is headed by FSU alumnus Larry Polivka, PhD.[150] The goal of the Claude Pepper Center is to further the needs of elderly Americans and has worked towards this goal[how?] since it opened in 1998.[151]

The Warren D. Allen Music Library occupies 18,000 square feet of space within the Housewright Music Building in the Florida State University College of Music and serves as a repository for over 150,000 scores, sound recordings (17,000 albums and over 17,000 CDs), video recordings, books, periodicals, and microforms. The library was founded in 1911.[152]

The Harold Goldstein Library on the main campus houses a collection of approximately 82,000 books, videos and CDs relating to library and information science, information technology, and juvenile literature.[153][154]
The largest part of the collection consists of professional and reference materials as well as juvenile and easy books.

The Florida State University College of Law Research Center houses the official library of the Florida State University College of Law. Located in B. K. Roberts Hall, the library has holdings consisting of over 500,000 volumes of which contain the basics of US law, English Common Law, and International Law. The library also maintains subscriptions to several law-specific databases which can be accessed by students.[155]


The Ringling, the State Art Museum of Florida, is located in Sarasota, Florida and is Administered by Florida State University[156] It was established in 1927 as the legacy of Mable and John Ringling for the people of Florida. The institution offers twenty-one galleries of European paintings as well as Cypriot antiquities and Asian, American, and contemporary art. The museum's art collection currently consists of more than 10,000 objects that include a wide variety of paintings, sculpture, drawings, prints, photographs, and decorative arts from ancient through contemporary periods and from around the world. The most celebrated items in the museum are 16th-, 17th-, and 18th-century European paintings, including a world-renowned collection of Peter Paul Rubens paintings.[157] The Ringling Museum collections constitute the largest university museum complex in the United States.[158] In 2014 the Ringling was selected as the second most popular attraction in Florida by the readers of USAToday Travel.[159]

In all, more than 150,000 square feet (14,000 m2) have been added to the campus, which includes the art museum, circus museum, and Cà d'Zan, the Ringlings' mansion, which has been restored, along with the historic Asolo Theater. New additions to the campus include the Visitor's Pavilion, the Education, Library, and Conservation Complex, the Tibbals Learning Center complete with a miniature circus, and the Searing Wing, a 30,000-square-foot (2,800 m2) gallery for special exhibitions attached to the art museum.[160]

Florida State University also maintains the FSU Museum of Fine Arts (MoFA) in Tallahassee. The MoFA permanent collection consists of over 4000 items in 18 sub-collections ranging from pre-Columbian pottery to contemporary art. The museum has a significant number of works of art on paper, including prints of artists as well known as Rembrandt and Pablo Picasso.[161]


As one of the two primary research universities in Florida, Florida State University has long been associated with basic and advanced scientific research.[162] Today the university engages in many areas of academic inquiry at the undergraduate,[163] graduate[164] and postdoctoral levels.[165]

Florida State University was awarded $268.5 million in annual research expenditures, in sponsored research in fiscal year 2016.[166] FSU is one of the top 15 universities nationally receiving physical sciences funding from the National Science Foundation.[167]

Florida State currently has 19 graduate degree programs in interdisciplinary research fields.[168] Interdisciplinary programs merge disciplines into common areas where discoveries may be exploited by more than one method. Interdisciplinary research at FSU covers traditional subjects like chemistry, physics and engineering to social sciences.

National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

National High Magnetic Field Laboratory building

The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL) or "Mag Lab" at Florida State develops and operates high magnetic field facilities that scientists use for research in physics, biology, bioengineering, chemistry, geochemistry, biochemistry, materials science, and engineering. It is the only facility of its kind in the United States and one of only nine in the world. Fourteen world records have been set at the Mag Lab to date.[169] The Magnetic Field Laboratory is a 440,000 sq. ft (40,877 square meter) complex employing 507 faculty, staff, graduate, and postdoctoral students. This facility is the largest and highest powered laboratory of its kind in the world and produces the highest continuous magnetic fields.

High-Performance Materials Institute

FSU College of Engineering

The High-Performance Materials Institute (HPMI) is a multidisciplinary research institute at Florida State University. Currently, HPMI is involved in four primary technology areas: High-Performance Composite and Nanomaterials, Structural Health Monitoring, Multifunctional Nanomaterials Advanced Manufacturing and Process Modeling.

Over the last several years, HPMI has proven a number of technology concepts that have the potential to narrow the gap between research and practical applications of nanotube-based materials. These technologies include magnetic alignment of nanotubes, fabrication of nanotube membranes or buckypapers, production of nanotube composites, modeling of nanotube-epoxy interaction at the molecular level, and characterization of SWNT nanocomposites for mechanical properties, electrical conductivity, thermal management, radiation shielding and EMI attenuation. HPMI personnel also established Florida's first National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC).

In 2006, the Florida Board of Governors designated HPMI as a Center of Excellence in Advanced Materials and awarded $4 million to further HPMI's efforts in technology transfer, economic development and work force training. Under its cluster hiring program, FSU has awarded the HPMI team with an additional $4 million to recruit and hire some of the nation's top researchers in Materials. HPMI personnel moved into the new $20 million, 45,000 square foot Materials Research Building, which houses the latest state-of-the art equipment and facilities for materials research, especially designed for research in nanomaterials.[170]

The Center for Advanced Power Systems

Florida State University's Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS) has become the first university test site accredited by the U.S. Navy to perform high-powered simulations as the center develops next-generation shipboard power technology.

