Sunday, February 10, 2019

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Liste von Desperate Housewives-Figuren

Original und teilweise Besetzung von Desperate Housewives von links nach rechts: Paul Young, Martha Huber, Mary Alice Young, Zach Young, Bree Van de Kamp, Lynette Scavo, Lynette Scavo , Susan Delfino, Julie Mayer, John Rowland, Gabrielle Solis, Carlos Solis, Edie Britt und Mike Delfino.

Desperate Housewives ist eine US-amerikanische Comedy-Drama-Serie, die auf ABC (American Broadcasting Company) ausgestrahlt wurde. Es konzentriert sich auf die Bewohner der fiktiven Wisteria Lane, die von ihrer verstorbenen Nachbarin Mary Alice Young (Brenda Strong) erzählt werden. Im Einzelnen folgt die Serie vier Protagonisten und Mary Alices Freunden, Susan Mayer (Teri Hatcher), Lynette Scavo (Felicity Huffman), Bree Van de Kamp (Marcia Cross) und Gabrielle Solis (Eva Longoria). Desperate Housewives enthält einen Ensemble-Ensemble, zu dem auch die Ehemänner der Frau, Kinder, Liebesinteressen, Nachbarn und andere Bekannte gehören. Zitat benötigt


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Im Folgenden werden Charaktere aufgeführt, deren Darsteller zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt der Serie eine "Starring" -Berechnung erhalten haben. Sie sind in der Reihenfolge sortiert, in der sie in die Hauptbesetzung eingeführt wurden, und nicht nach Episodenanzahl, Bildschirmzeit oder Beliebtheit.

Susan Mayer [ edit

Lynette Scavo [ bearbeiten

[BreeVandeKamp bearbeiten ]

Gabrielle Solis [ edit ]

Edie Britt [

Mike Delfino bearbeiten ]

Rex Van de Kamp [ edit ]

Carlos Solis [ [19659000]] Paul Young edit ]

Mary Alice Young [ bearbeiten ]

Julie Mayer [] [195990006] John Rowland edit ]

Zach Young [ edit ]

Zachary "Zach" Young (Cody Kasch) ist der Sohn (nicht legal) von Paul und Mary Alice Die Eltern von Zach sind Deirdre Taylor und Mike Delfino. Dies wird jedoch zusammen mit seinem ursprünglichen Namen Dana Taylor erst "One Wonderful Day" bekannt gegeben.

In der ersten Staffel ist Zach durch den plötzlichen Selbstmord von Mary Alice deprimiert, sodass Paul ihn in eine psychiatrische Anstalt bringt. Während seines Aufenthalts schleicht sich Julie in sein Zimmer, um mit ihm zu sprechen, wird aber von einer Krankenschwester gebeten, zu gehen. Zach rennt weg und wird in Julies Zimmer von Susan und Mike versteckt, die ihn nach Hause bringen. Dann beginnen er und Julie miteinander. Susan spricht mit Paul über Julie und Zachs Beziehung und ist irritiert, wenn sie glaubt, er lache über sie, aber er besteht darauf, dass es kein Problem sein wird, da er und Zach sich bald entfernen werden. Zach hat jedoch andere Ideen und erpresst ihn, um sicherzustellen, dass sie in der Wisteria Lane bleiben, während die Polizei Fragen zu einer alten Spielzeugkiste stellt, die Zach einmal hatte, als eine ähnliche mit der Leiche einer jungen Frau im Inneren gefunden wurde. In der Anstalt wurde bei Zach eine klinische Depression und eine Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung diagnostiziert, die sein Verhalten im besten Fall unvorhersehbar macht. Wenn Susan Zach bittet, Julie eine Zeit lang nicht zu sehen, weil sie besorgt ist, wie schnell die Beziehung voranschreitet, verliert Zach seine Beziehung Temperament, also verbietet Susan ihm prompt, sie jemals wiederzusehen, und wirft ihn hinaus. Julie rebelliert zunächst dagegen, aber nachdem Zach sie bei seiner Poolparty erschreckt hat, sieht sie ihn nicht mehr. Aus Rache bläst Zach ihre Küche in die Luft, bevor er im ersten Saisonfinale Susan als Geisel hält. Zach versteckt sich und taucht in der zweiten Staffel wieder auf, als Mike und Susan ihn suchen. Susan sagt ihm, dass sie helfen will, bis er sagt, er hoffe, er und Julie würden sich versöhnen. Susan, die sichtlich erschüttert ist, schlägt vor, nach Utah zu gehen, um Paul zu finden, und gibt ihm Geld für den Busfahrpreis. Monate später, nachdem Felicia Tilman Paul wegen Mordes in Verbindung gebracht hat, bittet Paul Zach, seinen Großvater Noah Taylor um Geld zu bitten, um einen Anwalt zu bezahlen, und behauptet, es sei ein Auto. Noah weigert sich und sagt Zach, dass er sein Vermögen nicht erben würde, weil Zachs angeblicher Mangel an Tapferkeit fehlte. Um ihn als falsch zu beweisen, stellt Zach Noahs Atemschutzgerät ab und stellt fest, dass er ein riesiges Vermögen geerbt hat und nichts mehr mit Paul zu tun haben will. Zach zieht in die Villa seines Großvaters. [ Zitat benötigt ]

Zach erscheint in Staffel 3 als Gabrielle's heimlicher Verehrer. Zach versucht erfolglos, Gabrielle mit luxuriösen Geschenken und seinem Reichtum zu beeindrucken. Nachdem sie sich betrunken gemacht hat, lässt Zach sie glauben, dass sie Sex hatten, an den sie sich nicht erinnern kann. Gabrielle bittet Carlos dann, Zach abzuschrecken, aber bevor Carlos Zach im Urinal zusammenhalten kann, sieht er aus Versehen, dass Zach einen extrem großen Penis hat. Carlos versichert Gabrielle, dass sie sich erinnern würde, wenn sie mit Zach geschlafen hätte. Zach schlägt in Scavo's Pizzeria vor, aber Gabrielle lehnt ab, da sie keine Beziehung zu ihm will. [ Zitat benötigt ]

Zach kehrt in der siebten Staffel zurück und erschießt Paul Folge "Down the Block There A Riot". Er erscheint zuerst als Lieferbote und liefert Blumen nach Bree. Später in der Folge wird auf Bree's Couch eine Waffe gefunden, die derjenigen entspricht, mit der Paul erschossen wurde, nachdem Zach sie dort aufgestellt hatte. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass Zach jetzt süchtig nach Drogen und Glücksspielen ist und bei beiden sein gesamtes Vermögen verloren hat. Paul und Mike legten beide kurz ihre Differenzen beiseite, um Zach zu helfen, indem sie ihn zur Behandlung in eine Rehaklinik brachten. [ Zitat erforderlich ]

Betty Applewhite ]]

Tom Scavo [ edit ]

Karl Mayer [ ]

Orson Hodge [ bearbeiten ]

Katherine Mayfair [ edit ]

Dave Williams [ ]

] [] Andrew Van de Kamp ] ]

Angie Bolen [ ]

] Ana Solis [

[] Ana Solis (Maiara Walsh) ist die Enkelin von Carlos 'Tante Connie. Ana kommt im fünften Saisonfinale in Wisteria Lane an, um bei Carlos und seiner Familie zu leben, da ihre Großmutter angegeben hatte, dass sie im Sterben lag und sich nicht mehr um Ana kümmern konnte. Gabrielle wird schnell klar, dass Ana eine sehr oberflächliche, intrigante junge Frau ist, die ihr gutes Aussehen benutzt, um zu bekommen, was sie will. In der sechsten Staffel möchte Carlos, dass Gabrielle die juristischen Dokumente unterschreibt, die sie als Anas gesetzliche Vormundschaft definieren würden, aber Gabrielle ist nicht dazu bereit. Ana hört ihr Gespräch mit und fängt an, absichtlich so zu handeln, dass sie wieder auf sie trifft. Als Gabrielle das erfährt, unterschreibt sie sofort die Zeitungen, damit Ana sich rund um die Uhr entspannt. [ Zitat benötigt

Ana offenbart, dass sie etwas für Danny Bolen hat, und Als Julie erwürgt und ins Krankenhaus geschickt wird, bittet er sie, ein Alibi für ihn zusammenzustellen. Später bekommt Ana einen Job für John Rowland, Gabrielle's Ex-Liebhaber, und er ist in ihn verknallt, aber John führt Ana an, nur um zu Gabrielle zu gelangen. Als Gabrielle ihn konfrontiert, küsst er sie und Ana bezeugt den Kuss. Ana rennt wütend nach Hause und bereitet sich darauf vor, Carlos zu erzählen, aber Gabrielle versichert ihr, dass Carlos von ihrer früheren Affäre mit John weiß und dass sie gerade jetzt mit Carlos so glücklich ist. Sie bittet Ana, nichts zu tun, was ihr Glück ruinieren könnte. Ana schweigt und kündigt ihren Job. [ Zitat benötigt ]

Ana und Danny beginnen zu datieren, aber Gabrielle schickt Ana für eine Weile nach New York, nachdem sie Angie und Nick gehört hat streiten über ihre Deckung. Danny sucht Ana auf, um den wahren Grund zu erfahren, warum ihre Tante sie weggeschickt hat, weil Gabrielle nicht wollte, dass sie zusammen sind. Bis zum Ende der 6. Staffel bleibt Ana in New York City, und Danny fährt in einen Bus, vermutlich um bei ihr zu sein.

Renee Perry [ edit ]

Karen McCluskey [ bearbeiten ]

. Bob Hunter und Lee McDermott [[194565]] ]

Chuck Vance [ edit ]

Chuck Vance (Jonathan Cake) wird in der siebten Staffel als verantwortlicher Ermittler eingeführt, der Felicia Tilman im Auge behalten muss zurück auf die Gasse. Als Juanita Solis die Polizei anruft und ihnen mitteilt, dass Bree versucht, sie und Celia zu töten (nachdem Carlos ihr Beas Beteiligung am Tod ihrer Großmutter erklärt hat), antwortet Chuck auf den Anruf bei Bree. Nach dem Missverständnis gibt Chuck Bree zweimal seine Nummer und Bree willigt ein, mit ihm auszugehen. Als Bree dies Renee mitteilt, führt Renee einen Hintergrund-Check zu Chuck durch und offenbart Bree, dass er immer noch verheiratet ist, obwohl er bereits vor einem Jahr die Scheidung eingereicht hatte. Während des Essens konfrontiert Bree Chuck mit diesen Informationen, aber Chuck rächt sich, indem er ihr erklärt, dass er sie auch im Hintergrund überprüft habe. Beleidigt beendet Bree ihr Datum abrupt. Während Chuck nach Hause fährt, erwischt Chuck eine Nutte auf der Straße und sagt, dass sie ihr Leben ändern kann, indem sie vorgibt, Bree aufzudecken, als sei sie eine Prostituierte, und sie hatte ein neues Blatt geworfen, indem sie zur Schule ging und ein großes Cateringunternehmen gründete. Bewegt von Chucks ganz herzlichen Worten, gibt Bree Chuck eine zweite Chance. Im siebten Staffelfinale sagt Lee zu Bree, dass er Chuck als einen schwulen Mann erkennt, den er in den örtlichen Gay-Bars gesehen hat. Bree trifft ihn auf der Polizeistation, und ihr Misstrauen nimmt zu. Sie glaubt, Chucks Ehe sei zusammengebrochen, weil er schwul ist. Nach einem Abendessen verabredet Bree, dass Chuck sie in eine schwule Bar bringt, wo ihn mehrere Gäste und ein Kellner erkennen. Chuck erzählt ihr, dass er in der Bar Undercover gearbeitet hatte und offenbart, dass seine Ehe gescheitert ist, weil seine Frau eine Affäre mit seinem Polizeipartner hatte. Chuck ist einer der Teilnehmer der progressiven Partei, die in der Nacht stattfindet, in der Alejandro Perez aus Versehen von Carlos getötet wird. Bree und die anderen Hausfrauen halfen, Alejandros Leiche zu verstecken. [ Zitat benötigt

In der achten Staffel führt Bree ihre Beziehung zu Chuck fort, aber sie fürchtet, dass er herausfinden könnte, was passiert ist Alejandro, also entleert sie ihn in derselben Nacht, in der Chuck ihr einen Vorschlag machen wollte. Später erhält Chuck in seinem Büro einen vermissten Personenbericht für Alejandro. Chuck beginnt eine Untersuchung und erinnert sich, Alejandro in der Nacht der progressiven Party in der Wisteria Lane gesehen zu haben. Er vermutet, dass Bree in den Fall verwickelt ist. Chuck belästigt Bree ebenso wie ihre Freunde, um Rache zu üben und Bree leiden zu lassen. Chuck ist nahe daran, die Wahrheit zu entdecken, bis er von Orson überfahren und getötet wird. Chuck erschien unter anderen verstorbenen Charakteren im Serienfinale. [ Benennung erforderlich ]

Ben Faulkner [ [19599034]

Ben Faulkner (Charles Mesure) ist ein australischer Immobilienentwickler, der in der letzten Saison zur Wisteria Lane zieht. Er zieht Renees Aufmerksamkeit auf sich, lehnt sie jedoch zunächst ab. Ben stellt Mike als Klempner in sein Projekt ein, also pumpt Renee Mike, um Informationen über Ben zu erhalten, und er enthüllt, dass er alten Leuten hilft. Renee geht zu Ben und verhält sich nett zu Karen in der Hoffnung, dass er sie herausfordert, was er tut. Für ihre Verabredung bringt er sie in ein Obdachlosenheim und sobald sie herausfindet, dass er sie verspottet, ist sie wütend, aber sie sind sich darüber einig, dass sie beide als kleine Kinder arm waren. Bree hilft freiwillig in Bens Suppenküche und hilft ihm, die Häuser für die Armen in den Wäldern zu bauen. Später erfährt sie, dass es derselbe Ort ist, an dem sie und die Mädchen Alejandro begraben haben. Bree versucht zuerst, Ben daran zu hindern, die Häuser dort zu bauen, aber nachdem Ben die Leiche gefunden hat, beschließt Bree, ihm das Geheimnis zu enthüllen, und bittet Mike, es unter den konkreten Fundamenten an der Baustelle zu begraben. Ben stößt mit Chuck zusammen, als er sieht, wie der Detective Bree belästigt, während Renee der Freundschaft von Ben und Bree misstrauisch gegenübersteht. Chuck setzt Renee absichtlich auf die Idee, dass Ben eine Affäre mit Bree hat, aber dies endet bald, als Renee entdeckt, dass Bree dabei ist, Selbstmord zu begehen, und als Chuck getötet wird. [ Zitat nötig