The Center for Advanced Power Systems is a multidisciplinary research center organized to perform basic and applied research to advance the field of power systems technology. CAPS' emphasis is on application to electric utility, defense, and transportation, as well as, developing an education program to train the next generation of power systems engineers. The research focuses on electric power systems modeling and simulation, power electronics and machines, control systems, thermal management, cyber-security for power systems, high temperature superconductor characterization and electrical insulation research.
With support from the U.S. Navy, Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the U.S. Department of Energy, CAPS has established a unique test and demonstration facility with one of the largest real-time digital power systems simulators along with 5 MW AC and DC test beds for hardware in the loop simulation. The center is supported by a research team composed of dedicated and highly skilled researchers, scientists, faculty, engineers, and students, recruited from across the globe, with strong representation from both the academic/research community and industry.[171]

In January 2015, Florida State University's Center for Advanced Power Systems has unveiled a new 24,000-volt direct current power test system, the most powerful of its kind available at a university research center throughout the world. The new test facility is the latest piece of the center's PHIL testing program. It has a 24,000-volt direct current with a capacity of 5 megawatts, making it the most powerful PHIL system of its kind at a university research center worldwide. To create the new system, the center put together four individual 6 kilovolt, 1.25 megawatt converters that can be arranged in any combination, in series or parallel connection, to form an extremely flexible test bed for medium voltage direct current (MVDC) system investigations.[172]

CAPS researchers are also collaborating with Virginia Tech on a project for the U.S. Office of Naval Research to evaluate the performance of an electrical impedance measurement unit (IMU) developed by Virginia Tech and to be shipped to CAPS for testing. The purpose of an IMU is to probe a power system for its impedance characteristics to establish criteria for stable operation of the system.

CAPS is a long-term contractor with the U.S. Navy, which is working to develop an all-electric ship. The Navy has also committed funding to study design and performance of fault current limited MVDC systems and other operational aspects of MVDC systems.

Coastal and Marine Laboratory

The FSU Coastal and Marine Laboratory is located about 45 miles (72 km) from the main campus in Tallahassee. It is on the coast of St. Teresa, Florida, between Panacea and Carrabelle, on Apalachee Bay, 8 acres (32,000 m2) of which is right on the water and the remaining 70 acres (280,000 m2) of which is directly across the road. The mission of the FSUCML is to conduct innovative, interdisciplinary research focused on the coastal and marine ecosystems of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, with a focus on solving the ecological problems faced by the region by providing the scientific underpinnings for informed policy decisions. Research is conducted by faculty in residence and by those from the main campus, as well as by faculty, postdoctoral, graduate, and undergraduate investigators from FSU and other universities throughout the world.[173]

Florida State University established its first marine laboratory, the Oceanographic Institute, in 1949, on 25 acres (100,000 m2) on the harbor side of the peninsula that forms Alligator Harbor, which maintained a substantial research effort throughout the 1950s and 1960s. Other marine stations maintained by Florida State University until 1954 included one at Mayport, on the St. Johns River near Jacksonville, which conducted research related to the menhaden and shrimp fisheries and oceanographic problems of the Gulf Stream and the mouth of the St. John's River, and one on Mullet Key at the mouth of Tampa Bay, which studied red tide.

In the late 1960s, FSU moved the lab to its current location west of Turkey Point, on land donated by Edward Ball, the founder of the St. Joe Paper Company, and changed its name to The Edward Ball Marine Laboratory. In 2006, the lab became known as The Florida State University Coastal and Marine Laboratory (FSUCML), a name that better reflects the expanded programmatic base of its research, education, and outreach missions.[174]

Participation in the Large Hadron Collider

After decades of planning and construction the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is a next generation detector for the new proton-proton collider (7 TeV + 7 TeV) called the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) which is now operational in the existing 17 mi (27 km) circular underground tunnel near Geneva, Switzerland at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics. Florida State University faculty members collaborated in the design, construction and operation of the LHC, with some components assembled at Florida State and shipped to CERN for installation.[175] Florida State faculty contributed to several areas of the CMS, especially the electromagnetic calorimeter and the hadron calorimeter.[176]

MIT Contest of lab award

The National Science Foundation awarded Florida State University the right in 1990 to host the new National High Magnetic Field Laboratory rather than improve the existing Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory controlled by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) together with a consortium of other universities.[169] The award of the laboratory was contested by MIT in an unprecedented request to the NSF for a review of the award.[177] The NSF denied the appeal, explaining that the superior enthusiasm for and commitment to the project demonstrated by Florida State led to the decision to relocate the lab.[178]

Student life


It is traditional for students to be dunked in the Westcott fountain on special occasions

The university's colors are garnet and gold.[179] The colors of garnet and gold represent a merging of the university's past. While the school fielded a football team as early, or earlier than 1899, in 1902, 1903 and 1905 the team won football championships wearing purple and gold uniforms.[21][181] The following year, the college student body selected crimson as the official school color. The administration in 1905 took crimson and combined it with the recognizable purple of the championship football teams to achieve the color garnet. After World War II the garnet and gold colors were first worn by a renewed football team in a 14–6 loss to Stetson University on October 18, 1947. Florida State University's marching band is the Marching Chiefs.

Alma mater

The alma mater for Florida State University was composed by Charlie Carter in 1956.[182]

The most popular songs of Florida State University include:

  • Alma Mater – "High O'er Towering Pines"

  • Hymn – "Hymn To the Garnet and Gold"

  • Fight Song – "FSU Fight Song"

Residential life

New Dorman & Deviney Halls complex, constructed 2015

Florida State University provides 6,733 undergraduate and graduate students with housing as well as living–Learning Communities (LLC) on the main campus. This number will soon be expanded to 7,283 with new housing projects.[183] Florida State University is a traditional residential university wherein most students live on campus in university residence halls or nearby in privately owned residence halls, apartments and residences. Florida State currently has 18 residence halls on campus, housing undergraduate, graduate and international students. FSU offers suite-style and apartment-style residence halls. Students who are active members of the FSU Greek System may live in chapter housing near campus.[184] There is also a vast amount of off-campus housing options throughout Tallahassee for students to choose from.

Renovated historic student housing residence halls located on the eastern half of campus include Broward, Bryan, Cawthon, Gilchrist, Jennie Murphree, Landis and Reynolds. Deviney, Dorman, Magnolia, and Azalea Halls are the newest residence halls, also located on the Easter half of campus. There are three new residence hall complexes, Ragans and Wildwood, located near the athletic quadrant; and Degraff Hall, located right across West Tennessee Street. Smith, McCollum and Salley Halls are located in the northwestern quadrant. On-campus housing for single graduate students includes Rogers Hall, Ragans Hall, Traditions Hall, and McCollum Hall.[185]

Student clubs and activities

Florida State University has more than 700 organizations and clubs for students to join.[186] They range from cultural and athletic to philanthropy, including Phi Beta Kappa, AcaBelles, Garnet and Gold Scholar Society, Marching Chiefs, Garnet Girls Competitive Cheerleading, Florida State Golden Girls, FSU Pow Wow, FSU Majorettes, Hillel at FSU, Seminole Flying Club, No Bears Allowed, FSU Student Foundation, InternatioNole, Student Alumni Association, Hispanic/Latino Student Union, Relay For Life, The Big Event at FSU, Por Colombia, Quidditch at FSU, and the Men's Soccer Club. All organizations are funded through the SGA and many put on events throughout the year. Students may create their own registered student organization if the current interest or concern is not addressed by the previously established entities.

Fitness & Intramural Sports

The Bobby E. Leach Student Recreation Center is a 120,000 square foot fitness facility located right in the heart of campus. Construction on the Center was completed in 1991.[187] The Leach Center has three regulation-size basketball courts on the upper level with the third court being designated for other sports such as volleyball, table tennis, and badminton. It also has five racquetball & squash courts for recreational matches and an indoor track overlooking the pool on the third level of the facility.

The Leach Pool is a 16-lane by 25-yard indoor swimming facility with two 1-meter and two 3-meter diving boards. A complete spa area is located just off the pool deck and is equipped with two whirlpools, two steam rooms, and a sauna. The leach center provides over 100 free group fitness classes offered weekly along with personal training provided by NSCA-certified personal trainers.[188]

Florida State University also has an intramural sports program.[189] Sports clubs include equestrian and water sailing. The clubs compete against other Intercollegiate club teams around the country. Intramural sports include flag football, basketball, recreational soccer, volleyball, sand volleyball, softball, swimming, kickball, mini golf, team bowling, tennis, ultimate frisbee, wiffle ball, dodge ball, battleship, college pick em, innertube water polo, kan jam, spikeball, and wallyball.[190]

A new area of intramural sports fields, named the 104-acre (0.4 km2) RecSports Plex, was opened in September 2007.[191] This intramural sports complex is the largest in the nation with twelve football fields, five softball fields, four soccer fields, and basketball and volleyball courts.[191]


Oglesby Union southern entrance

Crenshaw Lanes is a twelve lane bowling alley located in the Oglesby Student Union and it includes ten full sized billiard tables. It has been at FSU since 1964. The interior has been completely renovated for spring 2015.[192]

Club Downunder hosts entertainment acts such as bands and comedians.[193] Past bands that have come through Club Downunder include The White Stripes, Modest Mouse, The National, Girl Talk, Spoon, Soundgarden, She Wants Revenge, Cold War Kids, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and Death Cab for Cutie. All shows that take place at Club Downunder are free for FSU students.[193]

The Askew Student Life Center is home to the Student Life Cinema.[194] It features five to six nights a week playing movies, documentaries, indies, foreign films, and restored cinema movies. Movies are selected by an all-student committee and are free to all currently enrolled FSU students.[194]

The Student Life Center offers a cybercafe with computers for Internet surfing and computer games, as well as board games. A coffee shop called Reel Coffee sells snacks and drinks in the cybercafe. The cybercafe hosts Super Smash Bros. tournaments and other gaming tournaments.[195]

Florida State's Reservation is a 73-acre (300,000 m2) lakeside recreational area located off campus.[196] This university retreat on Lake Bradford was founded in 1920 as a retreat for students when FSU was the state college for women between 1905 and 1947. The original name for the retreat was Camp Flastacowo.[197]

Florida State University is one of two collegiate schools in the country to have a circus.[198]The FSU Flying High Circus is a three-ring circus that has performances during the Fall semester (for Parents' Weekend) and Spring semester (their annual homeshow). The circus, founded in 1947 by Jack Haskin, in an extracurricular activity under the Division of Student Affairs that any FSU student may join. Student performers in the circus practice daily, much like any other school sport. The performers help rig their equipment and sew their own costumes. Performances occur in April under the Big Top circus tent.[199]

Greek life

Over 6,500 students are members of either a fraternity or sorority.[200] The Office of Greek Life at Florida State University encompasses the Interfraternity Council (IFC), Panhellenic Council (NPC), Multicultural Greek Council (MGC), and the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC). The Order of Omega and Rho Lambda Honor Societies also have chapters at Florida State.