Ben hat eine Finanzkrise und beschließt, Geschäfte mit einem Kredithai zu machen, der von Mike entdeckt wird. Mike offenbart dann, dass Renee bei ihrer Scheidung zwölf Millionen Dollar bekommen hat, so dass Ben, der Renee ignoriert hatte, plötzlich anfängt, sie schöner zu behandeln und sogar vorschlägt, ihr einen Vorschlag zu machen, aber er verzichtet darauf und gibt ihr zu, dass er sie heiraten wollte für ihr Geld Ben nimmt schließlich das Geld vom Kredithai, hat jedoch später Schwierigkeiten, ihn zurückzuzahlen, hat sogar einen stressbedingten Angriff und wird in ein Krankenhaus eingeliefert. Mike erzählt Renee von der Situation und zahlt den Kredithai hinter Bens Rücken aus. Ben besucht Mikes Beerdigung (er wurde vom Kredithai ermordet) als Platzanweiser. [ Zitat benötigt]

Renee wartet auf einen weiteren Vorschlag von Ben und als er schließlich die Frage stellt Er wird festgenommen, als die Polizei Alejandros Leiche auf seiner Baustelle gefunden hat. Renee bekommt den Ring an ihrem Finger, bevor er zum Verhör gebracht wird. Ben wird entlassen, aber als Bree Ben dafür dankt, dass er den Mord für sie vertuscht hat, hören die Polizisten ihren Anruf. Renee erfährt, dass Ben auf der Zeugenliste für Brees Verfahren steht und Ben ein Geheimnis über die Leiche hält. Sie konfrontiert ihn, aber Ben sagt ihr, dass er es ihr nicht sagen kann, weil er sie nicht gefährden will. Ben geht zur Verhandlung, weigert sich jedoch zu sprechen. Er wird ins Gefängnis geworfen, bis er spricht, und der Ankläger droht Renee, ihn nach Australien zurückzuschicken, sofern sie nicht gesteht, was sie bei der fortschrittlichen Partei gesehen hat, bei der Alejandro getötet wurde. Am Ende wird Bree entlastet, und Ben heiratet schließlich Renee. [ Zitat benötigt ]

Juanita Solis [

Juanita Solis ( Madison De La Garza) ist die rechtliche Tochter von Gabrielle und Carlos Solis, die in den fünf Jahren zwischen den 4. und 5. Staffeln geboren wurden. Sie ist nach Carlos 'verstorbener Mutter benannt. Juanita sorgt bei den meisten ihrer Auftritte für komische Erleichterung. jedoch macht sie ihrer Mutter ständig Ärger und Unfug. [ Zitat benötigt ]

In Staffel 7 erfährt Carlos, dass Juanita bei der Geburt mit Grace Sanchez (Cecilia Balagot) gewechselt wurde. und dass ihre leiblichen Eltern Hector und Carmen Sanchez sind (Ronaldo Molina und Carla Jimenez). Er hält das jedoch vor Gabrielle geheim, weil er nicht die Tochter verlieren will, die sie in den letzten Jahren aufgezogen haben. Nachdem Bree jedoch versehentlich Juanita überfahren hat, beschließt Carlos, Gabrielle die Wahrheit zu sagen. Dann sucht Gabrielle ihre leibliche Tochter Grace auf. Juanita ist sich der Wahrheit nicht bewusst und ist eifersüchtig auf die Aufmerksamkeit, die ihre Mutter Grace schenkt. Als sich Juanitas leibliche Eltern als illegale Einwanderer herausstellen, ist Grace gezwungen, mit ihnen zu gehen, was dazu führt, dass Gabrielle am Herzen verletzt wird. Sie versucht, ihre Gefühle durchzuschreiben, indem sie Grace eine Notiz schreibt, aber Juanita findet sie und entdeckt die Wahrheit. Sie schreit Gabrielle an und stößt sie sogar nach unten, bevor sie aus dem Haus flieht, und landet während des Aufruhrs, der von Paul verursacht wurde, in Lees Wagen. Wenn das Auto als Teil eines Aufruhrs angegriffen wird, ist Juanita fast verletzt, wird aber von Gabrielle und Carlos gerettet und scheint bereit zu sein, ihren Eltern zu vergeben. [ Zitat nötig

De La Garza wurde in der achten Staffel zum "Starring" -Status befördert, jedoch nur in den Episoden, in denen sie auftritt. Ihre Rolle unterscheidet sich jedoch nicht von der der vorangegangenen Staffeln und ist an keiner größeren Verschwörung beteiligt; stattdessen leistet sie weiterhin Comic-Entlastung. [ Zitat erforderlich ]

Sekundäre Charaktere [ bearbeiten ]

Nachfolgend sind Figuren, deren Portrayer erhalten haben. Auch mit "Billing" an einem beliebigen Punkt der Serie, aber niemals "Starring" -Berechnung. Sie sind in der Reihenfolge sortiert, in der sie in die Besetzung aufgenommen wurden, und nicht nach Episodenanzahl, Bildschirmzeit oder Popularität. [ Zitat benötigt ]

Danielle Van de Kamp edit ]

Danielle Van de Kamp (vormals Katz; Joy ​​Lauren) ist die Tochter von Bree und Rex Van de Kamp. Sie ist auch Andrews jüngere Schwester. Danielle scheint einen Freund zu brauchen, um sich gut zu fühlen, und ist mit ihrem Aussehen beschäftigt. Während ihres zweiten Jahres war Danielle Leiterin des Abstinenzklubs ihrer High School. Danielle plant jedoch, ihre Jungfräulichkeit an ihren Ex-Freund John Rowland zu verlieren, um ihn zu sich zu locken, aber John beendet die Beziehung auf Brees Bitte endgültig und lässt Danielle verwüstet und mit gebrochenem Herzen zurück. Dies ist auch der erste Schritt in Richtung darauf, dass Danielle sich mehr um ihre Mutter kümmert, weil sie der Meinung ist, dass sie von ihren Eltern mehr Aufmerksamkeit erhalten wird, wenn sie sich wie ihr Bruder verhält. Zitat benötigt

] Danielle findet Liebe in Matthew Applewhite, der kürzlich in die Wisteria Lane gezogen ist. Danielle ist ein Komplize an Matthews Plan, Caleb "niederlegen" zu lassen, damit er und seine Mutter sich nicht bewegen müssen. Nachdem Betty Matthew zur Strafe in den Keller gesperrt hat, befreit Danielle ihn und die beiden laufen weg. Nachdem bekannt wurde, dass Matthew, nicht Caleb, für den Mord verantwortlich war, der die Applewhite-Familie verfolgt hat, betteln Betty und Bree, um Danielle und Matthew zu stoppen, die in das Van-de-Kamp-Haus einbrechen, um Geld zu stehlen. Als Bree die Kinder konfrontiert, droht Matthew Bree zu töten, während Danielle um das Leben ihrer Mutter bittet. Matthew wird später erschossen, und Bree und Danielle versöhnen sich versuchsweise. Zitat benötigt

Später entdeckt Bree, dass Danielle mit ihrem Geschichtslehrer geschlafen hat und versucht, die Beziehung zu sabotieren . Als Danielle von ihm abgeladen wird, offenbart sie der Frau ihres Lehrers ihre Angelegenheit und geht so weit, dass sie ihn entlassen und möglicherweise strafrechtlich angeklagt wird. Bald darauf wird bekannt, dass Austin McCann und Danielle hinter Julies Rücken zusammen schlafen. Danielle erpresst Austin und droht, sie würde Julie von ihrer Beziehung erzählen, wenn er sie beenden will. Als Danielle entdeckt, dass sie mit Austins Kind schwanger ist, bringen Bree und Orson Danielle in ein Kloster und erzählen anderen, dass Danielle im Ausland studiert. Nachdem Bree von ihren Flitterwochen zurückgekehrt ist, gibt sie vor, sie sei schwanger und beabsichtige, ihr Enkelkind selbst großzuziehen. Danielle beschließt, dass sie das Baby behalten und im Haus großziehen will. Um zu versuchen, Danielle's Meinung zu ändern, erlaubt Bree Danielle, ein großes Party-College in Miami zu besuchen, und gibt ihr ein Cabrio. In "Jetzt weiß ich, hab keine Angst" besucht Danielle eine Halloween-Party, die als Klon von Bree verkleidet ist. Während Bree sie wegen der Teilnahme an der Party anschreit, bricht ihr Wasser. Da die Van de Kamps keine Zeit haben, ins Krankenhaus zu kommen, gebiert Danielle einen Jungen namens Benjamin zu Hause. Am nächsten Morgen, nachdem Bree das Baby gegeben hat, verlässt Danielle Wisteria Lane, um das College in Miami zu besuchen. [ Zitat benötigt ]

Nach der fünfjährigen Lücke in der Serie, Danielle ist für ihren Sohn zurückgekehrt und hat Bree am Boden zerstört. Sie bleibt für einige Jahre ihrer Mutter entfremdet, willigt jedoch ein, ihren Sohn und ihren neuen Ehemann, den Rechtsanwalt Leo Katz, zu besuchen. Bree kritisiert ständig die Art und Weise, in der Danielle Benjamin großzieht, einschließlich Vegetarismus, Homeschooling und Judentum. Eine wütende Danielle reist früh mit ihrer Familie ab und verlässt erneut ihre Beziehung zu ihrer Mutter. In der sechsten Staffel erscheint Danielle in der Episode "Meine zwei jungen Männer" beim Familienessen, das Bree für ihren Halbbruder Sam Allen organisiert. Gegen Ende der sechsten Staffel wird bekannt, dass eine betrunkene Danielle Sam erzählt hat, dass ihr Bruder Andrew zehn Jahre zuvor die Mutter von Carlos Solis überfahren hatte (Staffel 1). [ Zitat benötigt ]

In der siebten Staffel besuchen Danielle und Benjamin Bree, unbekannt, dass ihr Besuch eine Verschwörung war, die von Renee inszeniert wurde, um Bree vor ihrem neuen Liebesinteresse Keith in Verlegenheit zu bringen, weil sie eine Großmutter ist. Danielle sagt, dass Renee ihr erzählt hat, dass sie am Boden zerstört war, weil Orson sie verlassen hatte. Sie scheinen eine glückliche Beziehung erreicht zu haben, als Danielle und Benjamin Bree bei ihrer Ankunft umarmen. Danielle kehrte in Staffel 8 mit Benjamin zurück. Sie erwähnte Bree, dass Leo sie verlassen hatte. Nachdem sie sich in Selbstmitleid geworfen hat, erzählt sie Bree, dass sie ein Internet-Geschäft gründet, das Trainingsgeräte verkauft. Bree entdeckt bald, dass sie "Sex-Swings" verkauft. Während sie wütend ist, beschließt sie, ihre Tochter zu unterstützen, um die Kluft zwischen ihnen zu überbrücken. [] Zitat benötigt

Caleb und Matthew Applewhite [ edit ]

Caleb (Page Kennedy, ersetzt durch NaShawn Kearse) und Matthew Applewhite (Mehcad Brooks; in Flashbacks, Hendrix Henrie-Erhahon) sind die Söhne von Betty Applewhite. In Gesprächen und Rückblenden wird deutlich, dass Matthew vor dem Umzug nach Fairview eine junge Frau namens Melanie Foster traf. Er hatte versucht, sich von ihr zu trennen, aber Melanie bat ihn, sie auf einem Holzplatz zu treffen. Caleb kam zuerst, und nachdem er Melanie erzählt hatte, dass er sie liebt, versuchte er sie zu küssen, aber sie schlug ihn und schlug ihn mit einer Stange. Erschrocken nahm Caleb die Stange und schlug Melanie in den Kopf. Als sie zu Boden fiel, floh Caleb und glaubte, er hätte sie getötet. Matthew kam später an und fand Melanie verletzt, aber lebend. Er versuchte, sie davon zu überzeugen, dass Caleb aus Furcht handelte und sie nicht absichtlich verletzen würde, aber sie sagte ihm, dass sie zur Polizei gehen würde, wenn Matthew nicht bereit wäre, ihre Beziehung wieder aufzunehmen. Als sie wegging, schlug er sie mit der Stange und tötete sie. Weil Caleb jedoch zuerst mit Blut an den Händen nach Hause kam, ist Betty überzeugt, dass er Melanie ermordet hat. [ Zitat benötigt

In Fairview besteht Betty darauf, Caleb zu behalten eingesperrt im Keller, wollte ihn vor den Behörden schützen. Eines Tages gelingt es Caleb jedoch zu fliehen und schleicht sich in Gabrielle's Haus ein. Auf der Suche nach Caleb trifft Matthew auf Danielle Van de Kamp, die mit ihm flirtet und vorschlägt, dass sie sich treffen. Da er weiß, dass er selbst wirklich Melanie's Mörder ist, versucht Matthew, Betty zu überreden, Caleb zu erlauben, oben zu leben. Als Gabrielle zugegeben hat, dass Caleb die Chance hatte, sie jedoch nicht zu verletzen, und dass sein einziges Verbrechen darin bestanden hat, eine Schüssel Eis zu stehlen, räumt Betty schließlich ein. Bree ist über Matthews und Danielle's Beziehung unzufrieden, als sie von Betty von Melanies Mord erfährt. Verboten sich gegenseitig zu sehen, entscheiden Matthew und Danielle, dass Caleb das Problem ist, und planen einen Plan, um ihn aus dem Weg zu räumen. Matthew sagt Caleb, dass Danielle ihn mag und ihn küssen möchte. Caleb geht zum Van De Kamp Haus und in Danielle's Zimmer, wo Danielle nach Bree schreit. Bree kommt mit ihrer Waffe herein und schreckt Caleb ab. Betty erkennt, dass sie Caleb nicht kontrollieren kann und beschließt, ihn friedlich zu töten, indem sie Pillen in eine Schüssel Eiscreme drückt. Als Caleb das Eis isst, sagt er zu seiner Mutter, Matthew habe ihm gesagt, er solle in Danielle's Zimmer gehen. Wütend nimmt Betty das Eis von Caleb und sperrt Matthew im Keller ein, doch bald wird er von Danielle befreit. Betty erfährt, dass Matthew wirklich Melanies Mörder ist, und informiert Bree, der nach Hause kommt und Danielle und Matthew mit dem Geld findet, das sie gerade aus ihrem Safe genommen haben. Betty alarmiert die Polizei, während zwischen Matthew und Bree eine Auseinandersetzung stattfindet. Nachdem Matthew gedroht hat, Bree zu töten, wird er von einem Scharfschützen der Polizei ins Herz geschossen, bevor er den Abzug betätigen kann. Nach Matthews Tod verlassen Betty und Caleb die Wisteria Lane. [ erforderliche Zitierung

Preston und Porter Scavo [

[Preston und Porter Sco] (Brent und Shane Kinsman Staffeln 1 bis 4, Max und Charlie Carver Staffeln 5 bis 8) sind die ältesten Zwillingssöhne von Lynette. Sie sind sehr rebellisch, sehr zum Leid ihrer Eltern, besonders Lynette, da sie zu diesem Zeitpunkt eine Mutter zu Hause ist. Ihre unkontrollierbare Natur lässt darauf schließen, dass sie möglicherweise ADHS haben. Die Zwillinge sind oft in Schwierigkeiten, vor allem in der ersten Staffel, als sie eine herausragende Rolle in der Show spielten.