The Interfraternity Council (IFC) comprises 22 fraternities. The Panhellenic Association is made up of 17 sororities and over 4,000 women.

The Multicultural Greek Council consists of 11 cultural organizations (Latino, Asian, South Asian, etc.).[201] The National Pan-Hellenic Council comprises 8 historically black organizations.

In 2017, university president John E. Thrasher suspended activities at all of the university's 55 fraternities and sororities, days after two unrelated incidents in which a 20-year-old fraternity pledge died following a party at an off-campus house and a 20-year-old fraternity member was arrested on charges of cocaine trafficking. Thrasher said that Greek activities would be permitted to resume after the university developed new policies, saying "The message is not getting through" and calling for a major culture shift.[202][203]

Reserve Officer Training Corps

Florida State University's Reserve Officer Training Corps is the official officer training and commissioning program at Florida State University. Dating back to Civil War days, the ROTC unit at Florida State University is one of four collegiate military units with permission to display a battle streamer, in recognition of the military service of student cadets during the Battle of Natural Bridge in 1865.[206]

The Reserve Officer Training Corps offers commissions for the United States Army and the United States Air Force. The Reserve Officer Training Corps at Florida State is currently located at the Harpe-Johnson Building.[207]

The Reserve Officer Training Corps at Florida State University offers training in the military and aerospace sciences to students who desire to perform military service after they graduate. The Departments of the Army and Air Force each maintain a Reserve Officers Training Corps and each individual department (Department of Military Studies for the Army; Department of Aerospace Studies for the Air Force) has a full staff of active duty military personnel serving as instructor cadre or administrative support staff. Florida State University is also a cross-town affiliate with Florida A&M University's Navy ROTC Battalion, allowing FSU students to pursue training in the naval sciences for subsequent commissioning as officers in the Navy or Marine Corps.[208]

Campus and area transportation

The FSU campus is served by eight bus routes of the Seminole Express Bus Service. The Seminole Express Bus Service provides transportation to, around, and from campus to the surrounding Tallahassee areas for Faculty, Staff, Students and Visitors. All students, faculty and staff can also ride any StarMetro bus throughout the City of Tallahassee for free by swiping a valid FSUCard.[209] FSU also provides other campus services, including Spirit Shuttle (during football games), Nole Cab, S.A.F.E. Connection, and Night Nole nighttime service.[210]

Florida State University is also served by the Tallahassee International Airport, which is located in the Southwest portion of Tallahassee and has daily services to Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Tampa, Atlanta, Charlotte, and Dallas-Fort Worth.[211]

Student media

WFSU Public Broadcast Center

The campus newspaper, the FSView & Florida Flambeauis 100 years old now and publishes weekly during the summer and semiweekly on Mondays and Thursdays during the school year following the academic calendar. After changing hands three times in 13 years, the FSView was sold to the Tallahassee Democrat in late July 2006, making it part of the Gannett chain.[212] This exchange was allowed because the FSView had been for a long time a for-profit business that was not legally associated with Florida State University. Since most collegiate newspapers are supported by their colleges, this was also among the first times that a major corporation had acquired a college newspaper.

FSU operates two television stations, WFSU and WFSG,[213] and three radio stations, WFSU-FM, WFSQ-FM and WFSW-FM.[214]
FSU operates a fourth radio station, WVFS (V89, "The Voice", or "The Voice of Florida State"), as an on-campus instructional radio station staffed by student and community volunteers.[215] WVFS broadcasts primarily independent music as an alternative to regular radio.

The English Department publishes a literary journal, The Southeast Reviewfounded in 1979 as Sundog.[216]


Florida State Seminoles Athletics logo

The school's athletic teams are called the Seminoles, derived from the Seminole people. The name was chosen by students in 1947 and is officially sanctioned by the Seminole Tribe of Florida;[217] the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma has taken no official position regarding the university's use of the name.[218] Florida State's athletes participate in the NCAA's Division I (Bowl Subdivision for football) and in the Atlantic Coast Conference.

For the 2017–18 school year, the Florida State Athletics Department budgeted $103.2 million for its sports teams and facilities and currently brings in over $121.3 million in revenues.[219][220] Florida State University is known for its competitive athletics in both men's and women's sports competitions. The men's program consists of baseball, basketball, cross country running, football, golf, swimming, tennis, and track & field. The women's program consists of basketball, cross country running, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track & field, and volleyball. FSU's Intercollegiate Club sports include bowling, crew, rugby, soccer and lacrosse. Harkins Field is an artificial turf field that is home to the lacrosse team as well as serving as the practice field for the Marching Chiefs of the College of Music and the football team.