In der fünften Staffel setzten sie ihre schelmischen Wege fort, jedoch in Form von Alkoholkonsum, Rauchen und Fahrgeschäften unter dem Alter von Kindern in Familienautos. Es scheint jedoch, dass die Zwillinge Zeichen des Erwachsenwerdens zeigen und den Regeln ihrer Eltern folgen. Später in der Saison wird entdeckt, dass Porter eine Affäre mit der Mutter seines besten Freundes, Anne Schilling, hatte. Sie verlässt schließlich die Stadt und Porter wird beschuldigt, das Feuer im Warren Schilling Club angezündet zu haben, obwohl die Anklage später fallengelassen wird.

In der sechsten Staffel plant Preston, das College und den Rucksack für ein Jahr in Europa abzusetzen, während Porter weiterhin zu Hause bleiben wird, um das Fairview Community College zu besuchen. Preston kehrt in der Folge "Chromolume No. 7" mit einer Verlobten aus Russland namens Irina Korsakov zurück, die Lynette veranlasst, sich Sorgen zu machen, dass ihr Sohn ausgenutzt wird. Lynette entdeckt schließlich, dass Irina bereits mit einem anderen Mann verheiratet ist und sich von einem Mann scheidet, den sie gestohlen hat. Sie trennen sich und Lynette sagt Preston, dass sie weiß, dass er sauer auf sie ist, hofft jedoch, dass er ihr irgendwann vergeben wird. Nachdem die Zwillinge Lynette aufgeweckt und mitten in der Nacht Mädchen nach Hause gebracht haben, sind sich Lynette und Tom einig, dass es an der Zeit ist, einen eigenen Platz zu finden. Die Jungs finden bald ein Haus und verabschieden sich von Tom und Lynette. Es zeigt sich jedoch, dass das "neue Haus" der Zwillinge mit Mrs. McCluskey direkt gegenüber liegt. Eifrig, sie herauszuholen, bringt Lynette ihnen ein Fass Bier und schlägt vor, eine Party zu veranstalten. McCluskeys Haus ist unvermeidlich verwüstet und sie schlägt die Zwillinge heraus.

In der letzten Saison wird bekannt gegeben, dass Porter der Vater von Julies Baby ist. In "Finishing the Hat" geht Porter zu Renees und Bens Hochzeit, um Tom und Lynette dazu zu bringen, ihnen zu sagen, dass sein und Julies Baby geboren wird.

Parker Scavo [ edit ]

Parker Scavo (Zane Huett Staffeln 1 bis 4, Joshua Logan Moore Staffel 5 bis 8) [1] ist der jüngste Sohn von Lynette und Tom. Wie alle Kinder von Lynette treibt er sie mit seiner Unvernunft und seiner rebellischen Natur in den Wahnsinn. In der ersten Saison bleibt Parker zu Hause, während seine Brüder in der Schule sind. In der zweiten Staffel beginnt Parker die Schule, ist aber verärgert, als er herausfindet, dass seine Mutter wegen ihres neuen Jobs und ihres gemeinen Chefs nicht mitkommen kann. Dank der Abwesenheit seiner Mutter liebt er einen imaginären Babysitter und ihren Regenschirm. Er und seine Brüder bekommen auch Windpocken. Parker wird neugierig auf die menschliche Sexualität und bittet mehrere Mädchen, ihre Vagina zu sehen, einschließlich Mrs. McCluskey. Parker erweist sich als der sensibelste von Lynette's drei Jungen, als er schockiert ist, als er herausfindet, dass seine Mutter erschossen wurde und sie nicht aus dem Haus lassen will. [ Zitat benötigt ]

Er kommt sehr gut mit seiner Halbschwester Kayla aus und ist am meisten mit McCluskey verbunden, besonders wenn sie Opfer von Gerüchten ist, dass sie ihren Mann getötet hatte, und sie dazu brachte, allen die Wahrheit zu sagen. Er wird während des Tornados in McCluskeys Haus lebendig begraben und ist der zweite, der aus ihm herausgezogen wird. Er war angewidert zu erfahren, dass seine Eltern immer noch Sex hatten, nachdem sie der Familie erzählt hatten, dass Lynette wieder schwanger ist. In "Lovely" machen er und seine Freunde Robin in der Dusche. Später wird bekannt, dass er Geld zum Schlafen mit ihr angeboten hat, was sie ablehnte. Seine Eltern hatten später ein Gespräch mit Tom, der Parker versicherte, dass er zu gegebener Zeit Sex haben wird. [ Zitat erforderlich]

George Williams edit ]

George Williams (Roger Bart) ist ein Apotheker und beginnt eine Beziehung mit Bree, nachdem sie die außereheliche Affäre ihres Mannes mit der Nachbarschaftsprostituierten Maisy Gibbons entdeckt hat. Ihre Beziehung geht gut, bis Bree aus Versehen eine Handfeuerwaffe auf Georges Fuß abfeuert, wodurch er einen Zeh verliert. Er kehrt nach kurzer Abwesenheit zurück und beginnt, nach Bree zu verlangen. Rex geht dies beleidigend an, und es gipfelt mit George, der bei Carlos 'Abschiedsparty in einen Pool gestoßen wird. Durch seine Besessenheit für Bree motiviert, beginnt George, Rex 'Herzmedikamente durch gefährliche Mengen an Kalium zu ersetzen, was dessen Tod bei "One Wonderful Day" zur Folge hatte. [] Zitat erforderlich

Danach Rex 'Tod, George versucht, seine Beziehung zu Bree nach vorne zu bringen. Während sie mit ihr im Urlaub ist, drängt George sie, indem sie sie überredet, Antihistaminika mit Alkohol zu mischen. George entscheidet sich dagegen, Bree auf diese Weise auszunutzen, aber als sie aufwacht, sagt er ihr, dass er nicht mehr lange warten wird, wodurch Bree endlich ins Bett kommt. George schlägt ihr vor. Sie fühlt sich unter Druck gesetzt, zuzustimmen. Nachdem Bree George von ihrem Gespräch mit Dr. Goldfine erzählt hat, in dem er vorschlug, dass sie und George ihre Beziehung zu schnell angehen, greift George Dr. Goldfine an und wirft ihn über eine Brücke. Goldfine ist verletzt, überlebt aber. Später wird George besitzerischer. Er widerspricht dem Widerstand von Bree, ihren Verlobungsring zu tragen; Bree ärgert sich wiederum, als sie ihre Verlobung mit George in der Zeitung ansieht. Diese Ankündigung bringt Georges Ex-Verlobte zu Brees Haus, wo sie Bree warnt, dass George instabil ist. Bree entlässt sie und weigert sich zu glauben. Später, als Bree und George zu Abend essen, treffen sie Bree's alten College-Freund Ty Grant. Er bittet Bree zu tanzen und sie stimmt zu. Georges Überreaktion dazu führt Bree dazu, ihre Beziehung zu George zu beenden. Als Vergeltung stiehlt George Tys Valet-Ticket aus seiner Jacke, fährt mit seinem Auto davon, bringt es zu einem abgelegenen Ort und zündet es an George erfährt dann, dass die Polizei auf ihn zukommt und sein Haus durchsucht hat, nachdem Bree zur Polizei gegangen war und vermutete, dass George in den Angriff von Dr. Goldfin verwickelt war. George zieht sich in ein Hotelzimmer zurück (in demselben Hotel, in dem Bree eine Wohltätigkeitsveranstaltung veranstaltet), und ein Bellman gibt ihr eine Nachricht. He then overdoses on sleeping pills which ultimately leads to his death. George makes his final appearance in series finale, as one of the ghosts watching over Susan as she leaves Wisteria Lane.

Austin McCann[edit]

Austin McCann (Josh Henderson) is Edie's troubled teenage nephew. When Edie catches him trying to break into her house, she lets him stay with her for some time instead of going to Mexico like he was planning to, since he fought his mother's boyfriend, but she chose her boyfriend instead of Austin. He is instantly attracted to Julie, and they spend some time playing cat and mouse but begin a relationship after both being held hostage by Carolyn Bigsby. In episode "No Fits, No Fights, No Feuds", Julie gives up her virginity to Austin. Shortly afterwards, it is revealed that Austin had been sleeping with Danielle Van De Kamp. Austin plans to break it off with her to keep Julie from finding out, but it ends with Danielle threatening to reveal their relationship to Julie if Austin quits having sex with her. However, the next episode, Edie and Susan catch Austin and Danielle having sex and, at the end of the episode, Susan tells Julie about Austin and Danielle, which end Julie's relationship with Austin and her friendship with Danielle. Austin gets a job at the Scavo Pizzeria, but is fired by Lynette for smoking marijuana on the job. Tom hired him back because "teenage girls think he's hot...he'll bring in all the high school girls and half the men's chorus." Later on he discovers that he got Danielle pregnant just when he managed to mend his relationship with Julie. Orson tells Austin he would need to leave town. Although Austin refused, Andrew pointed out that sooner or later he would just hurt Julie again. Austin agreed to leave.[citation needed]

Dylan Mayfair[edit]

Dylan Mayfair (Lyndsy Fonseca) is Katherine's daughter. Dylan has no memory of "her" early years, and throughout Season 4, she unearths surprising news about her past, including her unknown friendship with Julie Mayer, whom she had never actually met since it was Katherine's original daughter, Dylan Davis, who was Julie's friend. One day, Dylan is driving, and a police officer pulls her over for speeding. Later, she finds out he is her father, Wayne, who she always thought had died. Wayne asks Dylan not to tell Katherine that they have met. Dylan meets Wayne a few times for dinner, telling Katherine that she is out on a date. Katherine follows Dylan one evening and discovers the truth, while Dylan and Wayne were planning to tell Katherine that they have been meeting. Wayne later discovers that Dylan is not his biological daughter after watching home videos of Dylan when she was young: while his daughter had a scar from a bike accident that needed 11 stitches, this Dylan's skin is unmarked. Katherine has no choice but to tell Dylan the truth about all the secrets: Katherine says that Wayne abused her, so she planned to leave town with the original Dylan. One day, Katherine has gone out for the evening and when she returns, Mary Alice (who was babysitting Dylan) tells her that Wayne came by and gave Dylan a doll, which the little girl would not let go of. Katherine takes the doll and puts it on top of a bookcase. Dylan tries to get the doll and the wardrobe falls on top of her, killing her. Katherine feels like she cannot go to the police because she believes Wayne will find a way to pin Dylan's death on her, so she buries her daughter in the woods. Katherine flies to a Romanian orphanage and adopts a girl who bears a striking resemblance to Dylan, to assume the identity of her deceased daughter.[citation needed]

After the five-year jump in the Season 4 finale, Dylan leaves a message for Katherine saying she has just returned from Paris, where her fiance proposed under the Eiffel Tower. In the fifth season Katherine reveals that Dylan has married and that she and her husband, Bradley, have had a baby. It is learned that Dylan and her family live in Baltimore.[citation needed]

She makes her return to Wisteria Lane in Season 6, when her mother intentionally stabs herself. Susan realizes that Katherine needs serious mental help, and upon learning that only a family member can commit someone to a mental institution, she calls Dylan, pretending to be a doctor, and tells her she should come to Fairview. At first, Dylan not only believes Susan attacked her mother, but also thinks Katherine is married to Mike; however, after Susan shows Dylan her wedding album, Dylan realizes that her mother has been lying to her and living in delusion. When Dylan visits Katherine, she confronts her mother. Katherine goes into a full blown meltdown and both Susan and Dylan watch as she is restrained.[citation needed]

Kayla Huntington Scavo[edit]

Kayla Scavo (Rachel Fox; née Huntington) is the daughter of Tom Scavo and Nora Huntington, and stepdaughter of Lynette. Tom reveals that he has just found out that a one-night stand twelve years prior had resulted in the birth of Kayla. Lynette tries to include Kayla in their family, but it becomes increasingly difficult due to Nora's hostility. Kayla's true sociopathic personality does not emerge until after Nora's death, which causes Kayla to move in with the Scavos full-time.[citation needed]

In season four, Kayla seems to be closer to Lynette and fits in perfectly with the rest of the Scavo family. Later on in the season, however, she becomes more crafty and psychotic when she persuades Porter and Preston to set fire to Rick Coletti's rival pizza joint, and tricks one of the twins into jumping off the roof of the house by pretending that she had safely done so herself by using an umbrella as a parachute. Lynette takes Kayla to a therapist, who tells Lynette that she and Kayla should spend more time together, so Lynette takes her shopping. Kayla blackmails her to get what she wants in the store, and she then threatens to hurt Penny, causing Lynette to slap her. Later, Kayla calls her therapist and tells him that Lynette has repeatedly hit her many times before. These accusations bring Child Protective Services to the Scavo home. After intentionally overhearing the conversation between the Scavos and their lawyer, she hears that Lynette could jeopardize her rights of parental custody over her children. Kayla precedes by burning herself with a curling iron, claiming Lynette did it to her, and leading to Lynette's indefinite arrest. Later that night Tom tricks Kayla into confessing everything, her therapist listening to their conversation the entire time. Kayla insists that Tom has to let her stay within the family household, but Tom decides to call Nora's parents, and Kayla is forced to move away and live with her grandparents.[citation needed]

Penny Scavo[edit]

Penelope Lynne Scavo[2] (Dylan and Jordan Cline - season 1; Darien and Kerstin Pinkerton - seasons 2-4; Kendall Applegate - season 5 and 6; Darcy Rose Byrnes - season 7 and 8) is Lynette and Tom’s fourth child and first daughter. She has her first line in the season three episode "God, That's Good". She is the most well-behaved out of Lynette's children. Lynette wanted Penny to be Gabrielle's flower girl at her wedding, but due to her having “zero charisma,” Gabrielle chose Victor's housekeeper’s daughter who resembled herself.