There are two major stadiums and an arena within FSU's main campus: Doak Campbell Stadium for football, Dick Howser Stadium for men's baseball, and the Donald L. Tucker Center for men's and women's basketball. The Mike Long Track is the home of the national champion men's outdoor track and field team.[221] H. Donald Loucks courts at the Speicher Tennis Center is the home of the FSU tennis team. By presidential directive the complex was named in honor of Lieutenant Commander Michael Scott Speicher, a graduate of Florida State University and the first American casualty during Operation Desert Storm.[222][223] The Seminole Soccer Complex is home to women's soccer. It normally holds a capacity of 1,600 people but has seen crowds in excess of 4,500 for certain games. The home record is 4,582 for the 2006 game versus the University of Florida.[224] The FSU women's softball team plays at the Seminole Softball Complex; the field is named for JoAnne Graf, the winningest coach in softball history.[225]

Florida State's traditional rivals in all sports include the University of Florida Gators, the University of Miami Hurricanes and the University of Virginia Cavaliers with a battle for the Jefferson–Eppes Trophy. The Jefferson–Eppes Trophy is exchanged between the University of Virginia and Florida State University after each football competition in recognition of the common roots shared by the two schools. Rivalries in some other sports also exist, including the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets in baseball and the Duke University Blue Devils in basketball.

Florida State University has been penalized seven times by the NCAA for major infractions for the period 1968 through 2009.[226] These infractions range from improper recruiting of student-athletes, failure to investigate adequately to academic fraud. FSU has been penalized by the NCAA according to each violation of rules.

Seminole baseball

Seminole baseball is one of the most successful collegiate baseball programs in the United States having been to 20 College World Series', and having appeared in the national championship final on three occasions (falling to the University of Southern California Trojans in 1970, the University of Arizona Wildcats in 1986, and the University of Miami Hurricanes in 1999).[227] Under the direction of Head Coach No. 11 Mike Martin (FSU 1966), Florida State is the second-winningest program in the history of college baseball.[227] Since 1990, FSU has had more 50 win seasons, headed to more NCAA Tournaments (19 Regional Tournaments in 20 years), and finished in the top 10 more than any team in the United States.[227] Since 2000, FSU is the winningest program in college baseball with more victories and a higher winning percentage in the regular season than any other school.[227]

The Florida State Seminoles football program has played in 49 bowl games, won three consensus national championships, eighteen Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) championships, six ACC division titles, produced 218 All-Americans, 47 National Football League (NFL) first-round draft choices, and three Heisman Trophy winners. The Seminoles have achieved three undefeated seasons and finished ranked in the top five of the AP Poll for 14 straight years from 1987 through 2000. The Florida State Seminoles are one of the 120 NCAA Division I FBS collegiate football teams in America.

The Seminoles' home field is Bobby Bowden Field at Doak Campbell Stadium, which has a capacity of 79,560.[228] The stadium first opened in 1950 with a capacity of 15,000. In 2015, construction began on a project to completely renovate Doak Campbell Stadium as part of the $250 million Florida State Seminoles Champions Campaign to improve all aspects of athletics. The project added new premium outdoor seating sections, structural repairs, a repainting of the stadium, and updated sky box suites. The most recent addition of the stadium was completed in 2016 which replaced two video boards. The 9,368 square feet north video board is the largest video board in the state of Florida and the second largest in the nation. The stadium is popularly known as "Doak."

Florida State University fielded its first official varsity football team in the fall of 1902 until 1904, which were then known as "The Eleven". The team went (7–6–1) over the 1902–1904 seasons posting a record of (3–1) against their rivals from the Florida Agricultural College in Lake City. In 1904 the Florida State football team became the first ever state champions of Florida after beating both the Florida Agricultural College and Stetson University. The football team and all male students subsequently moved to the newly opened University of Florida in Gainesville in 1906 as a result of the 1905 Buckman Act. Football returned to Florida State after World War II in 1947.

Under head coach Bobby Bowden, the Seminole football team became one of the nation's most competitive college football teams.[230] The Seminoles played in five national championship games between 1993 and 2001 and won the championship in 1993 and 1999. The FSU football team was the most successful team in college football during the 1990s, boasting an 89% winning percentage.[231]Bobby Bowden would retire with the record for most all-time career wins in Division I football.[232]Jimbo Fisher succeeded Bowden as head coach in 2010. FSU football is well known for introducing talented players into the NFL.

Seminole track and field

The FSU men's Track & Field team won the Atlantic Coast Conference championship four times running, in addition to winning the NCAA National Championship three consecutive years.[221][233][234][235] In 2006 Head Coach Bob Braman and Associate Head Coach Harlis Meaders helped lead individual champions in the 200 m (Walter Dix), the triple jump (Raqeef Curry), and the shot put (Garrett Johnson). Individual runners-up were Walter Dix in the 100 m, Ricardo Chambers in the 400 m, and Tom Lancashire in the 1500 m. Others scoring points in the National Championship were Michael Ray Garvin in the 200 m (8th), Andrew Lemoncello in the 3000 m steeplechase (4th), Raqeef Curry in the long jump (6th), and Garrett Johnson in the discus (5th).[236] In 2007, FSU won its second straight men's Track & Field NCAA National Championship when Dix became the first person to hold the individual title in the 100 m, 200 m, and 400 m at the same time.[237]
Florida State has had 34 athletes compete at the Olympics in their respective events, most recently having ten athletes compete in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Those athletes included Gonzalo Barroilhet (Chile), Ricardo Chambers (Jamaica), Refeeq Curry (USA), Walter Dix (USA), Brian Dzingai (Zimbabwe), Tom Lancashire (England), Andrew Lemoncello, (England), Ngoni Makusha (Zimbabwe), Barbara Parker (England), and Dorian Scott (Jamaica). Walter Dix earned two bronze medals (100 m & 200m) at the Olympic Games.