Penny plays a more active role in the series after the 5-year jump between seasons 4 and 5. She learns she is going to be a big sister when Lynette becomes pregnant again in season 6, and becomes jealous of the new baby. In the episode "The Chase" she celebrated her 11th birthday, but Tom and Lynette forgot it, resulting in a birthday dinner with only half the family there, and her cake had the name "Polly" on it. Penny then used her parents' credit card to check herself in a hotel. Lynette discovered this after Penny did not come home from school and after one of Penny's friends gave her mom a note to tell she ran away. When baby Paige is born, Penny has a change of attitude and even helps Lynette babysit Paige in "The Thing That Counts is What's Inside", taking her to school with her. Throughout season eight, Penny helps Lynette try to win Tom back many times.[citation needed]

Nick Bolen[edit]

Nick Bolen (formerly Dominic; Jeffrey Nordling) is the manipulative husband of Angie Bolen. He shares a past with Julie. Nick is later shown talking to some girls at Danny and Porter's party, and Danny confronts his father by telling him he knows about his affair with Julie. Nick hassles Julie, wanting to get back together with her, she refuses. Lynette walks in as they are having a fight and Nick leaves. Later, Lynette and Tom go to the police and tell them that Nick was sleeping with Julie and that he is a possible suspect for her strangling. Angie has found out about the affair due to the police calling her; she lied and told them that Nick was with her the entire night and, as she knows they are stuck together due to their secret, Angie forgives him after punching him in the face. Angie is angry when waitress Emily Portsmith brushes crumbs from his shirt and quickly confronts him, he asks her if that is how it will be from now on whenever he talks to another woman, she confirms it. Later, at the coffee cup, Nick takes out a pre-paid phone and makes a proposition with an agent, telling him that he might be ready to return if she (Angie) is let off the hook; the call ceases and he sees Emily, he asks her if she was eavesdropping on him and she denies it, Nick leaves. The waitress is strangled to death. Nick tells Angie, once the news has spread of Emily's death, that he was the last person to leave the night she was murdered; he suggests that they pack up and leave but Angie refuses, hoping that they will get lucky, Nick wonders how much luck they have left. When Patrick Logan arrives to Wisteria Lane, he runs Nick over. Gabrielle visits Nick in the hospital and shows him the note that Angie left her saying that she and Danny are held hostage. Nick now knows that Patrick is behind it and leaves the hospital with Gabrielle. However, Nick passes out in Gabrielle's car due to the influence of pain pills. After Patrick is killed, Nick and Angie leave Wisteria Lane and move to Atlanta.[citation needed]

Danny Bolen[edit]

Danny Bolen (formerly Tyler; Beau Mirchoff) is the son of Angie and Nick Bolen. He comments that he did not want to move to Fairview, to which his mother replied "Oh, honey. Whose fault was that?" He has feelings for Julie, but is prone to random fits of anger around her, and thus becomes a suspect after Julie is strangled. Danny confronts his father after he discovers his father's affair with Julie. After Julie tells Danny she will never be with him, he attempts to commit suicide, but fails. Later at the hospital, he is being looked after by Nurse Mona Clarke, who lives on Wisteria Lane. When Mona calls him by name, a dazed Danny says that his name is Tyler. He starts dating Ana Solis, which concerns Angie, as she is afraid that Ana is going to break his heart someday. He goes to New York City to talk with Ana about her supposed modeling job and reconnects with his grandmother. It also revealed that Patrick Logan is his biological father, but he does not know this and thinks of Nick as his real dad. Patrick meets Danny Patrick in episode "We All Deserve to Die", and tells Danny that he is writing a novel, which in reality is the story of how Patrick and Angie met. Patrick asks Danny for advice on how to "end the novel" and Danny, believing it is all fiction, suggests that the main character kill "the girl", for taking away the main character's kid (who takes the role of Danny). When Patrick runs Nick over, Angie tells Danny to escape, and though she reveals Patrick's past as an eco-terrorist, she misses out the important fact of their relationship. Danny is about to leave town, but is tricked by Patrick into returning, and is held hostage along with Angie. Patrick reveals to Danny the truth about his paternity. Patrick attempts to kill Danny by making Angie build a bomb and placing it in the Bolens' house; however, Angie planted the bomb within the detonator and Patrick is killed, while Danny is saved by Gabrielle. Later, while Angie and Nick relocate to Atlanta, Danny is seen relocating to New York to be with his grandmother and Ana.[citation needed]

Maynard James "M.J." Delfino[edit]

M.J. Delfino (Mason Vale Cotton) is Susan and Mike's son. He is born on Mother's Day in the fourth season episode "Mother Said", shortly before the five-year time jump. His first name honors Mike's grandfather.[3]

M.J. is shy, quiet, and like his mother when she was younger, is an underachiever who struggles in school due to his lack of intelligence and common sense, prompting Susan and Mike to enroll him in private school.[4][5] When Mike begins dating Katherine, M.J. resents their relationship;[6] however, he grows fond of Katherine as her romance with Mike progresses.[7] M.J. becomes the target of a murder scheme when Dave Williams wants revenge for Susan for killing his wife and daughter in a car accident several years earlier.[8] However, Dave spares M.J.'s life after experiencing overwhelming guilt.[9]

After Susan and Mike remarry, M.J. has never been happier. Katherine tells M.J. that Susan stole Mike away from Katherine which angers Mike. M.J. loves playing with his T-Rex which Susan accidentally sold to Roy Bender's deaf grandson. In season seven, M.J. is sad when he has to leave Wisteria Lane and move into an apartment. M.J. hates when Mike goes to work in an oil plant in Alaska.[citation needed]

The eighth and final season sees Mike being killed and M.J. and Susan dealing with the loss. M.J. is generally depicted in a bad temper because he feels like the other children at school think of him as a "weird kid" for not having a father anymore. M.J. and his family eventually leave Wisteria Lane in the series finale, due to his half-sister Julie's new baby.

Recurring characters[edit]

The following are characters whose portrayer received "Guest starring" billing at any point of the series, but never received "Starring" or "Also starring" billing. Only those relevant characters that appeared in two or more seasons, or in a major story arc during one season, are included. They are sorted first by the season in which they were introduced and then by the episode in which they first appeared.[citation needed]

Adam Mayfair[edit]

Adam Mayfair (Nathan Fillion) is a gynecologist and Katherine's second husband, who knows something of Katherine's past in Wisteria Lane.[10] Katherine is very jealous of any attention other women pay to her husband, and it is often implied that he has a history as a womanizer. It eventually comes to light that the couple left Chicago because of a lawsuit initiated by a patient named Sylvia Greene (Melora Walters) against Adam. The case had been settled out of court, with Adam allowing his wife to believe the patient was a nymphomaniac. When Sylvia arrives in Fairview hoping to rekindle a relationship with Adam, Katherine is furious and asks him to leave. While packing, he finds the note that Katherine's Aunt Lillian left for Dylan, which reveals Katherine's true mystery, and he decides he wants to leave her. In "Sunday," Dylan asks to meet with Adam to learn the truth about her father. Katherine first meets with Adam, who agrees to talk to Dylan in the interest of learning what she already knows but promises he will not reveal Katherine's secrets. Katherine tells him she wants to work on their marriage, but Adam says he is finished. In the fourth season finale, Adam tells Katherine that, though he is still finished with her, he is not finished with Dylan and wants to protect her from Wayne. He and Katherine attend Dylan's cello recital, with Adam planning to take Dylan and Katherine away afterward on a vacation. Wayne also attends the recital, unbeknownst to Adam, who had neither met nor seen a photo of Wayne. During the intermission, Wayne elicits Adam's help with a flat tire. Wayne knocks Adam unconscious with a tire iron, drives him to an abandoned shack, and beats him until he believes Adam is dead. Adam, who had only feigned death to get Wayne to stop, steals a car and rushes to save Katherine. He arrives as Wayne is preparing to shoot Katherine and struggles with him, taking his gun. Later, Bree takes Adam to nurse his wounds and he comforts Katherine after she shoots Wayne to death. This is Adam's last appearance. It is speculated that he divorced Katherine in between the five years in between the fourth and fifth seasons and his current whereabouts are unknown.

Albert Goldfine[edit]

Dr. Albert Goldfine (Sam Lloyd) is hailed as the number one marriage counsellor in Fairview. Rex and Bree begin seeing him in the second episode of Season 1, "Ah, But Underneath". During appointments, Bree frequently makes small talk with Dr. Goldfine, and during a private session, she fixes a loose a button on his jacket. Goldfine becomes captivated by her domesticity and later asks Rex if he has ever thanked Bree for the things she does around the house, to Rex's chagrin. In episode "Love is in the Air", he encourages Bree to ask Rex about his true sexual feelings, refusing to divulge Rex's desire for domination despite being flustered by Bree's openness about her love of sex. He returns in the second season when Bree needs advice regarding her feelings about being widowed and about her relationship with George Williams. When George finds out that Goldfine has been advising Bree to take their relationship slowly, he lies in wait for Goldfine, slamming his head into a concrete barrier and throwing him over a bridge. Goldfine survives and informs Bree his attacker had a blue bike. When Bree recalls she had seen George with a blue bike earlier that day, she realize the depths of George's obsession with her.[citation needed]

Alejandro Perez[edit]

Alejandro Perez, aka Ramon Sanchez (Tony Plana) is the stepfather of Gabrielle who was sexually abusive towards her when she was a child. He is the second husband of Gabrielle's mother, Lucia Marquez (María Conchita Alonso). When Gabrielle told Lucia what Alejandro did to her, Lucia believed that Gabrielle seduced Alejandro, causing Gabrielle to run away from home.[citation needed]

Gabrielle believed Alejandro to be dead, so in the seventh season she went to her home town to read a letter over his grave; but she ended up not going to it. Towards the end of the season, however, Alejandro appears in Wisteria Lane stalking Gabrielle. In the season finale, Alejandro confronts Gabrielle because he believed he had put his past behind him, and Gabrielle's return to her hometown may have put an end to that. Gabrielle almost kills him once but cannot go through with it, telling Alejandro never to come back. When Alejandro returns and touches Gabrielle inappropriately, Carlos hits him over the head, accidentally killing him. The housewives cover up the incident by burying the body in the forest.[citation needed]

The main mystery of the eighth and final season of the series is the result of the murder of Alejandro. Carlos and the housewives all deal with the guilt, and Mike and Ben also become involved when Alejandro's body is moved from the forest and buried by Mike in Ben's construction site. Susan tries to overcome guilt of her involvement in Alejandro's murder, so she decides to look for his family to make sure they are okay. It is revealed that sometime after Gabrielle left Alejandro and Lucia's home, Alejandro left Lucia, changed his name to "Ramon Sanchez", and married Claudia Sanchez (Justina Machado), and that Alejandro also abused Claudia's daughter Marisa (Daniela Bobadilla). Bree becomes the main suspect of the murder of Alejandro when she dumps her detective boyfriend Chuck Vance, and suspicion grows after Chuck is killed. Bree goes to trial and is close to face 20 years to life sentence until Mrs. McCluskey herself confesses she killed Alejandro. All charges dropped against Bree and Mrs. McCluskey.[citation needed]

Alex Cominis[edit]

Dr. Alex Cominis (Todd Grinnell) is Andrew's ex-husband. He is a plastic surgeon and resides with Andrew on Wisteria Lane, in a house which Bree purchased for them. He is quick to point out Bree's selfishness, which Bree has come to appreciate. Alex appeared in the gay porn film "Rear Deployment" while putting himself through medical school. Alex is not seen in season six, but it is revealed that Andrew cheated on him. Alex leaves Andrew in season seven, due to Andrew's severe drinking problem.[citation needed]

Alma Hodge[edit]

Alma Hodge (Valerie Mahaffey) was Orson's first wife. Alma tricked him into marrying her by getting pregnant, thinking that having a baby together would make Orson fall in love with her. Unfortunately she had a miscarriage and had trapped herself in a loveless marriage. When Alma found out that Orson had an affair with Monique Polier (Kathleen York), she leaves Orson and disappears to make people think Orson murdered her.[citation needed]

Alma suddenly arrives to Wisteria Lane, and Bree tries to have a good relationship with her. However, Alma buys herself the old Applewhite house, so Bree wants Orson to get rid of her. Orson tries to convince Alma to leave, but she blackmails him, threatening to reveal that it was he who ran over Mike Delfino in his car and buried Monique. Bree then proceeds to visit her to tell her to move away, but she discovers a picture of Orson and Monique and a bag containing Monique's teeth hidden under the linoleum, where they were planted by Alma. Bree gives Orson the teeth, who plants them back in Alma's house, stating that she will not find them and that she will now leave them alone, or else he will call the police and tell them that Alma murdered Monique and kept her teeth. Later, Orson's mother Gloria and Alma trick Orson into believing Alma was going to commit suicide. When Orson arrives to Alma's house, he is drugged by Gloria so that Alma could forcibly have sex with him. The morning after, Bree tells Orson that Alma raped him, and he finally tells her the truth about what happened with Monique. Orson then goes to Alma's to tell her that he does not need to worry about her anymore. She tells him she may be pregnant, to which he responds that he does not care. Alma then realizes that there is nothing else she can do to make Orson love her. Gloria, however, does not give up and locks Alma in the attic and plans to kill Bree. After Alma tries to escape from her attic through the window, she falls from the roof to her death. Orson discovers her dead body and plants the suicide note and the bag containing Monique's teeth in her house, making it seem to the police that she killed Monique and committed suicide.[citation needed]

Alma appeared amongst other deceased characters in the series finale.

Benjamin Van de Kamp[edit]

Benjamin Tyson Van de Kamp (formerly Katz & Hodge; Jake Soldera) is Danielle’s and Austin McCann's son and Bree's grandson. However, Bree fakes a pregnancy to make seem like he is her son by Orson. Danielle gives birth to Benjamin on Halloween when Dr. Adam Mayfair delivers him in Bree's kitchen, and Bree raises him as her son to save her family from scandal. Danielle reclaims her son when he is three years old. He is later adopted by her then husband Leo Katz. However, Leo leaves Danielle and Benjamin, resulting in Benjamin to change his name from Benjamin Katz to Benjamin Van de Kamp.[citation needed]

Beth Young[edit]

Beth Young (née Tilman; Emily Bergl) is Paul Young's second wife introduced in "You Must Meet My Wife". A friendly, but troubled and sensitive woman, Beth met Paul while writing to him in prison where he was serving time for the apparent murder of Felicia Tilman. When she arrives to Wisteria Lane, Paul wants to finally have their "wedding night", but Beth refuses to have sex, preferring to take it slowly. In "Truly Content" the housewives invite Beth to their weekly poker game, during which Beth shares some information about her past and how she met Paul at prison. Later, Beth learns from Karen McCluskey that, while Paul was exonerated from the supposed murder of Felicia, everyone blames him for the murder of Felicia's sister, Martha Huber. Beth and Paul talk about this, and she claims that, even if he is really a murderer, she will remain by his side. However, Beth is worried about Paul's plans for Wisteria Lane. When his former cellmate moves into the neighborhood, Beth threatens to tell people he attacked her unless he tells her Paul's plans. She meets Paul at home in sexy underwear, revealing what she knows but she supports him, saying she knows all about revenge.[citation needed]

It is soon revealed that Beth is actually Felicia's daughter, aiding her mother in revenge on Paul. After she and Paul sleep together, Beth questions her mother's sanity and if she knew for certain Paul killed her sister, so the two women have a fight. When Paul is shot later in the season, Beth returns to jail, convinced her mother had something to do with it but Felicia is honestly surprised to hear it happened. Unknown to Beth, the detectives investigating the shooting told Paul how she was Felicia's daughter, making him realize how she has been using him all along. While Paul develops hatred for Beth, Beth falls in love with Paul, and has turned against Felicia to support Paul. He kicks Beth out of the house, but she tries to get back with Paul, telling him how she believed her mother's claims of Paul killing her aunt but now that she knows him, does not believe it. She is thus shocked when Paul confesses to having killed Martha after all. Beth goes to see Felicia in prison where her mother berates her for being so stupid as to not get the confession on tape and that Beth is useless to her, telling the guards to remove her daughter from the visitor list. Beth then learns is a match to be a kidney donor for Susan. With nothing else to live for, Beth goes to the hospital and makes sure the nurse in the waiting room files the paperwork ensuring her kidney will go to Susan. Beth then pulls a gun out of her purse and shoots herself in the head, leaving her brain dead. At first, Paul refuses to give Susan Beth's kidney, but later decides to let Susan have the kidney and mourns his wife.[citation needed]

Beth appeared amongst other deceased characters in the series finale.

Carolyn Bigsby[edit]

Carolyn Bigsby (Laurie Metcalf) is Orson's former neighbor. Before his move to Wisteria Lane, Carolyn had found Orson thoroughly cleaning his house, and upon learning his wife, Alma, was missing, began to suspect him of Alma's murder. By the time Orson moves to Wisteria Lane, Carolyn's suspicion has become an obsession, and she tries in vain to warn Bree several times. Bree reaches her limit with Carolyn and retaliates by revealing the affair between Monique Polier and Carolyn's husband Harvey Bigsby (Brian Kerwin). This results in Carolyn going to Harvey's supermarket with gun, intending to kill him. Harvey locks himself in the manager's office with Edie, and Carolyn panics and creates a hostage situation, in which Carolyn kills Nora Huntington. While Carolyn is having a discussion with Lynette, a hostage manages to retrieve a large food can from the floor behind him and throws it at Carolyn's head, and she pulls the trigger before falling to the floor and dropping the gun. Lynette is wounded in the shoulder. Carolyn attempts to retrieve the gun, but Austin struggles with her long enough for another hostage to pick up the gun and shoot Carolyn in the head, killing her instantly.[citation needed]

Celia Solis[edit]

Celia Solis (Daniella Baltodano, Karolinah Villarreal as the 11-year-old Celia Solis in the episode "If..." and Gloria Garayua 25 to 30 years later in the same episode) is the youngest daughter of Gabrielle and Carlos Solis. Like her sister Juanita, Celia was born during the five-year-jump. Though she is often quiet and is not as rebellious as Juanita, nevertheless Celia gives Gabrielle a hard time in most of her appearances.[citation needed]

In "Boom Crunch", Celia is attending the Christmas block party on Wisteria Lane, and is nearly struck by a crashing plane, when Lynette pulls her out of the way, so she is taken to the hospital. In the episode "If...", Gabrielle is convinced that God saved Celia because she is special. Gabrielle imagines a series of hypothetical scenarios which involve an older Celia at different ages being forced by Gabrielle to become a television star. Back in the hospital room, Carlos asks Gabrielle what their daughter needs to do to be special. Gabrielle replies "Nothing" and smiles at Celia, lying in her hospital bed, who wakes up just as Gabrielle realizes how special her daughter really is.[citation needed]

Deirdre Taylor[edit]

Deirdre Taylor (Jolie Jenkins) is Mike's ex-girlfriend. Her death occurred before the series' timeline and plays an integral role in the first season mystery, which focuses on Mary Alice's suicide. Deirdre came from a wealthy family, but rejected it after becoming addicted to drugs as a young adult.[11] During this time, she dated Mike, a drug dealer at the time. Their relationship ended after Mike was incarcerated for killing a corrupt police officer who attempted to rape Deirdre.[11] Soon after, Deirdre gave birth to Mike's son without his knowledge. She later sold her son to Mary Alice, who worked as a nurse in a rehabilitation facility in Utah.[12] Mary Alice and Paul fled town and raised Deirdre's child as their own. Years later, Deirdre tracked down the Young family and attempted to take the child, Zach, back, but Mary Alice killed her in an attempt to stop her.[12] Mary Alice and Paul chopped up Deirdre's body and buried it underneath the cement of their swimming pool.[12]

Although Jenkins did not appear onscreen until the first season finale, which was filmed in April 2005, she was cast in the fall of 2004 because earlier episodes required photographs of the Deirdre character.[13] Because no material had been written for the character at the time of casting, Jenkins did not have to audition for the role.[13]

Eddie Orlofsky[edit]

Eddie Orlofsky (Josh Zuckerman) is the infamous "Fairview Strangler". He is a friend of Danny's, one of the few that remained friends with him even when Danny was being accused of assaulting Julie, who was attacked by Eddie himself. Eddie is shown working at a local café where Emily Portsmith, a waitress, becomes his second known victim. Eddie mentions that he was glad he was late to work, because he does not think he could have handled discovering Emily's body. Eddie invites Julie and Danny to watch him do stand up comedy at a local club, but he performs terribly. Eddie picks up Irina after she is dumped by Preston Scavo on their wedding night. After she insults him, Eddie strangles her and buries her in the woods.[citation needed]

The episode "Epiphany" reveals details of Eddie's past. Eddie had such a desperately lonely childhood, because his father abandoned him and his mother Barbara (Diane Farr), and Barbara claimed she never loved or wanted him either. Also, Eddie was always rejected by the women he was attracted to, so he developed strong hatred towards the women who rejected him. On the other hand, since he was a child, Eddie has had a friendly relationship with the women on Wisteria Lane: Mary Alice befriended Barbara after Eddie's father left his family; Gabrielle let him unpack boxes in her house when she first moved in; Bree gave him some love advice, unaware his affections would be towards her daughter Danielle; Lynette tried to include him in the Scavo family's game night to help him fit in; and Susan paid for him to attend an artist's seminar to encourage his artistic ability. Eddie develops a crush on Susan but she rejects him, so he plans to strangle Susan but mistakenly strangles Julie.[citation needed]

When Barbara discovers that Eddie had strangled a teenager, she tries to call the police. In a rage, Eddie strangles Barbara to death, and minutes later, Lynette invites him to move into her house. Lynette realizes he is the Fairview strangler when she sees a remorseful look on his face and he cannot look her in the eyes when she tells him about the police finding his mother in the woods. He locks Lynette in his childhood home. In the season finale, Eddie holds the fate of Lynette and her unborn child in his hands. In the end, after helping her deliver the baby, he has Lynette call the police and he turns himself in, thanks in part to Lynette stepping in and saying she believes in him.[citation needed]

Father Crowley[edit]

Father Crowley (Jeff Doucette) is the priest at the local Catholic church. Gabrielle is openly rude to him. He first appeared on "Guilty" when he prayed for "Mama" Solis, who was in a coma at the time. Father Crowley and Gabrielle clash after John told him about the affair. He then presides Mama's funeral, looking back when Carlos & Gabrielle were fighting. Gabrielle says to him, "Eyes front, Padre!" He appears on "Fear No More" when Gabrielle confessed her pregnancy and her unawareness of who the father is. He tells her to be thankful since children are a blessing. Father Crowley then appears on "There's Something About a War" when Gabrielle asked him to transfer Sister Mary. He is the one who informs Gabrielle in "Silly People" that Xiao-Mei will be staying with them briefly. His next appearance is in Season 5 when Gabrielle forces Juanita to work at the soup kitchen where Father Crowley is volunteering. He appears in season 6 when Gabrielle attempted to get Juanita into Catholic school, and he is also shown presiding over Karl's funeral.[citation needed]

Felicia Tilman[edit]

Felicia Tilman (Harriet Sansom Harris) is Martha Huber's sister. As Felicia informs Edie upon her arrival, she knows that her sister is dead and has come to Wisteria Lane to discover who is behind her sister's murder. After finding and reading Martha's journals, Felicia discovered that Martha was blackmailing Mary Alice after she discovered her secret. Incidentally, Martha found this out from Felicia, who had worked in the same rehab center as Mary Alice did back in Utah. Felicia then realizes that it was Paul who had murdered her sister as he had obviously found out that Martha was blackmailing Mary Alice. After revealing that she knows everything, Felicia tells Paul to leave town for good or she will expose Zach's true identity and the fact that he murdered Martha. Paul agrees to go but Felicia then informs him that Zach shall be staying with her from now on. When Felicia informs Zach about this, he attacks Felicia with a hockey stick which causes Felicia to fall down a flight of stairs, causing severe injury to her neck.[citation needed]

In season two, Mike goes to visit Felicia to see if she knows where Zach is, but Felicia informs Mike that she does not know where Zach is and that she herself is going back to Utah for a few months to recuperate. Felicia then returns to Wisteria Lane to plan a final act of revenge against Paul, by spilling her own blood all over Paul's kitchen, cutting off two fingers, and faking her own death. Paul is arrested for the supposed murder of Felicia, while Felicia goes hiding and under the alias of her dead sister.[citation needed]

Felicia returns in the seventh season premiere episode. It emerges that Felicia has been pulled over for speeding and was arrested for having no identification, prompting Paul to be freed. Felicia is sent to prison for eighteen months. In episode "A Humiliating Business", it is revealed that Paul's new wife Beth Young is actually Felicia's daughter, when Beth visits her in prison, and that all this time Felicia has been using her daughter in order to gain proof that Paul did, in fact, murder Martha. However, not only Beth fails to gain any evidence, but is eventually discovered by Paul and thus he kicks her out of his house, so Felicia dismisses her as useless. After Beth shoots and kills herself, Felicia is told that because of her personal tragedy, the parole board has granted her a release. She tells Paul that, since the war between them has claimed her daughter's life, it is time for both of them to put the fight behind them. However, she returns to Wisteria Lane still determined to get back at Paul. Felicia first begins to poison Paul's food by sabotaging meals that Susan has been cooking for him, so Paul suspects that Susan is trying to kill him and has her arrested, but the police suspect that Felicia was the culprit afterall. After Paul is convinced of Susan's innocence, he decides to move out of the lane. However, as he is about to leave, he is knocked unconscious by Felicia, only to awaken bound to a chair and hooked to an antifreeze drip which slowly weakens and poisons him. Susan comes by the house in time to save Paul, but in turn gets attacked by Felicia herself. Paul breaks free, quickly pushes Felicia off Susan and into the wall, where he begins to strangle her; a scene eerily similar to Martha's death. However, Susan manages to convince Paul that he is not a killer and Paul finally lets Felicia go. Felicia then escapes the house with her daughter's ashes avoiding capture from the police. While driving down the highway the next morning, Beth's ashes spill and Felicia is killed after her car drove head-on with a semi-truck.[citation needed]

Gloria Hodge[edit]

Gloria Hodge (Dixie Carter) is Orson's scheming sociopathic mother. When Orson was a teenager, Gloria killed her unfaithful husband and staged his death as a suicide. Orson blamed himself for his 'suicide' because he was supposed to be watching over his depressed father but opted instead to sneak out. Gloria would exploit her son's guilt to make him do the things she wanted him to do. Gloria made Orson feel so guilty that he became extremely depressed and had to be committed to a mental institution.[citation needed]

When Gloria discovered Orson was cheating on Alma, she decided to go to his mistress Monique's house. Gloria ended up killing Monique "in self-defense" when she told her to stay away from Orson, and Monique attacked her. Orson discovered Gloria standing over Monique's body and Gloria guilted Orson, with his father's suicide, to help her hide Monique's body. Orson obliged and after the deed was done, he sent Gloria to live in a nursing home.[citation needed]

Gloria reappeared after Orson and Bree's wedding. She tried to convince Bree to leave Orson by telling her he was a bad person and revealing his affair with the deceased Monique, and then teams up with Alma to separate Orson and Bree. Gloria subsequently gives Orson sleeping pills combined with Viagra so that he can be raped by Alma, who thinks having a baby with Orson will get them back together. However, when Orson tells Alma he does not care if Alma is pregnant, Alma accepts defeat and threatens to call the police and implicate everyone. Gloria locks her in an upstairs closet and then attempts to kill Bree. Orson, after finding out his mother's plan, races home from the hospital. He finds Gloria trying to slit Bree's wrists in the bathroom (a scene strikingly similar to the one he found his father in). At this point, he realizes Gloria had killed his father. He stops Gloria from hurting Bree, but in doing so, causes her to have a stroke, but instead of calling her an ambulance, he takes Gloria to Alma's house. As Orson does so, he finds Alma herself, killed by a fall from the roof. He leaves Gloria with Alma in the lawn and returns home. By the time Ida Greenberg finds Alma and Gloria, Gloria's stroke has caused total paralysis, unable to speak or move (though her brain remains active).[citation needed]

Ian Hainsworth[edit]

Ian Hainsworth (Dougray Scott) is Susan's British boyfriend and later fiance whose wife, Jane Hainsworth (Cecily Gambrell), is in a coma following a horseback riding accident. He meets Susan in the hospital after Mike falls into a coma following a hit-and-run accident.[14] He pursues Susan, despite her hesitation to abandon her relationship with Mike.[15] When Mike awakens from his coma with a case of retrograde amnesia, he rejects Susan's attempts to rekindle their romance;[16] as a result, she begins dating Ian once more.[17] When Mike is arrested for the murder of Monique Polier, Susan insists that he is innocent. Frustrated with Susan's unwavering commitment to her ex-boyfriend, Ian offers to pay for Mike's attorney as long as Susan does not speak to him again.[18] Following Jane's passing, Ian and Susan become engaged.[19] Once Mike is acquitted for the murder charges,[20] he begins to regain the memory of his relationship with Susan. He challenges Ian for Susan's affections in a game of poker, which Ian wins.[21] When Susan learns of this betrayal, she banish both men from her life.[22] Eventually, she chooses to forgive Ian and they renew their engagement; however, when Ian realizes Susan will never truly stop loving Mike, he breaks up with her and moves back to the United Kingdom.[23]

Casting for the role of Ian, a role originally intended to last only six to eight episodes, took place in June 2006.[24] With the Ian storyline, the writers intended "to get [Susan] into a bona fide romantic-comedy kind of relationship that threatens her preexisting relationship with Mike."[25] Scott described the character as "bumbling at time ... He kind of blossoms after he rediscovers his romantic juices with Susan."[26]

Ida Greenberg[edit]

Ida Greenberg (Pat Crawford Brown) is a neighbor on Wisteria Lane, who is close friends with Mrs. McCluskey. She first appears in the episode, "Come In, Stranger", as a neighbor at the watch-meeting complaining that somebody was watching her whenever she took a shower. In season two, Ida has a drinking problem, but that ends because, when she asks for God to end her alcoholism, her bottle is shot due to an event taking place at Mike's house, and she quits. When Mike awakes from his coma, Ida's nephew, Dr. Lee Craig (Terry Bozeman), tells her about this, and she starts spreading the news around Wisteria Lane. In season four, Ida has gotten back to drinking.[27] When a neighborhood meeting is done for elections of the street president, Ida objects against Bob and Lee, not because of their fountain, but because they are gay.[28] During the tornado warning, she takes cover in Mrs. McCluskey's basement with the Scavos, but she dies sacrificing herself to save Lynette's children and husband. After her death, it is revealed that Ida was a professional baseball player during World War II. Her ashes are scattered by Lynette and Mrs. McCluskey at a baseball field where she had her glory days.[29]

Jackson Braddock[edit]