Sir Harold Kroto, a Nobel Prize Laureate, Francis Eppes Professor of Chemistry, FSU

Florida State University currently employs 2,548 faculty members and over 8,133 staff.[238][239] Florida State's more than 41,900 students have the opportunity to work and study among faculty that includes a Nobel Laureate, three active members of the National Academy of Sciences, two active members of the National Academy of Engineering, two active members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, two Pulitzer Prize winners, 11 active Guggenheim Fellowship recipients, and over 30 Fulbright Scholars. Florida State faculty members lead several scholarly fields in citations to published work and hold multiple honors in the arts, including the Academy Award, Kennedy Center Honors, the Grammy Award, and the Capezio and BESSIE Dance Awards.[240] Florida State is represented by faculty serving in a number of renowned Academies, Voluntary Associations and Societies.[241] Florida State was home to the first ETA10-G/8 supercomputer.[242] Professor E. Imre Friedmann and researcher Dr. Roseli Friedmann demonstrated primitive life could survive in rocks, establishing the potential for life on other planets.[243][244]

Robert A. Holton, a professor of chemistry at Florida State, developed the first total synthesis of the anti-cancer drug paclitaxel, which had previously been obtainable only from the bark of the Pacific yew tree. Florida State University signed a deal with Bristol-Myers Squibb to license this and future patents. In 1992, Holton patented an improved process with an 80% yield.

Florida State's Department of Art includes many distinguished faculty. Mark Messersmith, Lillian Garcia-Roig, and Emeritus Professor Ray Burggraf are renowned for environmentally-focused paintings and "color constructions" that continue to inspire debate among scholars.[245][246] Together, Messersmith, Garcia-Roig, and Burggraf created an exhibition called, A Mysterious Clarity. It debuted at the 621 Gallery in 2004 (Tallahassee, Florida), and by popular demand, quickly evolved into a traveling show.[247] To date, A Mysterious Clarity has been featured in at least 9 museums and galleries including the Albany Museum of Art, the Gulf Coast Museum, and the Brevard Art Museum.


The Pearl Tyner House, located in the heart of the Florida State University Alumni Center

Florida State University currently has 372,025 alumni as of April 2018 and has produced five Rhodes Scholars.[248][249] Florida State alumni can be found in all 50 states and many countries all over the world. FSU has almost thirty college and university presidents who are alumni. This institution has produced over fifteen members of the United States Congress, Florida Legislature, numerous U.S. ambassadors, four governors, and over twenty generals and admirals for the United States Armed Forces.

In 1905 Florida State earned Florida's first Rhodes Scholar.[250][251] In 1977 Florida State University earned the first female Rhodes Scholar in Florida.[252] In 2008, Florida State undergraduate and football player Myron Rolle earned the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship award. Rolle is the fifth FSU student overall to earn this award and the third since 2005. Joe O'Shea, an FSU Student Body President, and Garrett Johnson, an FSU student athlete, earned the award in 2007 and 2005, respectively.[253][254] Only thirty-two students in the United States earn the award each year.[255]

Over 15 FSU graduates have served in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives, including senators Thomas Gallen, Mel Martinez and Kay Hagan in addition to representatives Jason Altmire and Allen Boyd. FSU has 4 alumni that have been governors including Governors of Florida Charlie Crist and Reubin Askew and Governors of Maryland Parris Glendening and Larry Hogan. Over 12 alumni have been mayors, including Teresa Jacobs, Art Agnos and John Marks. congressional chiefs of staff Benjamin McKay and B. Dan Berger.[256][257] Foreign FSU politicians include Mokgweetsi Masisi, the current President of Botswana, Briton Mo Mowlam, and Vietnamese dissident Doan Viet Hoat. Among the many notable lawyers and jurists that have attended FSU are judges Susan Black and Ricky Polston, along with lawyer Bruce Jacob. Notable military alumni include generals Frank Hagenbeck and Kenneth Minihan and U.S. Army officer Col. William Wood, the highest ranking United States military casualty in Iraq combat as well as administrator and former POW Orson Swindle.

Florida State University graduates have served as the executive leaders of such diverse and important institutions as the United States Treasury, the Federal Trade Commission, the National Hurricane Center, Pfizer, Raytheon, University of Michigan, the United States Air Force Academy, the United States Military Academy, the State University System of Florida, and Washington University in St. Louis. In addition, FSU graduates have held leadership positions at the National Academy of Science, the United Nations, the United States Department of Defense, the New York Yankees, the Detroit Lions, the Los Angeles Raiders, the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Orlando Magic, Bank of America, Scottrade, Sandia Laboratories, NOAA, Columbia University, Omnicom Group, Outback Steakhouse, and General Electric.

Major corporations run by alumni include the Federal Reserve Bank, Texaco, Deloitte & Touche, Welch's, Flowers Foods, and the National Cancer Institute. Major regulatory bodies such as the General Services Administration, the Federal Reserve Bank and the American Council on Education have had Florida State University alumni at the helm in recent years.