Jackson Braddock (Gale Harold) is Susan's boyfriend throughout the fifth season. He is briefly introduced at the end of the fourth season finale, which flashforwards five years into the future.[30] The couple continues dating in the fifth season. The origins of their relationship are explained in a flashback in "Mirror, Mirror", in which Susan, having just divorced Mike, engages in casual sex with Jackson, her house painter.[31] Initially, Susan insists on keeping their relationship a secret.[32] However, Mike and M.J. soon learn of the relationship and are both supportive.[33] Jackson sustains serious injuries in a nightclub fire after Dave Williams, who set the fire, traps him in the club's restroom.[34][35] After recovering, Jackson decides to move to Riverton and pursue a career opportunity at a college in Riverton and invites Susan to come with him.[36] Susan ultimately decides not to go with him.[37] Jackson returns later in the season and asks Susan to marry him, as his visa has expired and he must marry an American citizen to avoid being deported to Canada.[8] Dave fears that Jackson could inform police of his involvement in the club fire and reports him to immigration officials. Jackson is subsequently deported.[38]

On October 14, 2008, Harold entered intensive care after a motorcycle accident. He sustained several injuries, including brain swelling and a fractured shoulder.[39] While Desperate Housewives were required to rewrite one scene in the episode "City on Fire", Gale's absence did not delay production.[40][41] Originally, the writers had planned to end the character's storyline around midseason, but Harold's accident forced them to push the storyline's resolution to the end of the season.[42] Following the accident, Harold recorded dialogue for an offscreen speaking part in the January 2009 episode "Home is the Place".[43] In April 2009, Harold returned to the series six months following the accident to continue his character's storyline.[44] While reviewing the fifth season, TV Guide's Matt Roush commented the introduction of Harold, as well as other new cast members, "make Wisteria Lane once again an irresistible place to revisit."[45]

Jane Carlson[edit]

Jane Carlson (Andrea Parker) is first introduced when Lynette suspects Tom has a new girlfriend following their separation, but she suspects Chloe, who is in fact Jane's daughter. At first, Jane and Lynette are friendly to each other, but when Lynette asks Jane to back off from Tom, Jane refuses and hostility between the two women begins. Jane and Tom continue to spend time together, leading Penny to suspect they will eventually get married, worrying Lynette. Jane and Tom organize a romantic trip to Paris, but when Lynette tells Tom about her involvement in the cover of the murder of Alejandro Perez, he decides to stay for a while. Jane leaves to Paris anyway, and Tom joins her later. When they return from Paris, Jane and Tom move together. After Mike's death, Lynette decides to get Tom back, while Tom realizes he still has feelings for Lynette. In "With So Little to Be Sure Of", Jane gives Lynette her and Tom's divorce papers, which Tom has already signed but was not ready to give Lynette. Tom then fights with Jane about ending his marriage when Tom was not ready. In "The People Will Hear", Tom confesses that he is still in love with Lynette. Jane is sad because she actually loved Tom. Jane moves out at the end of the episode, heartbroken.[citation needed]

Juanita "Mama" Solis[edit]

Juanita "Mama" Solis (Lupe Ontiveros) is the nosy mother of Carlos who is convinced that Gabrielle was cheating on him. Her suspicions proved true when she discovered Gabrielle's affair with John Rowland, and she manages to obtain photographic evidence of the affair moments before being accidentally run over by Andrew Van de Kamp. She remained in a coma for five months before awakening, only to fall to her death down a flight of stairs at the hospital. Before dying, Mama told a nurse of Gabrielle's infidelity; however, the nurse could not hear her because she was wearing headphones and listening to loud music. The hospital staff takes financial responsibility to avoid being sued. However, these events are later discarded when Andrew confesses to killing Juanita and Carlos gets mad at Bree for covering up for him in the episode Moments Into the Woods. Marc Cherry could have simply forgot about this due to the episode airing 6 years after Juanita's death. Gabrielle and Carlos named their eldest daughter after her. Mama returns in the series finale watching Susan as she leaves the lane.[citation needed]


Justin (Ryan Carnes) is Andrew's first boyfriend. Justin first appears in season one as John Rowland's roommate. Justin has not yet come to terms with his sexuality and tries to blackmail Gabrielle into having sex with him to prove to himself that he is not gay. She, however, refuses but helps him accept his sexuality. Afterwards, his relationship with Andrew becomes more serious. Ironically, Justin is later beaten up by Carlos, who mistakenly believes he is having an affair with Gabrielle.[citation needed]

In season two, Andrew confides in Justin that he had to stop loving his mother because he did not want to get hurt any more, and that Bree had to be punished, so he forces Justin to hit him and passes off the bruises as having been inflicted by Bree. Justin tends throughout his screen time to do whatever Andrew wants, although he often appears thoroughly embarrassed by Andrew's behavior towards his mother. Justin is heartbroken when he finds out Andrew is planning to move to Rhode Island with his grandparents, and when Bree asks him why, he replies his parents kicked him out when they first heard he was gay. Andrew told him he should be ashamed of them because they were too stupid to know how great he was. Justin asks Bree how she cannot love someone like that. Bree then persuades Justin to supply her with gay magazines and videos, which she plants among Andrew's things for his grandparents to find. They leave Andrew behind and revoke his trust fund. Having seen Justin's love for Andrew, Bree becomes more accepting of their relationship, and regularly invites him to dinner. Although never stated, it appears that Andrew and Justin lost contact when Bree forced Andrew onto the streets.[citation needed]

Keith Watson[edit]

Keith Watson (Brian Austin Green) is a contractor who helps Bree redecorate her house. Bree initially sees him as just an employee until he calls her "hot" and she begins to develop feelings for him. Bree begins to subtly flirt with Keith. However, Renee also becomes interested in Keith, so a rivalry between the two women erupts. Keith dates each of them in different occasions, and Bree and Renee try to sabotage the other until Renee admits defeat and backs away from Keith. Bree and Keith begin getting intimate. When Bree reveals that she is exhausted after many all-nighters of sex with Keith's unrestricted libido, Keith confesses that he was only trying to impress her because Bree seemed too conservative and sophisticated for him. They tell each other that they like each other the way they are.[citation needed]

Bree is introduced to Keith's parents, Richard Watson (John Schneider) and Mary Wagner (Nancy Travis). Richard is retired from the army and Mary is Bree's gynaecologist for some time, but none of them are aware of Bree's relation with Keith. Richard and Mary's relation is strained, and after a Thanksgiving dinner with Keith and Bree, Mary declares she wants a divorce. Richard moves in with Keith following his separation from Mary and appears to be depressed. Taking pity on him, Bree invites him out to dinner with her and Keith. This becomes a regular routine, much to Keith's annoyance who wants to be alone with Bree. Richard later takes a fancy to Bree, and even tries to kiss her on one occasion. When Keith finds out, he attacks Richard while the residents of Wisteria Lane are staging a protest against Paul Young's Halfway House. Several protestors mistake Keith for a convict and attack him, ensuing a riot on the lane.[citation needed]

Later, when Bree discovers Keith actually has a son with a former girlfriend, she briefly hides this from him because she fears it could jeopardize their relationship. Eventually, though, Bree tells Keith the truth. Keith is upset when he learns his son is returning to Florida with his mother and asks Bree to move there with him. Bree refuses and is saddened that Keith has chosen to remain with Bree rather than be closer to his son. Bree tells Keith that his child comes first and the two end the relationship on loving terms. Keith moves to Florida.[citation needed]

Martha Huber[edit]

Martha Huber (Christine Estabrook) lives at 4350 Wisteria Lane. She first appears in the pilot episode as a nosey neighbor who discovers Mary Alice's body after the latter commits suicide. When Edie's house burns down, Martha discovers a measuring cup that Edie said was not hers in the ruins, making Martha curious. When she finds a new measuring cup in Susan's groceries, she realizes that Susan burned Edie's house down. Martha, motivated by her own financial difficulties, consequently blackmails Susan. Susan and her daughter, Julie, break into Martha's home to retrieve the cup and destroy it.

It is revealed that while on a visit to her sister, Martha discovered Mary Alice's secret. Martha decides to solve her financial difficulties by blackmailing Mary Alice by letter, but Mary Alice commits suicide after receiving it. Mary Alice's friends find the note when packing up her belongings and give it to Paul. He hires a private eye/hit man to discover who was responsible and kill them. Paul discovers Edie has the same stationery but Edie stole it while living with Martha. Paul confronts Martha and she explains that she was desperate for money and Mary Alice killed herself because of "what she did to that poor baby (Zach Young)". In a rage, Paul kills Martha by bludgeoning her with the blender and strangling her. He then buries her next to a forest hiking trail.[citation needed]

Martha Huber has made few appearances since season one. In season five, she appears gossiping to the residents of Wisteria Lane about finding Mary Alice Young's body. Martha was seen again in the season seven premiere episode "Remember Paul?" via flashbacks.[46] At the end of the same season, Paul finally confesses to her murder and is arrested. She again appeared in the series finale "Finishing the Hat" in a flashback to when Mary Alice arrived on the Lane, and later as among a group of the deceased who watch Susan leave.

Mitzi Kinsky[edit]

Mitzi Kinsky (Mindy Sterling) is a resident on Wisteria Lane living at 4347, the house formerly owned by Ida Greenberg, who moved in sometime during the five years between the fourth and fifth seasons. She has a reputation of being a bitter, cynical and shrewd middle-aged widow. Everyone who lives on Wisteria Lane knows who Mitzi is and they often stay away from her due to her bad temper and selfish attitude. Some of them, mostly Bree, Lynette and Gabrielle, think that she is insane... much more than Susan. Mitzi is first seen in "The Glamorous Life", throwing away trash and having two disputes with Angie over trash disposal and recyclables. When the environmental Angie argues with Mitzi that she throws away recyclable material, Mitzi responds with indifference about the environment or the world in general. Mitzi also tells Angie that she doesn't care about humanity because she has a dead husband, a son who's "shooting blanks", and an estranged daughter who "likes the ladies". Mitzi is later seen in the season six finale "I Guess This is Goodbye", this time arguing with both Susan and Karen. She reappeared in season seven's "Pleasant Little Kingdom" where Paul Young considers buying her house. Mitzi considers selling but decides she will not screw over her neighbors, so she stays on Wisteria Lane. During the riot, she tells some protestors that Bob and Lee sold their house to Paul, prompting the protestors to attack them. Weeks later, Bree asks if Mitzi would be a possible kidney donor for Susan, but Mitzi slams the door in her face. Later on, Mitzi finally gives in and gets herself tested; however she is not a match for Susan. In season 8, Mitzi is never seen, but she gives Susan and M.J. a basket full of homemade jams and a condolence card after Mike dies.[citation needed]

Mona Clarke[edit]

Mona Clarke (Maria Cominis) is a wife and mother that lived on Wisteria Lane. She is a registered nurse who works at Fairview Hospital. Mona has a reputation for having a big mouth. On different occasions she has been shown to annoy Lynette, Gabrielle, and Edie. Susan and Mike do not invite her to their wedding, unlike most the other residents of Wisteria Lane. In season six, while caring for Danny Bolen after his attempted suicide, he awakes, and Mona calls him Danny, to which he replies that his real name is actually Tyler, and tells her the truth behind the Bolens' mystery. Mona blackmails the Bolens, asking for $67,000 so she can start a new life at a new job. Shortly after a heated confrontation with Angie at a Christmas block party, Mona is struck by the wing of a crashing airplane. In the following episode it is revealed that Mona has fallen into a coma, but she finally succumbs to her injuries and dies. Mona returns in the series finale as one of the ghosts watching Susan leave the lane.[citation needed]

Noah Taylor[edit]

Noah Taylor (Bob Gunton) is Dierdre's father who holds a vast fortune and heavy influence over several police officers in the city. Noah finances Mike's mission to discover what happened to Dierdre. Throughout the first season, he often checks on Mike's progress, and briefly fires Mike when he feels his focus has been pulled.[47] He simultaneously discovers that he has a cancerous tumor and only has one more year to live.[47] Noah is on bed rest as his imminent death draws near.[48] Eventually, Noah learns that Mike has been keeping Zach's existence a secret.[49] He demands to see Zach, but Mike stalls until Zach and Paul can leave town.[50] In retaliation, Noah orders a rogue cop named Detective Sullivan (Nick Chinlund) to kill Paul, but he is unsuccessful.[51] When Paul is framed for Felicia Tilman's murder, Zach attempts to secure his bail money from Noah, who refuses to provide it. This prompts Zach to shut off Noah's life support and subsequently inherits his entire fortune.[52]

The character was named after John Huston's character, Noah Cross, in the film Chinatown.[53] Gunton was selected for the role because of his performance as Juan Perón in the original Broadway production of Evita.[53]

Nora Huntington[edit]

Nora Huntington (Kiersten Warren) was dancing on a cruise where she met Tom. The two ended up having a one-night stand and Nora became pregnant. When Tom finds out that he has a daughter named Kayla, he meets Nora in Atlantic City. Lynette thinks the two of them are having an affair until Tom explains the truth. Nora asked for back child support which Tom owes. Lynette finally agrees to give her the money, as long as Nora stays away from their family. But Nora wants the two families together and spends the money on an apartment close to Wisteria Lane.

When Tom wants to open a pizzeria, Lynette doesn't appreciate the idea, but meddling and intrusive Nora is supportive. Behind Lynette's back Nora meets Tom at a restaurant and they have dinner together. Nora makes a move on Tom but he swears he does not want anything more and tells her he loves his wife. Nora is very upset and leaves. After Tom tells Lynette what happened, Lynette breaks into Nora's house and threatens that if Nora ever comes near Tom again, she will hurt her. Nora decides to move to Mexico with Kayla, to work as a stripper in a dance club. Lynette tries to sue for custody of Kayla. Shopping at Field's Supermarket, she and Nora run into each other and Nora confronts her about the custody case. Meanwhile, psychotic Carolyn Bigsby creates a hostage situation, which results in Carolyn shooting Nora in the chest. Before Nora dies, Lynette promises her that she will love Kayla like she was her own daughter, and Nora dies.

Nora appeared among other deceased characters in the series finale.

Paige and Patrick Scavo[edit]

Paige Scavo (Emmett, Hudson and Noah Martin Greenberg in season 6+7, Samantha and Isabel Kahle in season 8, Mindy Montavon as Older Paige in 6x11[54]) is the youngest child of Tom and Lynette. Lynette thinks her cancer has returned in "If It's Only In Your Head" and goes to the doctor to find that it is not cancer, but that she is pregnant with a second set of twins. In the season 6 episode "If...", Lynette has complications with her pregnancy and one of her babies needs surgery to prevent mental and physical damage. The surgery does not go as expected, and the baby Lynette was going to name Patrick (Zayne Emory as a teenager and Anthony Traina as an adult in hypothetical flashforwards) does not survive. Lynette is still pregnant with Paige. In the 6th season finale entitled "I Guess This Is Goodbye" Lynette goes into labor with her daughter while she's held hostage by Eddie Orlofsky.

Parcher & Murphy[edit]

"Parcher & Murphy" is an ad agency in which Lynette works during seasons two and three. Nina Fletcher (Joely Fisher) is Lynette’s first boss at "Parcher & Murphy". Nina makes it clear to Lynette on her interview that she despises mothers who put their children above everything else. When Lynette brings Penny multitasks by changing a diaper and delivering a business plan at the same time, Nina's boss Ed Ferrara (Currie Graham) is very impressed and welcomes her aboard, but Nina is less welcoming. One night, Nina is caught in an affair with receptionist Stu Durber[55] (Charlie Babcock) by Lynette, who offers to keep silent about it if Nina would be a little nicer on the job. Unfortunately, Nina fires Stu, and Lynette talks to him and ends up uttering something about a lawsuit. Next time she walks in, the place is in chaos, as it is found out Stu threatened a lawsuit against the firm and they paid him off to settle, Ed to fire the majority of staff, including Nina, and promotes Lynette to her position. Nina then explains to Lynette that being nice was one of many luxuries she gave up to keep the firm afloat, and told her that if she thought she was not seeing her kids enough before, then she will see them even less now.

Later, Ed hires Tom on "There's Something About a War". In the following episode, "Silly People", he and Tom place bets that Tom could do certain tricks. Lynette tries to stop all of these games, so Ed tells her if she could eat a package of raw bacon, they will stop. Lynette succeeds and Ed and Tom have had a business-like relationship since. But after having marital problems with his wife Fran (Penelope Ann Miller), he asks Lynette to send instant messages to her to help him with his sex life. When Fran figures out it was not Ed, she tells him to fire the person who wrote the IMs or she will leave him; he fires Tom instead. In season three, Ed threatens to fire Lynette after she fakes being ill to help Tom with his pizza business at a fair. Lynette eventually quits the job to work at the pizzeria.

In the episode "Back in Business", Stu now works for Bree for the marketing of her cookbook.

Patrick Logan[edit]

Patrick Logan (John Barrowman) is the man Angie has been on the run from for nearly 20 years. It is revealed in "Chromolume No. 7", that he is Danny's real father. Patrick finally finds Angie thanks to her mother's neighbor, whom Patrick later kills. Patrick arrives to Wisteria Lane, and is shown watching Danny leave the house from his car and then we see him looking at the house, a mixture of anger, sadness and hate in his expression. Patrick meets his son Danny for the first time the following episode, and asks him for inspiration for writing a novel, which in reality is the story of him, Angie and Danny, and the two strike up an instant bond. Later, Patrick runs Nick over, and then holds Angie and Danny hostage in their own house. He gets Angie to make another bomb by threatening to take Danny's life, but states that he wants him and Danny to have a traditional father and son relationship. Danny replies "Are you serious?", showing he wants nothing to do with him. But Patrick asks him to think about if he wants to live with someone who spent 20 years searching for him, or someone who spent 20 years lying to him. Patrick is finally killed in "I Guess This is Goodbye" when Angie plants the bomb inside the detonator and Patrick activates the bomb without knowing he is going to commit suicide.

Principal Hobson[edit]

Principal Hobson (John Rubinstein) is the head of a prestigious private elementary school called Oakridge. Susan takes a job at the school in order to enroll M.J. and pay his tuition.[5] Later, he makes sporadic appearances. In the seventh season, he fires Susan after discovering that she had appeared on a pornographic website.[56] Susan fails to convince Principal Hobson to rehire her some episodes later.[57] His final appearance is in the final season, when he tells Gabrielle that Juanita is sexually harassing a boy named Ryan.

Phyllis Van de Kamp[edit]

Phyllis Van de Kamp (Shirley Knight) is Rex's mother. She has always had a very cold relationship with Bree, disapproving of her marriage to Rex and accusing her of making her son's life miserable. After Rex's death, she continues to disrupt Bree's life.

Phyllis first appears in the second season when she arrives for Rex's funeral. She clashes with Bree on the stories the Vicar would tell about Rex, or the tie he was going to wear. Soon after, Phyllis calls a decective who is looking into Rex's death and informs them that Bree has a boyfriend. Suspecting foul play, the detectives exhume Rex to examine his body. When Bree learns what Phyllis has done, she packs her bags and sends her home.[citation needed]

Phyllis appears in the episode 4.04 at Bree's baby party and discovers that Danielle is actually pregnant and Bree intends to raise the baby as her own. Phyllis later leaves but turns up at the end of the episode in the place where Danielle is staying and takes Danielle to stay with her. Danielle packs her things right away. However, Andrew informs Bree that the only reason Danielle wants to stay with Grandma and raise her baby is because she will be offered a cushy life. Bree outbids Phyllis and offers Danielle a convertible which would have been a surprise for her birthday if she was not living with Phyllis and the college of her choice. Therefore, Danielle goes home with Bree and Orson. Bree feels sorry for Phyllis and tells her that she will be allowed to babysit the child on weekends.[citation needed]

Reverend Sykes[edit]

Reverend Sykes (Dakin Matthews) is reverend at the local Presbyterian church. He first appeared in the episode "Live Alone and Like It", when he met with Andrew about his sexual orientation. Andrew tells him he plans on getting revenge by "rocking" Bree’s world (which Sykes cannot warn Bree about due to the rules of confession). Sykes presided over Rex’s funeral and was the celebrant at Bree and Orson’s marriage. He is later seen in numerous occasions for the rest of the series, giving Bree advice whenever she needs some.[citation needed]

Rick Coletti[edit]

Rick Coletti (Jason Gedrick) is hired by Lynette at Scavo Pizzeria. He used to be a chef at a four star restaurant. Because of Rick's former cocaine addiction, Tom does not agree with Lynette's decision to hire him. As Lynette's marriage starts to shake, she and Rick get closer. After Lynette and Rick are locked in a freezer as a result of the pizzeria being robbed, the two cuddle close together for warmth and go to sleep. Tom confronts Rick after seeing a surveillance tape, in which Lynette and Rick were having dinner before the pizzeria was robbed. Tom makes a speech about how although his marriage to Lynette is shaky, it is rock solid and Rick could never break it up. Tom asks Rick to quit, but Rick says he will not leave unless Lynette fires him, because "she doesn't want him gone". Later, Rick tells Lynette he has feelings for her, and that it is obvious she has feelings for him. This enrages Lynette and she fires him, pretending it did not affect her, but she is later seen sobbing in her bathroom, distraught over the loss of Rick. He returns in season four, informing Lynette and Tom that he is opening a restaurant around the corner from Scavo's. It is shown that Rick still has feelings for Lynette. The restaurant steals customers from the Pizzeria until it is burned down by Porter and Preston due to a fear of Rick separating their parents, and under Kayla's suggestion.[citation needed]

Robin Gallagher[edit]

Robin Gallagher (Julie Benz) is a stripper at Double D'sa strip club left to Susan when her ex-husband, Karl Mayer, is killed in the plane crash. When Susan sells her half of the business she convinces Robin to leave stripping when she learns that Robin has higher hopes and dreams. Susan manages to get Robin a job at her school but she is fired after it is revealed she used to be a stripper. Susan and Mike then invite Robin to stay with them. Robin accepts the offer but the other women of Wisteria Lane are less than pleased to have their husbands, boyfriends and sons leering at Robin. This causes them all to judge her prematurely, but they all later see that Robin is genuinely a nice person and much more than a reformed stripper. Robin decides to become roommates with Katherine, and the two become fast friends. After a night out together, Robin admits to being a lesbian and kisses Katherine. This confuses Katherine, but she ends up sleeping with her. Robin becomes frustrated as Katherine is unwilling to define their relationship, or show affection in front of the neighbors. Robin is afraid that Katherine is kicking her out, but instead Katherine suggests they go away together, so they pack and go to Paris. They pack and leave that evening. It is revealed in the series finale that Robin and Katherine broke up three months after arriving in Paris.[citation needed]

Roy Bender[edit]

Roy Bender (Orson Bean) is a retired steak salesman, who begins dating Karen at the start of the sixth season. Together they discover Julie after she is strangled. He and Karen later confess that they are in love with each other. Lynette later hires Roy as a handyman, at Karen's request. It is where Roy is revealed to be a little old fashioned when it comes to women and does not like that Lynette bosses Tom around and goes behind her back to get his approval on things. He and the Scavos later come to an understanding. He is also hired by Bree to watch Orson when she fears he will commit suicide. However instead of watching Orson, Roy leaves him in the laundry room, puts a broom through Orson's wheelchair spokes and goes to sleep. By the seventh season, he and Karen have married. In the final season, it is revealed that the name of his first wife is Miriam, who died two weeks before their 40th anniversary from brain cancer. Roy plays a vital role in the two hours season finale, by advising Tom on telling Lynette how much he loves her, and later by contacting Trip Weston to ask her to get some music for Karen, which impresses Bree. He is by Karen's side when she dies.[citation needed]

Sophie Bremmer[edit]

Sophie Flickman (Lesley Ann Warren; née Bremmer) is Susan's neurotic mother. She is obsessed with youth,[58] and she often tells others that she and Susan are sisters.[59][60] She is characterized as "a drama queen who tends to exaggerate."[58] Sophie became pregnant with Susan as a teenager and raised her alone. Throughout her childhood, Sophie told Susan that her father was a United States Merchant Marine who died in the Battle of Hanoi during the Vietnam War.[61] Prior to the beginning of the series, Sophie has been married four times, including two marriages to the same man.[11]

She first appears in episode "Children Will Listen". She decides to stay with Susan indefinitely after alleging that her boyfriend, Morty Flickman (Bob Newhart), became violent during an argument.[59] Her visit becomes an imposition for Susan, as Sophie continually flirts with strange men and tries to set up double dates for her and Susan.[60][62] Eventually, Sophie and Morty reconcile and become engaged.[11] Their wedding takes place, when Sophie admits to Susan that her father did not die in the Vietnam War and is actually local businessman Addison Prudy (Paul Dooley), with whom Sophie had an affair while working as his secretary.[61] Sophie reappears in the seventh season episode "Where Do I Belong?", while Susan is in the hospital awaiting a kidney transplant. Susan feels betrayed when Sophie does not volunteer to be her kidney donor; however, Susan soon discovers that Sophie has breast cancer and does not want Susan to know because she is trying to make up for years of being self-centered.[63]

Warren was cast in the role because of her similarities to Hatcher, who commented, "It's almost scary how much we are the same person."[64] Series creator Marc Cherry, who had become a fan of Warren following her performances in Cinderella and Victor Victoriadeemed her "the Teri Hatcher of the 1970s".[58] James Denton recalled that "Lesley Ann looked at some episodes, came in and basically is Susan."[64] Warren was initially turned off by the thought of portraying the mother to Hatcher's character, as there is only an 18-year age difference between the actors; however, she was comforted when Cherry assured her that Sophie "would be portrayed as girlish and flirtatious."[64]Entertainment Weekly's Ann Hodgman criticized Warren's four-episode storyline in the first season, opining: "Every time she's on screen ... the show devolves into generic sitcom and becomes an old Bewitched episode where Endora drops in uninvited."[65] Hodgman stated that guest actors "breach the security" of the "claustrophobic, sealed-in quality" of the series.[65] Stransky praised the return of Warren as Sophie in the seventh season and called her final scene in the episode "touching."[66]

Stella Wingfield[edit]

Stella Kaminsky (née Lindquist, formerly Wingfield; Polly Bergen) is Lynette's mother. She used to be an abusive mother, who frequently beat her girls. She used to get drunk and abuse drugs very often, and also bring strange men over to their house. She was almost always absent, so Lynette had to take care of her little sisters and make them go to school. Stella had breast cancer when she was younger.

Stella first appeared on the show in the season three finale, after learning that Lynette had Hodgkin's lymphoma. She did not want her mother to know, but Lynette needed the money for chemotherapy, so Tom asked her. Stella arrives to Wisteria Lane and clashes with Lynette, but she tells her daughter that she would be staying for as long as Lynette would have to fight cancer to help her look after the Scavo kids. Stella continues to appear in the first episodes of the fourth season, still supporting Lynette, but also causing some trouble. When Lynette is cured from cancer, she tries to convince her younger sisters Lucy and Lydia to take Stella with them, but they refuse. Stella eventually leaves by herself. In episode eight, Lynette was looking for Stella, and learned that she had broken into a car and slept in it during one night. She then talks to her former stepfather, Glen Wingfield (Richard Chamberlain). Lynette had always thought that it was her mother's fault that the couple had divorced, but Glen told her he was gay. After they find Stella in a park, Glen agrees to let Stella stay with him, as he misses having her around.[citation needed]

In the fifth season it is revealed that Lynette has taken Stella to a retirement home after Glen's death. When Porter left home fearing retribution from Warren Schilling, he hid with Stella. After Lynette finds out where Porter is, she visits Stella but Stella is hostile towards Lynette. Lynette leaves the home, upset at her mother's anger, and is on the phone to Tom when two vehicles in front of Lynette collide, and that gives her the idea to pretend she is in a car accident. This lures Stella and Porter to the hospital and to Stella's shock Lynette appears perfectly fine from around the corner. Lynette tells Stella her reasons for putting her in the home and why visiting her is not a pleasant experience. Stella reveals her fear of dying and says she stays angry because it is all she has left. Lynette agrees that if Stella changes she will visit at least twice a week and sometimes bring the children along with her.[citation needed]

Until season 7, Stella was married twice for love but she ended up brokenhearted and poor. This is why her third husband Frank Kaminsky (Larry Hagman) is just for the money. He dies a couple of days later in Scavo house during their family photo day. A couple of hours later, Stella legally and finally becomes a rich widow.[citation needed]

Travers McLain[edit]

Travers McLain (Jake Cherry, season 3; Stephen Lunsford, season 5) is Edie's son with her first husband Charles McLain. He lives with his father full-time. Though briefly mentioned in the pilot, he first appears until the third season, when Charles left him with Edie while he went on a Doctors without Borders trip. Edie tries to leave Travers with Carlos while she goes to a party, but as Carlos has a date, he declines. Seeing Travers playing by himself in the street, Carlos brings him to his home and later criticizes an intoxicated Edie for not supervising her son. She in turn reveals that she did not take custody of him because she did not feel she was capable of it. Later on Edie uses him as a way to get closer to Carlos. When Charles comes to pick up Travers, Edie tries to get shared custody of Travers when she suspects Carlos might be losing interest in their relationship. Charles and Edie get into an argument, and she threatens to hire a lawyer so she can get full custody of Travers. Carlos learns of Edie's plan and tells her that she should think of what is best for Travers which is for him to stay with Charles and not have to go back and forth.[citation needed]

When Edie leaves Wisteria Lane at the end of the fourth season, she tells Travers she would have to spend a lot more time with him from now on. Travers is next seen in season 5 when the Housewives visit him at Beecher's Academy to inform him of his mother's death and to give him her ashes. While he is sad about his mother's death, he harbors anger toward her for her abandonment. He eventually forgives her after a conversation with Karen McCluskey, and asks the Housewives to dispose of Edie's ashes as they see fit.[citation needed]

Trip Weston[edit]