Among the most notable figures in the entertainment industry who have attended or graduated from Florida State University are musicians Ellen Taaffe Zwillich, Marcus Roberts, Jim Morrison, Scott Stapp, Luis Fonsi, and Mark Tremonti. Other entertainers include actors Burt Reynolds, Paul Gleason, Cheryl Hines, Traylor Howard and Robert Urich as well as directors Colleen Clinkenbeard and Greg Marcks; cartoonists Bud Grace and Doug Marlette; television director Chip Chalmers; television writer/producer Steven L. Sears; playwright and television writer/producer Alan Ball. In addition, WWE superstars Michelle McCool and Ron Simmons attended the University. Writers and journalists have included authors Charles Ghigna, Sharon Lechter and Dorothy Allison, reporters Stephanie Abrams and Jamie Dukes, sportscaster Lee Corso, and novelist Gwyn Hyman Rubio.

Other notables include fitness guru Richard Simmons; ecologist Thomas Ray; astronauts Norman Thagard and Winston Scott; scientists Sylvia Earle, Anne Rudloe and Eric J. Barron; inventor Robert Holton. In 1996, Carla Gopher, daughter of FSU's Westcott award winner Louise Gopher, became the first Seminole to graduate as a Seminole.[258]

As a major competitor in college athletics, Florida State University has many notable alumni including student athletes, coaches and staff members. Many of the most notable members are listed in FSU's Hall of Fame and represent all major collegiate sports.[259] A number of FSU alumni have found success in professional sports, with 123 active alumni competing in sports including basketball, football, baseball and golf.[260] In addition, FSU has produced three Heisman Trophy winners in Chris Weinke, Charlie Ward, and Jameis Winston. Notable Seminoles in professional golf include Brooks Koepka, back to back U.S. Open champion (2017, 2018), Jeff Sluman, and Hubert Green, and Paul Azinger, PGA Championship(1993) and Ryder Cup Captain(2008).

See also


  1. ^ Florida State University fixes its date of establishment to 1851, the year the Florida legislature voted to establish two seminaries of learning: West Florida Seminary (which became the Florida State University) and East Florida Seminary (which became the University of Florida).[1] West Florida Seminary used this date of establishment prior to 1905, when the Buckman Act reorganized higher education in Florida and the three resulting state institutions all adopted 1905 as their founding date.[2] In 1935 the Florida Board of Control changed the founding dates of the University of Florida[3] and the Florida State College for Women (now Florida State University) to the years their predecessor Seminaries opened as state-sponsored institutions, and Florida State's founding date was changed to 1857. In 2000 the Florida State University declared 1851 to be its official founding date.[4]

  1. ^ "Timeline". The Florida Memory Project. State Library and Archives of Florida. 1851. Archived from the original on August 1, 2010. Retrieved July 9, 2010.

  2. ^ a b Meginniss, Benjamin A.; Winthrop, Francis B.; Ames, Henrietta O.; Belcher, Burton E.; Paret, Blanche; Holliday, Roderick M.; Crawford, William B.; Belcher, Irving J. (1902). "The Argo of the Florida State College". The Franklin Printing & Publishing Co., Atlanta. Retrieved April 26, 2013.

  3. ^ Kirkland, Gary (January 18, 2003). "Happy birthday, UF...but let's get real". Gainesville Sun. Retrieved November 7, 2014.

  4. ^ a b Klein, Barry (July 29, 2000). "FSU's age change: history or one-upmanship?". St. Petersburg Times.

  5. ^

  6. ^ "Regular Faculty". Faculty: Headcount. Florida State University – Office of Institutional Research. 2016. Retrieved May 13, 2017.

  7. ^

  8. ^ a b c "Student Enrollment". Student Information. Florida State University – Office of Institutional Research. Retrieved November 15, 2016.

  9. ^ "Fall 2016 Fact Sheet – Campus Size". Office of Institutional Research. Florida State University. 2014. Retrieved January 21, 2017.

  10. ^ University Communications. "Colors". Retrieved November 24, 2016.

  11. ^ "Florida State University". Classifications. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. 2018. Retrieved June 29, 2018.

  12. ^ "Colleges, Schools, Departments, Institutes, and Administrative Units". FSU Departments. Florida State University. April 26, 2013. Retrieved April 26, 2013.

  13. ^ "Thrasher points to FSU's economic impact".

  14. ^ "Florida State University Board of Trustees Meeting". Retrieved May 4, 2016.

  15. ^ "The John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art". FSU Departments. The John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art. April 26, 2013. Archived from the original on May 17, 2013. Retrieved April 26, 2013.

  16. ^

  17. ^ Joanos, Jim (June 2012). "FSU Athletics Timeline". Retrieved April 26, 2013.

  18. ^ "Serial Set 4478 57th Congress, 2d session House Document 15, Part 2 map 14". 1820. p. 377. Archived from the original on December 13, 2013. Retrieved December 13, 2013.

  19. ^ Memorial of the Trustees of the University of Florida (R.K. Call, John G. Gamble, Thomas Randall, Louis M. Goldsborough, Thos. Eston Randolph, F. Eppes, E. Loockerman, Benjamin Chaires, Turbutt R. Betton, Fitch W. Taylor, J. Loring Woart, Ashbeel Steele, J. Edwin Stewart), p. cxxiii. United States Congress. December 7, 1835. Retrieved December 13, 2013.