Trip Weston (Scott Bakula) is a criminal lawyer who defends Bree after she is accused of the murder of Alejandro Perez (aka Ramon Sanchez) and later her third husband. Bob Hunter, who was initially Bree's lawyer, tells her she needs a criminal lawyer, and suggests Weston for the job, describing him as a "shark." At first, Weston refuses to defend Bree, claiming her case is not challenging enough; however, he later accepts the job. Bree begins to develop a crush for Trip and they marry and move three years after Susan, who was the first to leave the lane.[citation needed]

Victor Lang[edit]

Victor Lang (John Slattery) is Gabrielle's second husband. He tells his chauffeur to intentionally rear-end Gabrielle's car so he can meet her. He tells Gabrielle he wants to make it up to her by taking her to dinner. Victor and Gabrielle begin to be intimate, though with lots of problems. After spending a night together at Victor's house, Victor asks Gabrielle to marry him. She does not give him a straight answer but after a violent press conference emerges from comprising photos of Victor and Gabrielle in an elevator, Gabrielle comes to Victor's rescue and accepts his proposal. When Gabrielle discusses wedding plans with Victor, she is shocked to learn the press will be at their wedding and that most of Victor's efforts is all about his image. Gabrielle becomes worried that marrying Victor will be a mistake. In the third season finale, Victor and Gabrielle get married. Shortly after they wed, Gabrielle overhears a conversation between Victor and his father, Milton Lang (Mike Farrell), in which Victor reveals to his father that he only married Gabrielle so that he could win the Latino vote and that he plans to run for Governor.[citation needed]

In the fourth season, Gabrielle tells Victor that she is not happy and must know where she stands with him, and she suggests they go away for a week together, but he refuses due to his tight schedule. Upon learning about Gabrielle's affair with John Rowland, Victor tells Carlos that if Gabrielle ever did that to him then he would "take care" of the man and make him "vanish"; this seems to startle Carlos as he is currently sleeping with Gabrielle. In "Now I Know, Don't Be Scared" Gabrielle tells Victor she is leaving him, but after Milton bribes her to stay married to Victor until an election is over as a divorce will hurt his political image, she agrees. But when she is picked up in a limo she finds Victor inside and she tells him to his face but he says he loves her and rips out all his schedule for the next month so he can spend it with her. After Gabrielle heads off to do Yoga the next day, an angry Edie drops by and shows Victor the photos of Gabrielle and Carlos kissing. In "You Can't Judge a Book By Its Cover", Victor takes Gabrielle out for a boat ride and tells her that he knows everything. Gabrielle knocks Victor off the boat twice (first by herself and then with Carlos' help), fearing for her safety. Victor is taken to the hospital, and humiliates Gabrielle by saying, "I remember everything. I think I will rest now. I'm gonna need all my strength."[citation needed]

During a tornado, Victor finds Carlos in his house. Carlos tells Victor that he and Gabrielle never meant to hurt him, and Victor answers by shooting at him. Carlos escapes and Victor tracks him down. Victor and Carlos fight it out. During the fight, just as Victor is about to kill Carlos with a leadpipe, a flying fencepost impales Victor in the chest, killing him instantly. At Victor's funeral, Milton tells Gabrielle that he knows about the affair and that she will not get a dime from Victor. Milton orders Gabrielle to leave the funeral right away or else he will tell everyone about Gabrielle's adultery. Gabrielle then leaves the funeral in tears with all eyes on her.[citation needed]

Wayne Davis[edit]

Wayne Davis (Gary Cole) is a police officer, Katherine's first husband, and the father of the "real" Dylan. It is shown in flashbacks that he beat his wife and also had a drinking problem, causing Katherine to leave him. He spent twelve years trying to track Katherine and his daughter down and discovered Katherine is back on Wisteria Lane. He wanted a relationship with his daughter, or who he thought to be his daughter, until Katherine informed him that Dylan is not his child. Upon hearing this, he has a blood test done at the hospital. The test results come back concluding that he is not Dylan's father. He tries everything in his power to find out what actually happened to his daughter, even threatening to kill Katherine so she would tell him. He then held Katherine hostage along with Bree, until Katherine finally told him what really happened with Dylan (see Dylan's section). When Wayne finds this out from Katherine, he attempts to kill her, until Adam comes and a fight between the two ensues, resulting in Adam overpowering Wayne. While laying on he floor, Wayne threatens Katherine, telling her he may go to jail, but his friends at the police will help him get out and that he will come after her again. After realizing the truth in his statements, Katherine shoots him in the chest, killing him instantly.[citation needed]


Xiao-Mei (Gwendoline Yeo) is an illegal immigrant from China, sold by her uncle to Maxine Bennett (Jane Lynch) as a servant. After being liberated by the authorities, Father Crowley takes her to the Solises. Discovering Xiao-Mei could not be deported if she was the mother of an American citizen, Gabrielle suggested Xiao-Mei be their surrogate. However, Xiao-Mei did not understand the process Gabrielle and Carlos are proposing and initially refuses, thinking that she will be worthless if she does not preserve her virginity until marriage. Gabrielle convinces her that experience is what men want and Xiao-Mei agrees to have the baby. One day, Xiao-Mei catches Carlos in the master bath before the appointment at the fertility clinic, and undresses, preparing for sex. Gabrielle is unhappy that Xiao-Mei has misunderstood and Carlos does not correct her misconception. Later on, Gabrielle suspects Xiao-Mei is sleeping with Carlos and takes her to the hospital, and it is revealed she is no longer a virgin. Gabrielle puts baby monitors in the house to check on Xiao-Mei and Carlos, and eventually discovers that they were indeed having sex. Horrified, Gabrielle kicks Carlos out and asks for a divorce but tells Xiao-Mei to stay, causing tension between them to the point that she runs away once. Her water breaks at Bree's wedding and she looks quite guilty after giving birth to a black baby boy. Eventually Xiao-Mei moves to Chinatown to work for her friend in her restaurant.[citation needed]


  1. ^ "Joshua Logan Moore - Internet Movie Database". Retrieved 26 June 2012.

  2. ^ Desperate HousewivesEpisode 5x03: Kids Ain't Like Everybody Else

  3. ^ "Mother Said". David Warren (director), Chuck Ranberg (writer), Anne Flett-Giordano (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. May 11, 2008. Season 4, no. 15.

  4. ^ "How About a Friendly Shrink?". Lonny Price (director), Jason Ganzel (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. May 11, 2008. Season 6, no. 13.

  5. ^ a b "Mama Spent Money When She Had None". David Warren (director), Jason Ganzel (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. February 8, 2009. Season 5, no. 14.

  6. ^ "A Vision's Just a Vision". Larry Shaw (director), David Flebotte (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. December 7, 2008. Season 5, no. 10.

  7. ^ "In a World Where the Kings Are Employers". David Grossman (director), Lori Kirkland Baker (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. February 15, 2009. Season 5, no. 15.

  8. ^ a b "Bargaining". David Grossman (director), David Schladweiler (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. May 3, 2009. Season 5, no. 21.

  9. ^ "If It's Only In Your Head". David Grossman (director), Jeffrey Richman (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. May 17, 2009. Season 5, no. 24.

  10. ^ Desperate Housewives Episode 4x03: The Game

  11. ^ a b c d "Sunday in the Park with George". Larry Shaw (director), Katie Ford (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. May 8, 2005. Season 1, no. 21.

  12. ^ a b c "One Wonderful Day". Larry Shaw (director), John Pardee (writer), Joey Murphy (writer), Marc Cherry (writer), Tom Spezialy (writer), Kevin Murphy (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. May 22, 2005. Season 1, no. 23.

  13. ^ a b Audio commentary on "One Wonderful Day" with Marc Cherry and Larry Shaw. Desperate Housewives: The Complete First Season. [DVD]. Touchstone Pictures. Retrieved July 31, 2011.

  14. ^ "Listen to the Rain on the Roof". Larry Shaw (director), Marc Cherry (writer), Jeff Greenstein (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. September 24, 2006. Season 3, no. 1.

  15. ^ "It Takes Two". David Grossman (director), Kevin Murphy (writer), Jenna Bans (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. October 1, 2006. Season 3, no. 2.

  16. ^ "Like It Was". Larry Shaw (director), John Pardee (writer), Joey Murphy (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. October 15, 2006. Season 3, no. 4.

  17. ^ "Sweetheart, I Have to Confess". David Grossman, Dahvi Waller (writer), Josh Senter (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. October 29, 2006. Season 3, no. 6.

  18. ^ "The Miracle Song". Larry Shaw (director), Bob Daily (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. November 26, 2008. Season 3, no. 10.

  19. ^ "The Little Things You Do Together". David Grossman (director), Marc Cherry (writer), Joe Keenan (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. Season 3, ep. 15.

  20. ^ "Come Play Wiz Me". Larry Shaw (director), Valerie Ahern (writer), Christian McLaughlin (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. January 21, 2007. Season 3, no. 13.

  21. ^ "My Husband, the Pig". Larry Shaw (director), Brian A. Alexander (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. March 4, 2007. Season 3, no. 16.

  22. ^ "God, That's Good". Larry Shaw (director), Dahvi Waller (writer), Josh Senter (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. April 22, 2007. Season 3, no. 19.

  23. ^ "Gossip". Wendey Stanzler (director), John Pardee (writer), Joey Murphy (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. April 29, 2006. Season 3, no. 20.

  24. ^ Ausiello, Michael (June 7, 2006). "Can you tell us who...". TV Guide. Retrieved December 24, 2011.

  25. ^ Ausiello, Michael (July 20, 2006). "Major Lost, Desperate Spoilage!". TV Guide. Retrieved December 24, 2011.

  26. ^ Snierson, Dan (September 8, 2006). "Who's new on 'Desperate Housewives'". Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved December 24, 2011.

  27. ^ Desperate Housewives Episode 4.09 Something's Coming

  28. ^ Desperate Housewives Episode 4.05 Art Isn't Easy

  29. ^ Desperate Housewives Episode 4.10 Welcome to Kanagawa

  30. ^ "Free". David Grossman (director), Jeff Greenstein (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. May 18, 2008. Season 4, no. 17.

  31. ^ "Mirror, Mirror". David Grossman (director), Jeff Greenstein (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. October 26, 2008. Season 5, no. 5.

  32. ^ "You're Gonna Love Tomorrow". Larry Shaw (director), Marc Cherry (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. September 28, 2008. Season 5, no. 1.

  33. ^ "We're So Happy You're So Happy". David Grossman (director), Alexandra Cunningham (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. October 5, 2008. Season 5, no. 2.

  34. ^ "City on Fire". David Grossman (director), Bob Daily (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. November 16, 2008. Season 5, no. 8.

  35. ^ "Me and My Town". David Warren (director), Lori Kirkland Baker (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. November 30, 2008. Season 5, no. 9.

  36. ^ "Home is the Place". David Grossman (director), Jamie Gorenberg (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. January 4, 2010. Season 5, no. 11.

  37. ^ "Connect! Connect!". Ken Whittingham (director), Jordon Nardino (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. January 11, 2009. Season 5, no. 12.

  38. ^ "Marry Me a Little". Larry Shaw (director), Jason Ganzel (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. May 3, 2009. Season 5, no. 22.

  39. ^ Bruno, Mike (October 15, 2008). "Gale Harold of 'Desperate Housewives' injured in motorcycle accident". Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved December 24, 2011.

  40. ^ Dos Santos, Kristin. "Desperate Housewives Star Gale Harold Hospitalized". E! Online. Retrieved December 24, 2011.

  41. ^ Mitovich, Matt (October 16, 2008). "Gale Harold Now "Critical But Stable"; Housewives Begins Rewrites. TV Guide. Retrieved December 24, 2011.

  42. ^ Hochberger, Eric (April 2, 2009). "Desperate Housewives Spoilers: Gale Harold Back on May 3". TV Fanatic. Retrieved December 24, 2011.

  43. ^ Mitovich, Matt (January 8, 2009). "Exclusive: Housewives Hopes to Have Harold Back 'Very Soon'". TV Guide. Retrieved December 24, 2011.

  44. ^ "Gale Harold Returns To 'Housewives' Set Months After Near-Death Crash". Huffington Post. April 16, 2009. Retrieved December 24, 2011.

  45. ^ Roush, Matt (October 22, 2008). "Roush Review: The ABCs of Risky Second Chances". TV Guide. Retrieved December 24, 2011.

  46. ^ "ABC Medianet". ABC Medianet. 2010-09-03. Archived from the original on 2012-09-18. Retrieved 2013-01-17.

  47. ^ a b "Every Day a Little Death". David Grossman (director), Chris Black (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. January 16, 2005. Season 1, no. 12.

  48. ^ "We're Gonna Be All Right". David Grossman (director), Alexandra Cunningham (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. January 15, 2006. Season 2, no. 12.

  49. ^ "Silly People". Robert Duncan McNeill (director), Tom Spezialy (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. Season 2, no. 14.

  50. ^ "Thank You So Much". David Grossman (director), Dahvi Waller (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. February 19, 2006. Season 2, no. 15.

  51. ^ "There Is No Other Way". Bruce Zimmerman (director), Randy Zisk (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. March 12, 2006. Season 2, no. 16.

  52. ^ "Remember (Part I)". Larry Shaw (director), Marc Cherry (writer), Jenna Bans (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. May 21, 2006. Season 2, no. 23.

  53. ^ a b Touchstone Television, p. 86.

  54. ^ Montavon, Mindy. "Production Stills". Retrieved 7 August 2011.[permanent dead link]

  55. ^ Season 5 episode 4

  56. ^ "Excited and Scared". Jeff Greenstein (director, writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. October 31, 2010. Season 7, no. 6.

  57. ^ "Then I Really Got Scared". Larry Shaw (director), Valerie A. Brotski (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. May 8, 2011. Season 7, no. 21.

  58. ^ a b c Touchstone Television, p. 83.

  59. ^ a b "Children Will Listen". Larry Shaw (director), Kevin Murphy (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. April 10, 2005. Season 1, no. 18.

  60. ^ a b "Live Alone and Like It". Arlene Sanford (director), Jenna Bans (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. April 17, 2005. Season 1, no. 19.

  61. ^ a b "The Sun Won't Set". Stephen Cragg (director), Jenna Bans (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. November 20, 2005. Season 2, no. 8.

  62. ^ "Fear No More". Jeff Melman (director), Adam Barr (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. May 1, 2005. Season 1, no. 20.

  63. ^ "Where Do I Belong". David Grossman (director). David Schladweiler (writer). Desperate Housewives. ABC. January 9, 2011. Season 7, no. 12.

  64. ^ a b c Keck, William (April 7, 2005). "'Housewives' adds desperately klutzy mom". USA Today . Retrieved July 30, 2011.

  65. ^ a b Hodgman, Ann (April 18, 2005). "Straight Talk". Entertainment Weekly . Retrieved July 30, 2011.

  66. ^ Stransky, Tannter (January 9, 2011). "'Desperate Housewives' recap: Zach Attack". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved October 26, 2011.

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