  20. ^ "State Library and Archives of Florida – The Florida Memory Project, Florida Constitution of 1838, Article X – Education". Archived from the original on June 24, 2007. Retrieved May 28, 2007.

  21. ^ a b c d e f g h i j "About Florida State – History". Office of University Communications. September 23, 2009. Retrieved January 8, 2018.

  22. ^ "Book Review: Gone with the Hickory Stick: School Days in Marion County 1845-1960, p.122, The Florida Historical Quarterly - Volume LV, Number 3 January 1977" (PDF). Retrieved July 12, 2010.

  23. ^ Hare, Julianne (May 1, 2002). Tallahassee - A Capital City History, p.42, Julianne Hare, Arcadia Publishing (May 1, 2002). ISBN 978-0-7385-2371-2. Retrieved July 7, 2009.

  24. ^ a b Coles, David J. (1999). Florida's Seed Corn: The History of the West Florida Seminary During the Civil War. Florida Historical Quarterly 77. p. 288. JSTOR 30147582.

  25. ^ "State Library and Archives of Florida, The Florida Memory Project – Timeline". 1865. Archived from the original on June 7, 2009. Retrieved August 26, 2009.

  26. ^ "West Florida Seminary cadets taking a break."
    "State Library and Archives of Florida – Florida Photographic Collection, West Florida Seminary Cadets, published circa 187-". Retrieved April 29, 2007.

  27. ^ Pugnale, John D. "Family history – Valentine Mason Johnson". Retrieved August 28, 2009.

  28. ^ Dodd, William G. (1952). History of West Florida Seminary. Tallahassee, Florida: Florida State University. pp. 27–28.

  29. ^ "FSU 150th Anniversary – History || In the Beginning || The Civil War". January 15, 1996. Archived from the original on April 24, 2001. Retrieved December 18, 2012.

  30. ^ a b c Bush, George Gary (1889). History of Education in Florida. Washington: Regierungsdruckerei. pp. 46–47. Retrieved July 13, 2010.

  31. ^ Constitutional Convention, Florida (June 9, 1885). Journal of the Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Florida, p. 21. Harvard College Library. Retrieved July 13, 2010.

  32. ^ a b Armstrong, Orland Kay (1928). "The Life and Work of Dr. A. A. Murphree, p. 40". Retrieved July 13, 2010.

  33. ^ "State Library and Archives of Florida – Florida Photographic Collection, Westcott Building at the Florida State College for Women, published 193-". Retrieved April 28, 2007.

  34. ^ "Lewis et al v. Gaillard et al; 61 Fla. 819, 56 So. 281, 12 June 1911". Retrieved September 9, 2013.

  35. ^ Amy McDonald. (2004). "Florida State University Libraries Special Collections Department, Inventory of the Florida State College for Women Surveys and Reports (MSS2003003), Biographical/Historical Notes" (PDF). Florida State University Libraries. Archived from the original (PDF) on June 14, 2007. Retrieved April 30, 2007.

  36. ^ VanClay, Erin (September 2005). "Florida State University Libraries Special Collections Department, Inventory of the Florida State College for Women/Florida State University Phi Beta Kappa Alpha of Florida Chapter. (MSS2005-014) Biographical/Historical Notes" (PDF). Florida State University Libraries. Archived from the original (PDF) on September 3, 2006. Retrieved April 30, 2007.

  37. ^ "Florida Board of Governors SUS Headcount Enrollment – 1905 – present". Retrieved May 18, 2009.

  38. ^ "Personal history of Mary Lou Norwood, FSCW/FSU Alumna, (transitional) Class of 1947 (FSU webpage)". Retrieved April 30, 2007.

  39. ^ "2009–2010 General Bulletin". Bulletin. Florida State University – University Registrar. 2009–2010. Retrieved August 29, 2009.

  40. ^ "Florida State University, News Archive, Events'". Retrieved April 30, 2007.

  41. ^ "Streaking an FSU First". Florida State Times. April–May 1997. Archived from the original on February 27, 2007. Retrieved June 29, 2007.

  42. ^ "Streaking". Tallahassee Naturally, Inc. Retrieved June 29, 2007.

  43. ^ "FSU Black Alumni Association pays tribute to first black student". January 30, 2004. Archived from the original on October 26, 2006. Retrieved April 20, 2008.

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  • Adams, Alfred Hugh (1962). A History of Public Higher Education in Florida, 1821‑1961. Florida State University.

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  • Dodd, William George (1958–1959). Florida State College for Women, Notes on the Formative Years (1905‑1920)‑‑With a Postscript: The Twenties; and Epilogue: The Forties 1940‑1944. Tallahassee: none.

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  • Marshall, J.Stanley (2006). The Tumultuous Sixties – Campus Unrest and Student Life at a Southern University. Tallahassee: Sentry Press. ISBN 1-889574-25-2.

  • McGrotha, Bill (1987). Seminoles! The First Forty Years. Tallahassee Democrat. ISBN 0-9613040-1-4.

  • Rhodes, Barbara (1994). At First – The Presbyterian Church in Tallahassee, Florida, 1828–1938. First Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee, Florida.

  • Sellers, Robin Jeanne (1995). Femina perfecta: The genesis of Florida State University. FSU Foundation. ISBN 0-9648374-1-2.

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